Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

So why didn't they just show the system then if it was being played off of the PS4?

I like how you're willing to take Sony's word that was off of a PS4, it wasn't though it was off of a computer with similar capabilites, they didn't have the system ready and finalized yet.
do you know anything about development?  nothing about either console is finalized and devs certainly arent working on them, do you think activision is?

i bet you think that that COD footage was actually running on the xbox one and not on a devkit

again, why was there a live stat update for the heat game???

care to take a guess whats inside Guerrilla Games devkit "computer" for killzone?
its the Liverpool APU, you know the processors that will be in the ps4
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So why didn't they just show the system then if it was being played off of the PS4?

I like how you're willing to take Sony's word that was off of a PS4, it wasn't though it was off of a computer with similar capabilites, they didn't have the system ready and finalized yet.

Don't forget COD is made first for Xbox then ported to Playstation so why wouldn't one be led to believe it wasn't running off of One hardware? The truth is I don't know for sure just like you don't know that was actually PS4 hardware you know what you're going to have to do... wait until E3 for both companies to show off what their systems can do. And like I said it doesn't matter what M$ does they can blow Sony out the water you'll be in the thread talking down on M$ presentation and praising Sony's.

So why didn't they just show the system then if it was being played off of the PS4?

Who knows. The simplest explanation would be they haven't designed the console casing yet, and it was just the inside parts of console with a dummy shell over it. If they are waiting until the end to bother design the outside, that's fine with me, since they are focusing everything else first. If they were just holding back to show it at E3 then w/e. If they were running it on a computer its basically the same thing, since consoles nowadays are basically non-upgradable computers anyways.
Sooo by them not offering backwards compatibility and [more importantly] without you playing a SINGLE Xbox One game, you've got their entire business strategy for the next generation of gaming all figured out? ok, you got it chief
Neither system has backwards compatibility dummy! It's an irrelevant point to complain about

Your reading comprehension skills bro...they're bad
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dude has mentioned how sony didnt reveal the console at the console reveal more times than the xbox press conference said the words TV and Televison
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Maybe I'm the only person in the world that thinks that neglecting an 8 year old library of games isn't good. Or maybe I'm the only person naive enough to think Microsoft wont make all those older titles downloadable and make us pay to play those older titles. Smh the wiiU is slowly winning
im done, this dude is convinced that the One is finalized and actually running games

No I'm done with you that's why I stopped replying because you're going off from what you initially started condemning M$ about now you're just trying to save face with bringing up some other stuff.

im done, this dude is convinced that the One is finalized and actually running games

He's a fanboy. It's nothing you can say to dudes like that to convince them to go against Xbox. He throws a couple negative things in there to try to hide it :lol:

Don't really care for either system... I would say I'm a Zelda fanboy that's my ride or die.

You're the one that has yet to list any negative thing about Sony.

You bring nothing to the conversation you just throw rocks, hide your hands, and run and hit the report button when you get put in your place.

Carry on little fellow I'm sure the Wii thread is somewhere around here that better fits your age and mentality you're not luring me into your trap again.
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Maybe I'm the only person in the world that thinks that neglecting an 8 year old library of games isn't good. Or maybe I'm the only person naive enough to think Microsoft wont make all those older titles downloadable and make us pay to play those older titles. Smh the wiiU is slowly winning
nah, A LOT of people are upset about whats happened... ps fans and xbox fans are upset at the drop of BC on both systems
heres my negative bruh
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After the Xbox One was unveiled, news hit that each game would be tied to your user account when you purchase it. You can only play it on your Xbox One…

…unless you pay some sort of fee. Want to bring the game to a friend’s house and play it on their Xbox One? There will be a fee. Want to buy a used Xbox One game and play it on your home system? There will be a fee.

We now know the full extent of that fee, thanks to an interview between Kotaku and Microsoft Corporate Vice President Phil Harrison. The fee for buying used games or borrowing one from a friend? The full cost of the game.

If it’s $59.99 at retail for the game, you’ll pay $59.99 in order to activate it. That’s on top of whatever you paid the seller of the game.

Harrison points to a solution, though. Microsoft will offer some sort of trade program for users who want to ditch their old games for new ones. What that means and how it works remains to be seen.

Am I the only one really bummed out by this decision? I save a lot of money buying my games used. What about when the Xbox One is 20 years old and we’re trying to buy games on the secondhand market? Will we even be able to activate them then?

What do you think of this news?

Update: As per Microsoft’s Major Nelson, there’s a slight bit of good news here. You can bring a game over to your friend’s house and play on their console for free if you log in with your user account. If they want to borrow it and play on their own, however, they’ll need to pay the fee.

Update #2: As of 9:06pm EST, Microsoft appears to be issuing conflicting statements. The new word? The things they’ve talked about today after the show are all “potential scenarios.” That’s right. Hypotheticals.

