NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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They need to develop some sort of knee brace that's lightweight, and doesn't alter one's stride when running to protect from knee injuries.
NFL settled their concussion lawsuit and they got away with highway robbery. Straight no vaseline.

-170k per plaintiff (that's before lawyer fees). League made 9B last season. They're going to dish out just 765M.

-Settlement doesn't have to be paid immediately

-Settlement cannot be considered an admission of liability that injuries were caused by football.
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9 billion in one year, and they use 10% of that ONE YEAR amount, to pay off the players for life. :lol

50% over the first 3 years, and 17 years to pay the other 50%. :lol

170Kish per player. :lol

The NFL just walked into the club and made it rain with 5 dollar bills and walked out and that's all the players will ever get now. :lol

Welp, so much for the players having any sort of backbone. Just like the CBA, the players always take it in the shorts. :{
:lol come on now EVERYONE was high on Curry. Bottom line these mock drafts and predictions are wrong almost just as many times they're right.

Edit: Mel is garbage though :lol

I would honestly love to listen to a podcast with Simmons or someone where they just talked Kiper through players he got wrong.

Not even to see him look bad or anything, just because it would be interesting to talk about how guys like Gallery, or Curry, or AJ Hawk are supposed to have all the tools and be guaranteed pro bowlers and go so wrong without injuries.

Was he wrong in the first place? Did they change after reaching the league?

Curry was just straight up not good enough to play in the NFL.
They need to develop some sort of knee brace that's lightweight, and doesn't alter one's stride when running to protect from knee injuries.

Kind of impossible.

NFL settled their concussion lawsuit and they got away with highway robbery. Straight no vaseline.

-170k per plaintiff (that's before lawyer fees). League made 9B last season. They're going to dish out just 765M.
-Settlement doesn't have to be paid immediately
-Settlement cannot be considered an admission of liability that injuries were caused by football.

A lot of that money is suppose to go to the players now. The settlement means nothing to the league, although its gonna hurt active players.
Man I remember I was pissed when the hawks got tj whosyourmama because I wanted them to draft Crabtree and that meant there was no shot and we would more than likely get curry.

When you play football you understand how much of a violent and dangerous game it is.

I'm indifferent about that pay out

Yup. I don't think they deserve anything. You know exactly what you're signing up for. If you don't want to get hurt, find another job. Take that 765 mil and lower the prices of seats, merchandise and the football package.
Man I remember I was pissed when the hawks got tj whosyourmama because I wanted them to draft Crabtree and that meant there was no shot and we would more than likely get curry.
TJ also sucked it up for us
Yup. I don't think they deserve anything. You know exactly what you're signing up for. If you don't want to get hurt, find another job. Take that 765 mil and lower the prices of seats, merchandise and the football package.
Personally, for the value of MY entertainment, I'd rather watch a game that is smarter about safety.  And millions of other people feel the same way.  
Although people do know about the risks of the game, medicine and concussions in general was looked at differently when many of these guys played. That in itself lends merit to their lawsuit.
The way technology advances, there will probably be a special helmet or brace to protect against injuries.
The way technology advances, there will probably be a special helmet or brace to protect against injuries.

no helmet they're gonna make is gonna stop concussions.

a concussion happens when your brain slams against the side of your skull. adding protection to the outside of your skull ain't saving your brain.
^^ technology is incredible. someone will figure it out and make one. lets just hope its before the players have flags tied around their waists
what sort of technology is anyone going to implement that creates a cushion between the brain and the inside walls of the human skull?
what sort of technology is anyone going to implement that creates a cushion between the brain and the inside walls of the human skull?

i can tell you right away i am not a damn scientists. but if was to guess i would think something that takes all the force away from the hit so it would in turn basically be like a goth head banging at a concert
Never realized the Falcons logo is supposed to be an "F" this whole time.
Just like it took me years to realize that this logo:

actually is an M-B for Milwaukee Brewers and not just a glove. 
Mind Blown.


In other news...Jerry gonna Jones.
ARLINGTON – Some wonder if Jerry Jones is slowing down. He’s 70 years old. But the Cowboys owner insists he is as mentally sharp as he was when he bought the team in 1989. A recent visit to the doctor convinced him he has the perspicacity of someone nearly half his age.

“I’ve been told that I have, by CAT Scans, that it’s like the brain of a 40-year-old,” Jones crowed. “…The guy really did not know it was me. I was there anonymously. He said, ‘And so I just wanted to come down. I saw your chart. I know how old you are. That part is really impressive.’”

Whether Jones’ claim will reassure fans who have seen the Cowboys win two playoff games in the last 17 seasons is uncertain. But Jones remains confident in his abilities to manage an organization that has failed to earn a Super Bowl title since January 1996.

“I know more about what I’m doing than hopefully I did 25 years ago,” he said, referring to the time he entered the NFL as an owner.

Jones’ comments came, of course, one day after his son, Stephen, the team’s executive vice president, declared, “We’re convinced we’ve got the secret sauce to put this thing back together again and win championships.”

By promoting Jerry’s 40-year-old brain and Stephen’s secret sauce this week, the Jones Family seems to think the Cowboys have what it takes to return to glory. They and everyone else will soon find out if they’re right.

70 is the new 40.
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:rollin :rollin at Leinart. Dude is terrible
Ted Ginn is having a nice pre season, eagles have a 6-7 receiver :eek
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