Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

1. Ahh spending 30 mins on the internet find a guide they double checking against other guides to make sure you know what you're doing

2. Drop 600 plus for a capable machine not including monitor/mouse/keyboard/headset....Plus buy the wrong part and you get a bottleneck

3. 30 mins to an hour for assembly, 2 plus if you want to overclock

4. Another 10mins plus

5. Downloading gigs, another wait

6. Hope game doesn't crash, or needs a patch, or AMD/Nvdivia drivers update isn't ******g up the game

Stop lying to yourself B. It is not that simple

Last post on this subject. It actually is that easy, I wrote in my first post that Sony and M$ are taking advantage of your laziness and this seems to be case.

Are people oblivious to how PC's work in 2013?  I refuse to believe that. 3rd graders can do this. I haven't had a game crash or need a patch to work in at least 5 years. What are you even talking about? Seriously man... You simply download, install and play. I can't speak for every service but Steam does all the patching and driver checks for you. 


Your problem is that you think your experience applies to every one else.

All this happen in the last 12 months.

-Sim City's server issues
-Crysis 3's first level
-AMD drivers bricking games

So please shut up about PC gaming not having headaches. That is simply not true
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1. Ahh spending 30 mins on the internet find a guide they double checking against other guides to make sure you know what you're doing

2. Drop 600 plus for a capable machine not including monitor/mouse/keyboard/headset....Plus buy the wrong part and you get a bottleneck

3. 30 mins to an hour for assembly, 2 plus if you want to overclock

4. Another 10mins plus

5. Downloading gigs, another wait

6. Hope game doesn't crash, or needs a patch, or AMD/Nvdivia drivers update isn't ******g up the game

Stop lying to yourself B. It is not that simple

Last post on this subject. It actually is that easy, I wrote in my first post that Sony and M$ are taking advantage of your laziness and this seems to be case.

Are people oblivious to how PC's work in 2013?  I refuse to believe that. 3rd graders can do this. I haven't had a game crash or need a patch to work in at least 5 years. What are you even talking about? Seriously man... You simply download, install and play. I can't speak for every service but Steam does all the patching and driver checks for you. 


Your problem is that you think your experience applies to every one else.

All this happen in the last 12 months.

-Sim City online pass
-Crysis 3's first level
-AMD drivers bricking games

So please shut up about PC gaming not having headaches. That is simply not true
:nerd: on crysis 3 first level and amd bricking games????
So it was true all along you DO need a connection to play games. I gather the word Phil Harrison used was "permission", :rofl:, classic.
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So it was true all along you DO need a connection to play games. I gather the word Phil Harrison used was "permission", :rofl:, classic.

:smh: You of course spin it in to sound worst than it is.

You need a connection to authenticate the game, once that happens you can play it offline. You do't need to be actively connected.

It was a poor choice of words, when you read he comment in context it doesn't sound nearly as bad.

But yeah, the news overall still sounds bad.

And MS just sent word that none of this is set in stone yet
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man sim city and crysis three wasn't on the pc, that was on the developers so not really valid complaints....these things have happened on consoles too.  red rings, yellow 'rings', disc drives failing left and right, live gets hacked, sony gets hacked, yada yada.  so yea, pc's have hardware issues, drivers don't match up, it's getting increasingly more expensive to stay playin games on max and stuff but consoles have had just as many problems and you can't just go out and buy a new keyboard/hard drive/gfx card/ram stick when your console quits, you gotta go through all these hoops or just bite the bullet and buy a new one.  i think you're right - it's not just go out, buy parts and play simple for everybody.

also you don't have to necessarily be online (unless the developers decree that you do) but i read an article that stated that you have to at least connect once every 24 hours so...basically all the time.
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Your problem is that you think your experience applies to every one else.

All this happen in the last 12 months.

-Sim City online pass
-Crysis 3's first level
-AMD drivers bricking games

So please shut up about PC gaming not having headaches. That is simply not true

Sim City didn't have a online pass it was a completely online game(yea there was the mod but still)

I played through Crysis 3 no issues and I have a AMD card

AMD drivers bricking games? What?

Citation needed
MS now talking about they might have too many games to show at E3 and they might hold some back. :smh: :lol:

These ****** are really feeling themselves right now, for damn reason
Your problem is that you think your experience applies to every one else.

All this happen in the last 12 months.

-Sim City online pass
-Crysis 3's first level
-AMD drivers bricking games

So please shut up about PC gaming not having headaches. That is simply not true
Xbox 360 had a RRoD failure rate of over 54% at one point. There's no way you can defend that. That's besides the point though man. I'm a Console and PC gamer, that's why I urge people to get into PC gaming to really experience games at their fullest, not to talk down to them.   I realize to each their own though and I apologize for trying to get people out of their comfort zone.

