Next Gen Xbox Reveal Confirmed for May 21

i'm probably in the minority, but i'm am most excited about the media capabilites.  I only play a handful of games, and I use the 360 a lot 

for movies and things.  I'm supposed to be getting these new Comcast boxes installed tomorrow and the interface looks a lot

like the one in the pictures from the reveal and the Comcast boxes are called X1 also, I wonder if/how they'll work together


i'm probably in the minority, but i'm am most excited about the media capabilites.  I only play a handful of games, and I use the 360 a lot 
for movies and things.  I'm supposed to be getting these new Comcast boxes installed tomorrow and the interface looks a lot
like the one in the pictures from the reveal and the Comcast boxes are called X1 also, I wonder if/how they'll work together


wait what?? thats the new comcast guide?? do i have to call to get the new box?? is it free???
Microsoft might have lost the arms race with this. The biggest disappointment to me is not even the fact that you are charged if you put a used disc into the system (smh) but the fact that they are choosing to neglect the huge library the Xbox 360 established by making the Xbox one not backwards compatible. I mean wow. I'm shocked. And while Sony and Microsoft are trying to secure their fan base Nintendo is keeping quiet. New Mario kart anyone?
Microsoft has also confirmed that the built-in 500GB hard drive is non-replaceable, but if you think that’s not enough storage space for you, you can also plug in your very own USB 3.0 external drive to play games off – and don’t forget about the cloud storage that Microsoft has promised.
i'm probably in the minority, but i'm am most excited about the media capabilites.  I only play a handful of games, and I use the 360 a lot 
for movies and things.  I'm supposed to be getting these new Comcast boxes installed tomorrow and the interface looks a lot
like the one in the pictures from the reveal and the Comcast boxes are called X1 also, I wonder if/how they'll work together
wait what?? thats the new comcast guide?? do i have to call to get the new box?? is it free???
Yeah, if you're an existing customer you have to call and ask for it if they've been release in your area.  

I think you also have to be triple play customer (i don't know if that's true in all areas or for new customers though)

I think the price of the non-dvr boxes is a few cents more than what you already pay for the regular non-dvr boxes, and the DVR boxes are a few bucks more than the existing DVR.  So you might see an increase of a few dollars on your bill depending on how many  you need.

You can control it with gestures like the kinect feature too

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PS4 isnt backward compatible either, although they said it could be a possibility down the road using Gaikai.

Still, chances are pretty high you wont be playing your PS3 games on it at launch.
was there a internet browser on the 360? I never updated mines after a while so i'm not sure if they added it on afterwards.
The biggest disappointment to me is not even the fact that you are charged if you put a used disc into the system (smh) but the fact that they are choosing to neglect the huge library the Xbox 360 established by making the Xbox one not backwards compatible. I mean wow. I'm shocked.

stop spreading false information :smh:

PS4 isn't backwards compatible out the box either...what is your point again? :lol:
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Yea I wont be getting this. Too many cons for me personally and I dont care about the multimedia elements that it has. If ps4 doesnt impress at E3 I'll just build another gaming rig.
It doens't matter what M$ did you would have negative things to say even if they showed Jesus Christ himself embracing it with your bias. If M$ would have pulled the nonsense Sony did and not even show the system oh forget it you dudes wouldn't shut up about that, but Sony does it it's okay and not an issue even though it's a console reveal the main reason for a console reveal is to reveal the console not the controller.


why you so defensive bruh?  because of the reaction that microsoft is getting all over the internet?  are you upset that sony didnt mention television 50 times?

other than a quick mention of netflix on sony's conference, try and remember what the WHOLE sony conference was about

heres a hint, it begins with a G_____  ... or is that no the what consoles are about anymore?  cause all i saw watch a bunch of watching, not playing, WATCHING

why you getting so worked up over something as superficial as how the console looks?  is that what youre going to be touching every time you play it?  or is it the

dont know about yall but ive been gaming since the NES days and what i saw was embarrassing

Bruh, you're saying I'm being defensive of M$ after I listed negatives about the Xbox One. Since I've ever seen you in these threads you have never listed anything negative about Sony.

I went in the Sony thread yesterday and you guys won't even mention Xbox as the competition you guys just say "yeah that X related thing or the other guys" and you have the nerve to ask me if I'm worked up over something superficial :rofl:

Like I said Sony held a console reveal and never showed the console you guys don't even know if the games they showed were running off of the PS4, which is wasn't it was running off of a computer with similar capabilities as a PS4, and had M$ did that you would have been all over them not showing the console at a console reveal. They did show off a game COD: Ghosts by the way with in game footage running off of the Xbox One.

Just like you're salivating waiting for Sony to show the rest of their hand at E3 so is M$, but you're poking at them for not showing games for the console but find it alright Sony didn't even show a console for a console reveal. I do care what it looks like and so does many other's but how it looks isn't going to be the selling point, well for some maybe, but I expect a company to show a system for a console reveal and not pussyfoot around it.

You quick to point out that M$ didn't show games, which they did COD: Ghosts, but let Sony slide on not showing a console for a console reveal. It doesn't matter what happens at E3 because you will never be happy with whatever they put out, but will hype up any and everything that Sony puts out.

