Newest LOST Season 5 Promo ***Updated 12/3 NEW CLIP FROM S5!***S4 DVD 12/8 TOMORROW!!***

F Lost!, The Fray is back
. Nah...
, I only watch this show cuz I've invested so many hours in the $@$# - Iwant answers. I wanna know how it all ends...and that's the only thing keeping me watching this show. They pile on more questions than answers
I missed the last half of the last season, if someone could summarize what happend the end of last season that would be appreciated
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

If you haven't figured out the direction of the season...

Spoiler [+]
99% sure the island was looped back to the 70s, when the DHARMA Initiative came to the island. So, the characters left on the island will actually live through the history of the island, and that's how they'll start answering the mysteries

Speculation, but it's probably true. If you want to be blind going into the season, don't read, it's the consensus as to what happened...

This show is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Heroes and any other show. Anyone that says otherwise hasn't given Lost a chance, they just believe what they wanna believe. The detail, pace, characters, mysteries, allure, intrigue, etc. is crafted so much better than any episodic show I can think of
Spoiler [+]
Yeah thats what I was reading about this week and it seems really cool. Seeing the scenes doubling up is pretty sick. Like when Locke awakens at in the jungle like Jack in the pilot.
Notice in the promo the group is walking around the camp with no huts or anything. It will be SO DOPE to see Dharma in action.
I think this season will be all about answering questions, if the speculation of what's happening is right. Give it 1 or 2 episodes to setup the story.
Cannot wait. I have never invested as much of my own time or attention in a single show as much as I have this one. I cannot wait to see the resolution, butit's going to be a very sad/surreal day when it ends. Let's enjoy it while we have it.
Roboto have you seen the episode titles for the first few episodes? If the titles are anything with this season, it seems like things will get underway as soonas possible like you said.

108 days is on some real LOST @*%@ !
Man, that song really flows well with the promo.

Sayid on the golf course with the burner.

What's good with Juliet finding what looks to be the hatch.

I'm pretty sure thats not Sawyer at 1:33 but it did resemble him. I could be wrong... EDIT: def not
Whats good with that sig? Holllllller at me.

Theory on new spoilers! Just speculation...

Right , This is how I think It Goes Down:

Time on LOST seems to be a loop, the island is stuck in a place like the Burmuda Triangle.
The island can harness the power to shift itself through space and time to a special point in the islands history.
The island was at a certain point in time were certain events need to take place to keep the timeline correct, each member of the Losties has a key purpose in fate, the survivors have to reinact what happend in the past to course correct time.
You may ask why do these events need to happen in a certain way, I believe that to 'release' the island from the time/space disturbance the island must repeat its entire past until it reaches the point of when it got caught in the space/time Burmuda Triangle time thing.

Ever notices Locke Saying : "You're Not Supposed To Do This"

I believe he is aware of the time/space influx on the island and has already done what is about to happen. He knows what Jack needs to do, he trys to persuade Jack on what do, but he can't just make him do it for the fact he cannot physicaly remeber himself doing the same scene, he just has a feeling about it, his special powers?

Once Jack does what hes not supposed to do, he causes a rift in time, bad things start to happen, stange phenomenon, horrible deaths etc, but these are not noticed until years ahead on 'island time'.

When Bens daughter was killed I believe that this occurance was not ment to take place, she was ment to live.

Ben realises that the 'Rules Of Fate' have been broken and creating another rift in time and goes on a rampage knowing full well that time needs to be reset to fix the timeline again.

This then leads us to the frozen donkey wheel, time has been reset taking them back to a crucial point in time where they will reinact the same timeline to make sure that it is course corrected.

Seems pretty interesting eh?

I did not want to click on this thread because I knew it would get me hyped for Season 5. Now, January can't come quick enough. I will def. pick upSeason 4 to hold me over 'til then.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Whats good with that sig? Holllllller at me.

Theory on new spoilers! Just speculation...

Right , This is how I think It Goes Down:

Time on LOST seems to be a loop, the island is stuck in a place like the Burmuda Triangle.
The island can harness the power to shift itself through space and time to a special point in the islands history.
The island was at a certain point in time were certain events need to take place to keep the timeline correct, each member of the Losties has a key purpose in fate, the survivors have to reinact what happend in the past to course correct time.
You may ask why do these events need to happen in a certain way, I believe that to 'release' the island from the time/space disturbance the island must repeat its entire past until it reaches the point of when it got caught in the space/time Burmuda Triangle time thing.

Ever notices Locke Saying : "You're Not Supposed To Do This"

I believe he is aware of the time/space influx on the island and has already done what is about to happen. He knows what Jack needs to do, he trys to persuade Jack on what do, but he can't just make him do it for the fact he cannot physicaly remeber himself doing the same scene, he just has a feeling about it, his special powers?

Once Jack does what hes not supposed to do, he causes a rift in time, bad things start to happen, stange phenomenon, horrible deaths etc, but these are not noticed until years ahead on 'island time'.

When Bens daughter was killed I believe that this occurance was not ment to take place, she was ment to live.

Ben realises that the 'Rules Of Fate' have been broken and creating another rift in time and goes on a rampage knowing full well that time needs to be reset to fix the timeline again.

This then leads us to the frozen donkey wheel, time has been reset taking them back to a crucial point in time where they will reinact the same timeline to make sure that it is course corrected.

Seems pretty interesting eh?

interesting theory.....definitely makes sense.

thanks for the sig whywesteppin
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