My whole point was that if a game comes out for PC and consoles, the PC version is always the definite "experience", bar none. That's all. 

BTW, I don't think you've had to look for a driver to play a game since the 90's. The way you THINK PC gaming is really skewed and wrong. It is as simple as you don't think it is. 


Your problem is that you think your experience applies to every one else.

All this happen in the last 12 months.

-Sim City
-Crysis 3's first level
-AMD drivers bricking games

So please shut up about PC gaming not having headaches. That is simply not true

Sim City didn't have a online pass it was a completely online game(yea there was the mod but still)

I played through Crysis 3 no issues and I have a AMD card

AMD drivers bricking games? What?

Citation needed

I meant to say always online. The server issues with the latest release

Crysis 3's first level had a glitch where if the wind blew, at a certain point, the games frame frame rate would fall a lot.

"Bricking" was a wrong choice of words, they cause games to crash every time a new one comes out.
How do you know they will be profitable? The Wii-U is not selling at a profit currently.
Every Nintendo console with the exception of the Virtual Boy has been profitable. Yes Nintendo currently loses money on Every Wii U sold, but they make this back up with the purchase of one game. Like I said before the Wii U has a very good attach rate so Nintendo is in a good place with their console as long as consumers continue to purchase games for the system.

As far as sales go, that has been overblown. The sales have been slow but despite that they have still sold nearly 4 million systems in 6 months with no "must have" titles.

As for why they don't have support from third parties, isn't one of the main reasons due to their hardware? The Wii missed out because it wasn't powerful enough and the same thing is happening to the Wii-U. It's not even getting some PS3/360 ports not to talk of then XB1 and PS4 games.
Nintendo's "lack" of 3rd party support has very little to do with hardware.

The Wii U can run every major next generation engine including UR4 because it is scalable. Will the Wii U be weaker than the PS4/XBox One? Yes, but it will not be as big of a difference like it has been in the past. The reason it didn't get some of the 360/PS3 ports is because companies don't want to bring them over for economic reasons. They don't want to invest a lot of money in a system that has a small install based compared to current consoles.

Companies like EA are not developing games because they had a falling out with Nintendo. Once Nintendo has a larger install base more 3rd party games will come. With that said the Wii U is still being supported by most 3rd party publishers with some exceptions. It won't get every 3rd party game, but it should get the important one's like "Watchdogs", "Batman Arkam Origins", "Splinter Cell Black List", etc

They innovate but don't take care of the simple things. The Wii-U has a unique pad but no analog triggers, no ethernet port and no account system so games are tied to the console not your account. The 3DS has only one analog slider and you have to buy the an attachment to get the second slider. To me they should take care of the basics first. It's all well and good bringing new things to the table but tie your shoelaces first.
Every console comes out without some minor hiccups, but minimizing the big things is something Nintendo consistently does. Nintendo always puts out quality products and you never have to worry about red rings of death/ yellow lights with Nintendo systems.

Not having an Ethernet port or analog triggers won't make or break the system. As far as fixing the details Nintendo has been doing just that with their software updates. It loads games quicker and has significantly less load times. You can purchase an Ethernet adapter if you need to use that as well.

Speaking of Nintendo innovating, they've copied just like Sony and MS. They GCE vectrex had an analog stick before Nintendo but who knows about them.
Go here and see what else they copied
I'm quite sure Nintendo wasn't the first to do everything but they are the ones who perfect them by executing them into game play. That is what I mean when I say they innovate. You don't have to invent something in order for you to be innovative. 3D has been around for years, but Nintendo is the only game company to do it RIGHT. This is what makes the 3DS innovative
Your problem is that you think your experience applies to every one else.

All this happen in the last 12 months.

-Sim City online pass

-Crysis 3's first level

-AMD drivers bricking games

So please shut up about PC gaming not having headaches. That is simply not true


Xbox 360 had a RRoD failure rate of over 54% at one point. There's no way you can defend that. That's besides the point though man. I'm a Console and PC gamer, that's why I urge people to get into PC gaming to really experience games at their fullest, not to talk down to them.  I realize to each their own though and I apologize for trying to get people out of their comfort zone.

My whole point was that if a game comes out for PC and consoles, the PC version is always the definite "experience", bar none. That's all. 

BTW, I don't think you've had to look for a driver to play a game since the 90's. The way you THINK PC gaming is really skewed and wrong. It is as simple as you don't think it is. 