I don't care how much bad press M$ gets at the end of the day I will buy whatever suits me best with M$ or Sony.
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Honestly, the whole thing just looks like a huge focus group right now. They threw out a bunch of ideas yesterday and are going to figure out which ones will lose them the most money and they will change those things. And people will be happy.

With all the backing off of some of the things in the conference its pretty obvious that this wasnt the final product. Sony and Microsoft dont really want to make the systems backwards compatible because it costs them more to produce it and people will just buy the $60 previous gen version of the games that come out for a year or so rather than the next gen versions and they will lose money that way as well. But if people ***** enough they are going to include it at the end of the day.

This was a clear marketing tactic. To get expectations low. Then they make the necessary changes (to whatever the consumer is *****ing about the most) and that will be the final product. More than likely the "always online" will go away as will paying fees for used games (which already seems to be going away)

Like I said yesterday. Im not going to make my decision on what console im going with till like a couple weeks before release anyways. So right now its kind of pointless to argue since neither of the consoles are in final production model stage anyways.

Kinect, which is one of the major negatives will be kept in. As long as Kinect is required the xbox one will be garbage.

They could have opted to include a freaking SSD instead of wasting resources on Kinect. They paid the nfl 400 million for an exclusive contract to watch different camera angles during games :smh: :x

If they can afford garbage like Kinect, NFL contracts, paying for Spielberg's name, and useless exclusive DLC they could have afforded an SSD or maybe just up the regular hard drive to 1 terabyte. Maybe they could have used better tech and not something that a 2010 PC can probably outperform.

stop spreading false information :smh:

PS4 isn't backwards compatible out the box either...what is your point again? :lol:

Where did I at all mention the PS4 being backwards compatible? No? I didn't? Oh ok

My point being that the Xbox 360 had a great library of games and its a shame that you'll have to keep your 360 to continue to play them.

Sony fanboys coming in here wanting to correct people. Go play God of war
My point being that the Xbox 360 had a great library of games and its a shame that you'll have to keep your 360 to continue to play them

which is the same thing PS4 owners are going to have to do if they wanna keep playing their library of PS3 games. yet again, WHAT IS YOUR POINT? lol
I'm a PS fan so I'm sure there is some unconscious bias here but nothing about the X1 does it for me. I think the interface navigation is pretty sick and the way you can switch between sources is very well implemented but in regard to the next-gen console war I don't care much about entertainment. Don't get me wrong, the more features the better but the problem is (from what we know right now) they've lost sight of the main objective; next-gen gaming. It seems, in fact, that gaming is what they talked about the LEAST. I don't know. But at this point I'm almost certainly going with the PS4 over the X1. 

If they really want to one-up the X1 they'd keep PSN free of charge. 
which is the same thing PS4 owners are going to have to do if they wanna keep playing their library of PS3 games. yet again, WHAT IS YOUR POINT? lol

You quick to point out that M$ didn't show games, which they did COD: Ghosts, but let Sony slide on not showing a console for a console reveal. It doesn't matter what happens at E3 because you will never be happy with whatever they put out, but will hype up any and everything that Sony puts out.
i like how youre willing to just take activisions word for a bunch of pre-recorded footage but completely ignore the guy playing killzone live on stage with a DS who actually uploaded the actual footage to facebook as soon as he was done playing using that Share button on the DS4

but its all good, a box just sat there and did nothing

i bet you think everything was actually running off that xbox on stage too huh???  why were there  "live stat updates" for the heat game?
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All of this info is making me just want to say screw it. There's so much arguing about info already :x
My point being that the Xbox 360 had a great library of games and its a shame that you'll have to keep your 360 to continue to play them

which is the same thing PS4 owners are going to have to do if they wanna keep playing their library of PS3 games. yet again, WHAT IS YOUR POINT? lol
He didn't mention **** about the ps4 son. He's saying the main drawback is that there's no backwards compatibility which I agree. This has nothing to do with ps3 ps4 ps2 .
Sit dowm.
You quick to point out that M$ didn't show games, which they did COD: Ghosts, but let Sony slide on not showing a console for a console reveal. It doesn't matter what happens at E3 because you will never be happy with whatever they put out, but will hype up any and everything that Sony puts out.

i like how youre willing to just take activisions word for a bunch of pre-recorded footage but completely ignore the guy playing killzone live on stage with a DS who actually uploaded the actual footage to facebook as soon as he was done playing using that Share button on the DS4

but its all good, a box just sat there and did nothing

So why didn't they just show the system then if it was being played off of the PS4?

I like how you're willing to take Sony's word that was off of a PS4, it wasn't though it was off of a computer with similar capabilites, they didn't have the system ready and finalized yet.

Don't forget COD is made first for Xbox then ported to Playstation so why wouldn't one be led to believe it wasn't running off of One hardware? The truth is I don't know for sure just like you don't know that was actually PS4 hardware you know what you're going to have to do... wait until E3 for both companies to show off what their systems can do. And like I said it doesn't matter what M$ does they can blow Sony out the water you'll be in the thread talking down on M$ presentation and praising Sony's.

Sooo by them not offering backwards compatibility and [more importantly] without you playing a SINGLE Xbox One game, you've got their entire business strategy for the next generation of gaming all figured out? ok, you got it chief

He didn't mention **** about the ps4 son. He's saying the main drawback is that there's no backwards compatibility which I agree.

Neither system has backwards compatibility dummy! It's an irrelevant point to complain about
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