Next "Superstar" to be confirmed a Fraud


 2006 27 BOS AL 147  569  100  159  42  2  13   72   5  2  91 120  .279  .381  .429  106  244   0  11   0   9  12 2007 28 BOS AL 145  528   85  152  35  2  16   83   4  2  77 105  .288  .390  .453  117  239   0   5   0  15   9 2008 29 BOS AL 145  538   91  168  43  4  29  115   3  5  62 108  .312  .390  .569  143  306   0   9   7  12  1
Originally Posted by DublBagn

He said that if he had to estimate, he would guess that 80% of ALL PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES have
used performance enhancing drugs in some way shape or form.


DublBagn wrote: and can you blame them, even if you get caught 3 or 4 years into your career you still make a ton of money....the reasons to cheat far out way the reasons not
to....sad to believe...


If that's the way you look at it I don't know what to say.
I took a BS class one semester called sports ethics or the ethics of sports ( I cant remember which) and my prof was an former Olympic athlete (power lifter if I remember correctly), now he teaches and trains pro athletes. He said that if he had to estimate, he would guess that 80% of ALL PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES have used performance enhancing drugs in some way shape or form.
Canseco said that during this whole steroid era, at any point in time, roughly 85% of MLBers were 'roiding up.
Originally Posted by JRose5

I was right too, I knew A-!+! was a big fraud. He'll never be in the Hall of Fame.

I want them to test that other fraud Jeter too.


Originally Posted by dro 44

Carlos Delgado
I don't think so.

His swing is just
Originally Posted by SonOfTony

randy johnson?! dude was ALWAYS tall and lanky
Word...I don't think Randy took 'roids.

Brady Anderson HAS to be on there.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I just really hope 2... no, 3... names never, EVER come anywhere close to accusations. Those names on the list, what is it, 130 MLBers? 103 names? Whatever the number is of confirmed juicers is, I hope that there are 3 names that aren't on it, and that never, EVER come out of the mouths of those 'in the know' (like Canseco, who is still batting 1.000% on this issue, no matter how big of a brainless doofus he is).

- Ken Griffey, Jr.
- Chipper Jones
- Tony Gwynn

If one of those 3 names is on that list of names... if one of those 3 is named by a credible source...
If Tony's name comes up, my heart will literally be broken. My childhood, shattered.
speaking of Tony Gwynn...his daughter is so damn fine....she used to race bmx (i used to too)...i think she's into mountain biking now though
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by DublBagn

He said that if he had to estimate, he would guess that 80% of ALL PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES have
used performance enhancing drugs in some way shape or form.


DublBagn wrote: and can you blame them, even if you get caught 3 or 4 years into your career you still make a ton of money....the reasons to cheat far out way the reasons not
to....sad to believe...


If that's the way you look at it I don't know what to say.
Like I said its sad but take an above average college player that gets drafted that would normally be in the league for 8 solid years,you add the roids and he has the abilities to become great that last for 16 high paying years....

now take an average guy who came become above average and you can now see why guys would rather roid and get paid to be all stars rather than make less and sitthe bench......

I dont agree with it, but we have to deal with it....
Originally Posted by RetroBaller

safe to say my favorite player didnt juice

and whats with the white background or is that just me?

Dude def. juiced. All of the Killer B's did, he was shooting up with bags before games probably. I don't know if Derek Bell did though, he was kind oflanky.
Gotta say, just because a dude is "chubby" or "skinny" does not mean he isn't on something....All these dudes are under suspicion. Wellexcept Greg Maddux.
Originally Posted by dro 44

Alright NT...My roommate and I have been talking about this all day. Pujols is obvious. Here's a few that I believe were on that "Steve Lattimer"

Milton Bradley
wasnt He already named in the mitchell report?
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Originally Posted by RetroBaller

safe to say my favorite player didnt juice

and whats with the white background or is that just me?

Dude def. juiced. All of the Killer B's did, he was shooting up with bags before games probably. I don't know if Derek Bell did though, he was kind of lanky.
Derek Bell was more into the white powder "roids" that you sniff.

*I also agree w. dude who posted Javy Lopez...dude had a career revival in 03', when he hit 43 bombs in 129 games
I've said this for a couple years now, as much as it pains me because he is a generally nice guy, but Derek Lee.

Kid hit 46 and was a triple crown threat in 05 I think it was, maybe 06, and even with the hand injury, he can barely hit the ball in the air anymore.
I'd have to say that no one is close to the impact of A-Rod or Barry Bonds being is sad to me.
I really hope Chipper Jones' name doesn't appear on the list . . .

I'd feel numb as a ATL Braves fan . . .
Originally Posted by DEpast

I really hope Chipper Jones' name doesn't appear on the list . . .

I'd feel numb as a ATL Braves fan . . .

I don't think Chipper did. One of the few. I don't think Piazza did either.
Originally Posted by SingleDigitJsOnly

Youk! Youk! Youk! Youk!
the score would still be like 15-1 yanks

although, i'll spot you lowell, nomar, and tek
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