Here’s the quote they served Polygon:

“While Phil [Harrison] discussed many potential scenarios around games on Xbox One, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail…”

My take? Harrison let news slip that wasn’t ready for the masses, and now Microsoft is playing damage control. Major Nelson’s update further suggests that fees exist because he clarifies that we won’t incur them when using our accounts on other consoles.

Here’s what I know for sure: a company needs to deliver a consistent message across the board on the day of a major unveiling.
Digital foundry, xbox one is officially 33% weaker than PS4

Spec Analysis: Xbox One
Is PlayStation 4 really more powerful?

As a core gamer, it's difficult not to be frustrated by the manner of yesterday's Xbox reveal. Microsoft set out to champion its innovative platform, its vision for multimedia and a renewed focus on making Kinect relevant again as a convincing alternative to the traditional remote. But we wanted to know about the new generation of gaming and the approach in revealing Xbox One titles via trailers with no single identifiable example of actual live gameplay was an enormous error in judgement. The problem is that next-gen trailers look no different to current-gen trailers - so there was no groundbreaking innovation, no authenticity and therefore no buzz. Even the promising Call of Duty: Ghosts reveal - perhaps the closest thing we had to actual gameplay - was in-engine footage apparently running on Xbox One hardware. Yet there were no assurances that this was actually real-time, or that this would be the actual quality of the game we will be playing in November.

There was a similar level of inscrutability about the actual specs of the Xbox One hardware too. In the presentation itself, Microsoft talked in broad strokes about the internals of the box - eight CPU cores, 8GB of (non-descript) RAM, multi-channel 802.11n WiFi, and a Blu-ray drive. But the only new information we had that hadn't previously leaked was the inclusion of a 500GB hard drive and a five billion transistor count for the main processor. Gaming specs like the CPU clock-speed, the type of RAM, the make-up of the graphics core - all the most controversial elements of the leaked information, in other words - were ignored. The cynical may suggest that highlighting this would do Xbox One no favours in comparison to the PlayStation 4, while the Microsoft faithful could perhaps hold out hope that the more disappointing elements of the previous leaks were outright wrong.

A follow-up architecture panel hosted by Microsoft's Larry Hyrb soon put paid to the latter, more optimistic appraisal of the situation. Very early on it was established that ESRAM is indeed incorporated into the Xbox One design - essentially a large, very fast cache of embedded memory attached to the GPU and CPU that helps to make up the bandwidth deficit inherent in using slower memory. So even without direct confirmation, we now knew that the 8GB of memory in Xbox One is indeed DDR3 as opposed to the bandwidth-rich GDDR5 found in the PlayStation 4 (and Wired's internal photography of the One confirms 2133MHz DDR3 Micron modules). Xbox One may well have a latency advantage over PS4 and power consumption will probably be lower, but GPU bandwidth - a key element in graphics performance - is indeed more limited on the Microsoft hardware.

In terms of the GPU hardware, hard information was difficult to come by, but one of the engineers did let slip with a significant stat - 768 operations per clock. We know that both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are based on Radeon GCN architecture and we also know that each compute unit is capable of 64 operations per clock. So, again through a process of extrapolation from the drip-feed of hard facts, the make-up of the One's GPU is confirmed - 12 compute units each capable of 64 ops/clock gives us the 768 total revealed by Microsoft and thus, by extension, the 1.2 teraflop graphics core. So that's another tick on the Durango leaked spec that has been transposed across to the final Xbox One architecture and the proof we need that PlayStation 4's 18 CU graphics core has 50 per cent more raw power than the GPU in the new Microsoft console. Now, bearing in mind that we fully expect PlayStation 4 and Xbox One to launch at similar price-points, how did this disparity come about?

The answer to that comes down to a specific gamble Sony made that Microsoft could not - the utilisation of a unified pool of GDDR5 memory. In the early days of PS4 development, only 2GB of this type of memory looked viable for a consumer-level device. As higher density modules became available, this was duly upgraded to 4GB. By the time of the reveal back in February, Sony had confidence that it could secure volume of 512MB modules and surprised everyone (even developers) by announcing that PS4 would ship with 8GB of unified GDDR5 RAM. The design of its surrounding architecture would not need to change throughout this process - one set of 16 GDDR5 chips would simply be swapped out for another.

Microsoft never had the luxury of this moving target. With multimedia such a core focus for its hardware, it set out to support 8GB of RAM from day one (at the time giving it a huge advantage over the early PS4 target RAM spec) and with serious volume of next-gen DDR4 unattainable in the time window, it zeroed in on supporting DDR3 and doing whatever was necessary to make that work on a console. The result is a complex architecture - 32MB of ESRAM is added to the processor die, along with "data move engines" to courier information around the system as quickly as possible with bespoke encode/decode hardware to alleviate common bottlenecks. Bottom line: if you're wondering why Xbox One has a weaker GPU than PlayStation 4, it's because both platform holders have similar silicon budgets for the main processor - Sony has used the die-space for additional compute units and ROPs (32 vs. 16 in One), while Microsoft has budgeted for ESRAM and data move engines instead. From the Xbox perspective, it's just unfortunate for Microsoft that Sony's gamble paid off - right up until the wire, it was confident of shipping with twice the amount of RAM as PlayStation 4.

