NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Sooooooooooooo lets wait until the end of the game to pass the ball..... Great playcalling
Minnesota with the upset of the week. :wow:

Whats going on with Josh Freeman, dude has been playing like garbage.
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Crazy hit on Romo,can't question his toughness

The defense won us the game

:lol: @ Troy Aikman on that last Doug Martin run....

Yea, I thought he might be knocked out when they showed the replay & he had his eyes closed...

Sanchez bringing the Jets back late in the 4th quarter, you go boy!!!

Damn, Lions tying it up...

Good win for the Vikes. Christian Ponder proving he can ball! Coach Frazier, I see you dude!!! Happy for 651AKATHEPAUL especially since he had to rep that Eagle sig all week....
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