News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Not sure why not having the costume prevented him having a cameo. If he's not involved in an action scene then he could've just worn his civilian clothes (jeans, leather jacket).
Yea agree, just like Punisher's (Thomas Jane) cameo in Spider-Man 2
AntMan should still be Phase 3. Just because it comes out 2 months after A2 instead of 5 months doesn't mean he is part of Phase 2 all of a sudden.

I know, but for marvel to release antman so soon after 2 has me really thinking about its story. Did marvel state that hank pym wouldn't be in A2 at all or just that antman wouldn't appear...
AntMan should still be Phase 3. Just because it comes out 2 months after A2 instead of 5 months doesn't mean he is part of Phase 2 all of a sudden.

I know, but for marvel to release antman so soon after 2 has me really thinking about its story. Did marvel state that hank pym wouldn't be in A2 at all or just that antman wouldn't appear...

Like I said earlier, the move is most likely so that they do not release the same day as Bond24 thus being crushed in the box office. The James Bond franchise is something you don't go toe to toe with these days, Skyfall made $1.1 Billion in the box office last year. Mendes and Craig are back. 2 weeks after SvsB and during the summer is a safer bet for it to make money.

I really do not see a big difference in 2 months or 5 months even if AntMan happens to be very relevant in A2, it really makes no difference in the story line/universe at all if it released early. If anything, they probably didn't think it'll do well as a stand alone film so it has to be pushed earlier to get some summer movie goers cash and while A2 is still fresh in their mind. Also keep in mind, GotG is releasing on practically the same timeframe, Aug 1, 2014, so it is also being released to capitalize on the summer movie goers. I mean they trust in Thor to make good money in November but these new, not as popular characters, they are still taking risks so those release dates are simply a safer bet.
I dunno tho, why not be safer and back Antman at least a week, like August 7th or something like that?

2 weeks into Supes/Bat is still dangerous waters, having that extra week makes sure the majority of people have made it to Supes and then you're free to make your money.

Makes me think Marvel is just tryin to pull shine off DC with this one.
Marvel/Disney has all these dates set and I don't think they could just release it at anytime. Plus they might have another Disney film that comes out 2 weeks after AntMan or another big blockbuster might be on the horizon. Is there a set date for SW VII yet?
Is there a set date for SW VII yet

Not yet. But you know they want a whole month cleared out for themselves. My guess would be June 2015 or August 2015. A2 is May, Bat/Supes is mid July, so I'm thinkin mid June, carries up and into 4th of July weekend up to the 17th which is Supes.

Somethin like that
June has Assasins Creed and Terminator 5 releasing. Those are no match for SW for sure but slotting it between those is still likely not ideal. Jul3 has Independence Day 2 as well and then the next Pirates film a week after that just before SvsB. It's going to be a very packed 2015 summer.

There is absolutely nothing for August release so far so I can see Disney aiming for that month.
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Has there been any new news on Amazing Spiderman 2? I've been looking but haven't seen or heard anything recently...
June has Assasins Creed and Terminator 5 releasing. Those are no match for SW for sure but slotting it between those is still likely not ideal. Jul3 has Independence Day 2 as well and then the next Pirates film a week after that just before SvsB. It's going to be a very packed 2015 summer.

There is absolutely nothing for August release so far so I can see Disney aiming for that month.

August has to be it then. You know they don't want anyone else around their slot.

But the prequels were all April/May releases I thought, hell the OG's were April I think.

Tradition release maybe????? April schedule lookin like????
April seems to early and not exactly summer. I think August would be perfect as kind of like the last film of the summer to close it off. This is still Disney we are talking about so we shall see.
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I was wrong, it's May

SW 5/25/77
ESB 5/21/80
RotJ 5/25/83
Ep 1 5/19/99
Ep 2 5/16/02
Ep 3 5/19/05

They're going to release in May. I know it's Disney now, but Kathleen Kennedy is close to George, I think she's trying to stay in the same lane.
Age of Ultron is May 1st so they'd have to release mid-month if they follow that route and it'll definitely affect A2s box office numbers.
Age of Ultron is May 1st so they'd have to release mid-month if they follow that route and it'll definitely affect A2s box office numbers.

May 22, 2015 is my guess then. That gives Avengers three full weekends and gives Star Wars opening weekend + Memorial Day weekend the next week.

Bottom line, Disney then OWNS May 2015 for 5 entire weekends. I gotta believe that's the date. Stays right in line with tradition as well.

They'll announce at some point, see how good our aim is. :lol:
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