News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

translation " captain american was wack"

translation" u could barely tell i was doin megatrons voice"

captain america was one of the most disappointed movies ive seen. the only super hero movie that ive seen that disappointd me more was the wolverine origin movie


this movie sucked.i wonder has he seen it.
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I figured he didn't like how the movie turned out and similar to other actors that have to put all that extra **** for a role he didn't want to go through the makeup process again.

What's his name that played Hellboy complained about that. 5+ hours in a chair aint fun.
I figured he didn't like how the movie turned out and similar to other actors that have to put all that extra **** for a role he didn't want to go through the makeup process again.
What's his name that played Hellboy complained about that. 5+ hours in a chair aint fun.

yeah i remember they said jim carrey went insane in the grinch suit and would randomly tear off the head....said he felt suffocated...they had to bring in some army soldier to train him how to meditate and block it out. Hugo is no stranger to playing villains in huge scale blockbusters and prob wanted to keep his standard in the movies he is in from here till the end of his career. I'm sure on paper capt. america sounded amazing, but the end product was not to his liking. He still is signed on for more films, so it'll be interesting to see if he owns up to that or pulls a vinnie chase. My only gripe is weaving was so good that i don't see anyone else playing red skull and was looking forward to his return in some form.

Bettany acts like he has that sort of swag where he can say what he wants...he's wrong and i wouldn't be surprised if they just got jude law to do JARVIS after IM3.
most likely he will not do red skull again because of the makeup routine - like people above its 5 hours in chair for half a days work - over....and over....again.

Plus of course the makeup touches every hour of the day.

Although he did play an elf and a computer um....not sure
Mark Millar Talks X-Men: Days of Future Past

It seems Mark Millar is already hard at work as the creative consultant for Fox on their Marvel properties. He spoke with SFX magazine (via Total Film) about the upcoming X-Men: First Class sequel X-Men: Days of Future Past, and it sounds exciting.

"Vaughn is going for a big sci-fi style thing with X-Men: Days of Future Past," Millar said. "It's X-Men meets The Terminator, You've got robots, you've got time travel, you've got superheroes - it's got everything in one film."

So it sounds like those pesky Sentinels will finally be making their way to the big screen in more than just the Danger Room.

The film is currently slated to begin production in January of 2013 with a target release date of July 18, 2014.
maybe thats before he transform into his green skin and it'll look better afterwards :rolleyes
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The Wolverine will be set after X3.

The Wolverine is NOT a Prequel

In an interview with Empire, director James Mangold said that this film is not a prequel at all. "Where this film sits in the universe of the films is after them all," revealed Mangold. "Jean Grey is gone, most of the X-Men are disbanded or gone, so there’s a tremendous sense of isolation for him."

Now, there will be prequel elements in the film as we already know some scenes will take place in World War II, but after that it will presumably jump to the present day.

"That’s something that for me was very important, that I land in a very specific place in his timeline," says Mangold. "I wanted to be able to tell the story without the burden of handing it off to a film that already exists and having to conform to it. The ideas of immortality reign very heavily in this story and the burden of immortality weighs heavily on Logan. For me that’s such an interesting part of Logan’s character that is nearly impossible to explore if you have a kind of league or team movie."

And before you start to think of this movie as an action adventure, Mangold gave his two cents on its categorization: "Japanese noir picture with tentpole action in it."
well this is great

It looks like Matthew Vaughn has opted not to direct the sequel to his acclaimed X-Men: First Class.But that's just the tip of the iceberg on this one.

Deadline claims that Bryan Singer -- who directed the first two X-Men films and produced First Class -- is atop Fox's list to replace Vaughn, who will stay on to produce X-Men: Days of Future Past.

The site adds that Vaughn will direct a different comic book movie, The Secret Service, for Fox instead.

Fox needs to hire Vaughn's replacement soon so they can still meet the sequel's previously announced July 18, 2014 release date.

James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender,and Jennifer Lawrence are all contractually obligated to return for Days of Future Past.
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