Read more here
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dude has mentioned how sony didnt reveal the console at the console reveal more times than the xbox press conference said the words TV and Televison

I'm just bringing to the attention to these Sony loyalists that had that been M$ pulled a move like forget it the Interwebz would have shut down... at least M$ showed up and showed out. Might have not been to everyone's liking but they came out and said what they said were going to do not pussyfoot around anything.

Would you go see the new Superman movie if he was blurred out in every scene and think it's okay or go to watch a Heat game and they keep LeBron on the bench or something.

Notice how come you didn't say how many times these dudes mentioned... but but they didn't show games or they only talked about TV.
eh we're all fanboys of one sort or another.  i think it's pretty universal that there are a lot of cons right now with the X1.  Who cares though, at the end of the day Microsoft now has the knowledge that this lockdown/fake DRM stuff isn't really gonna fly with their fans (something tells me they HAD to know this) and they'll make it right way before actual release.
eh we're all fanboys of one sort or another.  i think it's pretty universal that there are a lot of cons right now with the X1.  Who cares though, at the end of the day Microsoft now has the knowledge that this lockdown/fake DRM stuff isn't really gonna fly with their fans (something tells me they HAD to know this) and they'll make it right way before actual release.
its possible... unless their "exclusive" relationship with EA is banking on it

who do you think wants these activations fees more than anyone?
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I mostly play COD and Halo and GTA and I have a Live membership until 2019 so I'm kind of stuck buying the One unless I can sell my gamertag with the Live subscription or something.

View media item 422797

Suddenly, all your posts in here now make sense.

Domski if you go back and look at the other posts I prefer Xobx for FPS's but the PS for all other games... I just like the Xbox controller for FPS shooters.

The Live till 2019 was a scheme that got out of control and I ended up with like 15 years of Live membership.

I would still buy a PS4 for like $250 just like I would a X1 for $299... so I ain't leaving my 360 for now because I know both will be nowhere near those prices.
i'm probably in the minority, but i'm am most excited about the media capabilites.  I only play a handful of games, and I use the 360 a lot 
for movies and things.


According to so many of the detractors in here, people like you don't exist.

Sooo by them not offering backwards compatibility and [more importantly] without you playing a SINGLE Xbox One game, you've got their entire business strategy for the next generation of gaming all figured out? ok, you got it chief

He didn't mention **** about the ps4 son. He's saying the main drawback is that there's no backwards compatibility which I agree.

Neither system has backwards compatibility dummy! It's an irrelevant point to complain about
So we can't complain about a system not having a feature just because neither of them will?

the selective reading of Sony fanboys in here is hilarious :lol:
No I'm done with you that's why I stopped replying because you're going off from what you initially started condemning M$ about now you're just trying to save face with bringing up some other stuff.
Don't really care for either system... I would say I'm a Zelda fanboy that's my ride or die.

You're the one that has yet to list any negative thing about Sony.

You bring nothing to the conversation you just throw rocks, hide your hands, and run and hit the report button when you get put in your place.

Carry on little fellow I'm sure the Wii thread is somewhere around here that better fits your age and mentality you're not luring me into your trap again.

I haven't mentioned Sony because we are not in the Sony thread. I watched that conference yesterday excited just like I'm sure you did. But I left disappointed. And unlike you I'm not going to be fooled by M$.

I will say this though. It's obvious the M$ rushed a conference of any kind. Because Sony did theirs.

I expect things to be better at E3 for M$ tho. Because I think that's where they really intended to "reveal" everything.

But things really aren't looking good right now. I went from getting it. To now I honestly don't know.

And I will say this. Watching Sons conference it felt like they listened to the fans and the devs. And learned from their mistakes.

While M$ is being cocky thinking people are going to buy whatever they put out. You can tell that from that " deal with it" response we got a couple months back. I don't like that.
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So we can't complain about a system not having a feature just because neither of them will?

you can, but you just sound dumb when neither of these companies even hinted at 100% backwards compatibility on the new consoles

this aint like the old Sega/Nintendo days where cartridges for previous systems could easily fit into the next console.

these are computers with different chipsets (usually made by a DIFFERENT supplier every generation). no PS3 unit is 100% backwards compatible with the PS2 & no Xbox 360 unit is 100% backwards compatible with the original Xbox. I didn't see you fools complaining then, so why start now? :smh:
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