News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

i thought the first one was done pretty well...

especially for what it was intended to do - show how the alien breed came to existence.

It showed this?

Weren't there images of the aliens (the sculptures and drawings) BEFORE we saw the albino alien pops out at the end of the film?

OMG Prometheus gave me such a headache thinking about it
i thought the first one was done pretty well...

especially for what it was intended to do - show how the alien breed came to existence.

It showed this?

Weren't there images of the aliens (the sculptures and drawings) BEFORE we saw the albino alien pops out at the end of the film?

OMG Prometheus gave me such a headache thinking about it
There was a mural of an Alien queen on the wall of the room with the black goo. So I was like wait...if the aliens were around how did were they just invented... Time travel. Watch the second film have time travel
In regards to Vin talking about crossing worlds, watch it just be Riddick making an appearance in a Marvel film. Being a Furyan, he is already stronger and faster and better than regular human beings. I could easily see Riddick being part of the GotG world.
Marvel got balls...

Disney Moves Up ANT-MAN's Release Date

It seems Disney have enough faith in Edgar Wright's Ant-Man to officially make it a Summer release. The flick was originally set for November 6, 2015, but now it will hit on July 31, 2015. The new date means it'll no longer face competition from Bond 24, but, it will find itself smack bang in the third week of Batman/Superman's run!
Avengers is much earlier. I think it's Spring, then Batman/Superman, and now after those Ant Man.

Them moving it up actually got me hype.

WB needs to pack it up if Ant Man out sells their blockbuster :lol: Cuz something as simple as the Avengers make a cameo in Ant Man will elevate it's importance.
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Really surprised with the Antman release date. Marvel must be confident with the film. And with that, have they casted Antman yet? And if they did, does the release date prove it's a big enough name actor to carry the film? We'll see.

(Not at all related with Antman) I was listening to an old Nerdist podcast with Joe Manganiello (great episode, total comic book/wrestling nerd). And he said the reason why he can't tackle any superhero films yet was due to True Blood filming schedule. He said he would like to do a superhero film and is a big fan of a particular comicbook. He also said he has spoken with the creators in starring in it. Since True Blood is reaching its end. Any idea what superhero franchise that is?

Punisher? Dardevil? My pick, just because he looks like them, would be either Hercules or The Savage Hawkman.
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It's either they are really, really confident in the film or they have major doubts it will sell well in November and might want to catch the summer box office even going against SvsBs release two weeks prior. I believe it is the latter because they would have gone head to head with Bond24 on Nov 6, 2015, which is coming off a scorching box office hit Skyfall. I think they feel they can snatch up some viewers who has already seen SvsB.

The only way the AntMan film is really going to be huge and take plenty of money from SvsB is if they lied and actually put AntMan in A2 and give it a big teaser for people to crave an AntMan film so bad so soon.
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(Not at all related with Antman) I was listening to an old Nerdist podcast with Joe Manganiello (great episode, total comic book/wrestling nerd). And he said the reason why he can't tackle any superhero films yet was due to True Blood filming schedule. He said he would like to do a superhero film and is a big fan of a particular comicbook. He also said he has spoken with the creators in starring in it. Since True Blood is reaching its end. Any idea what superhero franchise that is?

Punisher? Dardevil? My pick, just because he looks like them, would be either Hercules or The Savage Hawkman.

He was int he running to play Superman in Man of Steel and he couldn't finish his auditions because of his scheduling with TB so might be talking about that. Not sure how old that podcast was though.
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Avengers is much earlier. I think it's Spring, then Batman/Superman, and now after those Ant Man.

Them moving it up actually got me hype.

WB needs to pack it up if Ant Man out sells their blockbuster :lol: Cuz something as simple as the Avengers make a cameo in Ant Man will elevate it's importance.

oh no doubt ant man will have a bunch of cameos from avengers. they wouldnt have made it a summer release if it didnt
I do too and I like Edgar Wright and his films, even thought Scott Pilgrim was underrated but I am a bit wary of the rumors that AntMan might be more comedic especially with the rumored/joked casting of Simon Pegg. I think it has to have a bit of a serious tone considering it comes after A2 with just a sprinkle of humor here and there and out of all the 4 movies he has directed, I am not yet sure if he can move away from being too comedic, even if it is a bit of a dark comedy. Still excited to see what he comes up with though.
Those worked with the violence and R-rating though, it is also kind of a tongue in cheek type of film. AntMan is still a Disney film at the end of the day and has to work with a structure within that Marvel universe and make it fit within the puzzle so they really can't go overboard. I can see them going a la RDJ in IronMan to insert humor but that will rely mostly on the casting too.
I wish more comic book based movies were rated r... guess thats why i like comic movies like punisher, blade, spawn, kick ***, etc...

I Thought The Wolverine did well while still being pg 13
Wolverine Directors cut that promised more violence should be great.

Sadly, these films are all about making money and they would cut their box office in thirds if not quarter by making these films Rated R. I think that hurts merchandising big time too so we won't see it happen anytime soon.
I liked The Wolverine. I saw it twice in theaters. If there's an unrated Blu-ray with more action and the violence isn't edited out, it could be so much better. Wolverine is a character that shouldn't be censored. I don't like when Wolvie impales someone and they have a close-up of the faces and you just hear the claws.

I really liked The Punisher: War Zone. Don't care what anyone says. :lol:

No way Ant-Man was going to be able to take on the new Bond. I think I even posted this a while back when the news came out that they were going to open on the same day.
Hugh Jackman Reveals Wolverine Almost Had a Cameo in Spider-Man
by Spencer Perry
September 10, 2013
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Prevented by an uncommon issue...

It's long been a dream for fans that Marvel Studios films should at least attempt a cross over with Sony's Spider-Man and Fox's X-Men films. Even Hugh Jackman himself has spoken about wanting to appear on screen as Wolverine with Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man. The logistics of the studios letting this happen is a bit of a nightmare, but it did almost happen once apparently.

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Jackman mentioned that he almost had a cameo in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, but an uncommon issue prevented it.

"In the first "Spider-Man" -- Kevin Feige reminded me of this -- we really tried to get me to come on and do something, whether it was a gag or just to walk through the shot or something. The problem was, we couldn't find the suit. The suit was stuck in some thing. And so when they were in New York when I was there, we couldn't get it together. So, you know, I actually asked some high level people about it. Because the optimist in me goes, "Why not? Why can't we do it? You know, a split cast or whatever?" And someone reminded that the amount of money Fox paid compared to the amount of money Disney paid is very different [laughs]. So how you split that pie up? God knows. But in the comic books, what's great about it is they're just mashing together all the time -- and it's awesome. And people are like, "Yeah, well, let's get this one with that!" And, you know, I still think, one day, there may be an ability to do it."

Which Marvel characters do you want to see meet up on the big screen in the future? Sound off below!
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Not sure why not having the costume prevented him having a cameo. If he's not involved in an action scene then he could've just worn his civilian clothes (jeans, leather jacket).
I'm now really puzzled about A2's story now that ant man has been pushed up to release 2 months after A2. Wasn't A2 suppose to be apart of phase 3? Soooooo maybe....ultron's story isn't going to be as warped as we think
AntMan should still be Phase 3. Just because it comes out 2 months after A2 instead of 5 months doesn't mean he is part of Phase 2 all of a sudden.
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