News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Get Out Director Jordan Peele Could Make Akira Movie

The Tracking Board is now reporting that Warner Bros. Pictures. is actively courting Peele to take on their long-in-development adaptation of Katsuhiro Otomo’s Japanese manga Akira.

The last movement on the Akira movie happened in 2015 when Marco J. Ramirez, writer and co-showrunner of Marvel’s Daredevil Season 2, was attached to pen the script. The article points out that both Daniel Espinosa (Life) and David F. Sandberg (Lights Out) were also in the running to direct before Peele set the world on fire with Get Out, a hot button socio political horror movie dealing with race in America. Whether that racial sensitivity could help him navigate whitewashing controversies that have plagued Paramount’s Ghost in the Shell is a talking point, as current thinking dictates that any studio movie with a price tag in the $100 million+ arena has to have American stars. With its roots deeply in Japanese culture (the story takes place in “Neo-Tokyo”), it could take a filmmaker with the boldness of Peele to keep the main cast Japanese, or at least deal with the casting in a more sensitive way. However, with Ghost in the Shell tracking to open soft this weekend with an estimated $25 million (behind Boss Baby), Warners could get cold feet altogether on the Akira project.

The article speculates that Peele could also be in the running (pun intended) for The Flash, the biggest open assignment at the studio since Dope director Rick Famuyiwa flew the coop. With Akira‘s more cerebral nature and social commentary, it might be a better opportunity for Peele to flex his creative muscles than a DC superhero movie.
kingsman, I'm in

i know tarantino releases his movies in December, only movies i can think of
Sofia Boutella was captivating in the newest star trek movie. I'm lukewarm on the Mummy reboot though. I find it hard to care that it's coming.
Sofia Boutella was captivating in the newest star trek movie. I'm lukewarm on the Mummy reboot though. I find it hard to care that it's coming.

Yea.. I'm not hype at all about it

I hope it's good though
Looks like Gost in the Shell is going to open to 20 million this weekend. I guess ok the end it really wasn't worth it casting Johannsen and doing all the changes

Maybe Lucy was a fluke and Johannsen isn't as big a draw as people think
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