View media item 421919

I'm trying to point out that PC gaming is not a pain free as you make it out to be

You trying to argue that it is PC gaming is better than console gaming.

Another thing you are glossing over is that a lot of AAA games don't release at the same time as PC. Yeah you get the definitive version, a couple weeks to months later. :lol:

And for you to really experience the "definitive" version of a PC game, you gotta have a $1500+ rig. Another thing you conveniently leave out.

But once again you will probably act like I'm saying console gaming is better and ignore my points.
:smh: You of course spin it in to sound worst than it is.

You need a connection to authenticate the game, once that happens you can play it offline. You do't need to be actively connected.

It was a poor choice of words, when you read he comment in context it doesn't sound nearly as bad.

But yeah, the news overall still sounds bad.

And MS just sent word that none of this is set in stone yet

You realize how many rural gamers this will ostracize? Insane. I should buy stock in Hughes Net.
:smh: You of course spin it in to sound worst than it is.

You need a connection to authenticate the game, once that happens you can play it offline. You do't need to be actively connected.

It was a poor choice of words, when you read he comment in context it doesn't sound nearly as bad.

But yeah, the news overall still sounds bad.

And MS just sent word that none of this is set in stone yet

You realize how many rural gamers this will ostracize? Insane. I should buy stock in Hughes Net.

Brah I don't like this **** either. I fact I hate it

But MS probably got tons of analyst telling them that this will probably be the more profitable move.

Engineers used to run the show at MS, now MBAs do. And this is the ****** results :smh:
:smh: You of course spin it in to sound worst than it is.

You need a connection to authenticate the game, once that happens you can play it offline. You do't need to be actively connected.

It was a poor choice of words, when you read he comment in context it doesn't sound nearly as bad.

But yeah, the news overall still sounds bad.

And MS just sent word that none of this is set in stone yet

You realize how many rural gamers this will ostracize? Insane. I should buy stock in Hughes Net.

Not that many.

And Microsoft doesn't care. They aren't making a profit off rural gamers who don't have internet access and don't use xbox live. They make all their money on xbox lives subscriptions, codes, advertisements, promotions, etc. Why would they care if some people out in the boondocks who they don't make any money from after initial purchase can't access it? ...

The key to any successful business is to cater towards the majority of revenue generating customers. Not the outliers.
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Not that many.

And Microsoft doesn't care. They aren't making a profit off rural gamers who don't have internet access and don't use xbox live. They make all their money on xbox lives subscriptions, codes, advertisements, promotions, etc. Why would they care if some people out in the boondocks who they don't make any money from after initial purchase can't access it? ...

The key to any successful business is to cater towards the majority of revenue generating customers. Not the outliers.

They may not care, but this is a population that will be buying a PS4 now.
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i own a ps3 and 360 (that crapped out on me)

went into this with an open mind

the gesture functions and capabilities as a media center were actually dope and isn't anything to hate on. the same people saying they wouldn't use those things will definitely do so if they cop (assuming they have cable, netflix, a bluray player, etc.)

the rest of the presentation was embarrassingly poor
i think i'm done buying video game consoles

all i want to do with my xbox is play games on it. i dont need to video chat with people while i'm watching tv. they've crippled the most important part of a video game console.

unless they show some crazy gameplay footage i'm sitting this round out

i wish i could say that from now on i'll play pc games, but ******g EA sports and 2K have been pulling their support for PC sports games...
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Just watched the xbox reveal.

ps4 looking like the king as of now.

As various others have already stated, xbox is about that "all in one" life, while ps4 bout dem gamez.

M$ trolling hard as hell with that console name, xbox won. .... outta here.

I'm calling it the xbox 720.

Great the gimmick that is kinnect is now part of the system. I gotta do a cheer routine just to start up my xbox and play a game?

Now I feel bad for making fun of dudes who were on the cheer leading squad. jk I never did that

The kinnect will most def be on while the system is "off". It'll be sending video feeds to microsoft employees so they can laugh at us for purchasing wasting our money on their system.

No but seriously, I'm not impressed by the next gen. I don't feel the need to get rid of my current system as I did when the current gen came out how many ever years ago.

Supposedly the xbox 720 recognizes your own voice so those tweets about kinnect were kind of off.

I'm liking this new trend of what makes things "exclusive" is that said exclusive thing is on one console before another console.

da ....?
I really hope that MS would have added buttons to the controller. Either two more face buttons of back pedals (like Scuff gaming).

I really feeling that lack of dedicated buttons make some games a pain. For example Crysis and Splinter Cell.
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