NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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Joe Lombardi said we can expect Calvin Johnson to move around a lot this year. Inside and outside and motion.
He also looks slow out there. LBs and DLine are outrunning him. His throws aren't accurate and can't read the defenses.
He was never really able to outrun them at the college level either. 

Manziel is probably running more option now in Cleveland than he ever did at A&M.  Besides a lil bit of speed option, A&M didn't run a whole lot of option plays.  Most of JFF's yards on the ground came from scrambling and QB draws.  

Shanahan needs to dump all the option plays out of the playbook. 
The Ravens are about to have a defensive revival though. I'm really high on Matt Elam, CJ, and Timmy being the building blocks of the future. Wouldn't be surprised if they showed out this year.
Don't get me wrong Ravens are my team and all but the secondary in its current state is horrible , if we can add some pieces or get our key guys healthy in Webbie and Smith then I would put us in the scary column
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You pay Watt whatever he wants.

He's the best defensive player in the league.

100% agree. Don't even bs in the slightest.

Lol@ Pitt nd bmore having top ten defenses.

NFC west has taken the crown for the best defensive division. Those bmore vs Pitt games will always hold a special place in my heart tho.
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Despite the fact that Baltimore and Pitt still finish in the Top 10 in defensive numbers, what's funny about them being Top 10 defenses? Baltimore reloaded with young talent in the past few drafts. Pitt retooling their LBs too and adding Tuitt.
pitt should be in fine shape this year. heard shazier is impressing and ready to make an impact.
A former NFL referee told The Washington Post that he requested not to work home or away games for the Washington ******** due to the team's controversial nickname.

Mike Carey, who retired after the 2013 season following 24 years in the league, says he requested off Washington's games beginning with the 2006 season because it became clear to him that "something disrespectful" was happening and being on the field "probably (was) not the best thing for me."

"Human beings take social stances," Carey, the first African-American referee to work a Super Bowl, told the newspaper. "And if you're respectful of all human beings, you have to decide what you're going to do and why you're going to do it.

Mike Carey
George Gojkovich/Getty Images
Longtime NFL referee Mike Carey said "even if I didn't have Native American friends, the name of the team is disrespectful."
"In America we've learned that respect is the most important thing that you have. I learned it from my parents, my schools, from my faith. And when you learn there's something that might not be as respectful as you like, when you come to terms with it, you have to do something about it."

"I know that if a team had a derogatory name for African-Americans, I would help those who helped extinguish that name. I have quite a few friends who are Native Americans. And even if I didn't have Native American friends, the name of the team is disrespectful."

According to the Post's research, Carey didn't work any ******** games -- preseason, regular season or playoffs -- after Week 1 of the 2006 season.

"The league respectfully honored my request not to officiate Washington," he said.

Carey said he made the request with the person in the league office who handles officiating assignments, never going through NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

"When they were making assignments, I said I'd like to be excluded from those assignments," Carey told the Post.

At the time, Carey said that he asked that the matter be kept private. He added that he wasn't sure if Goodell, ******** owner Daniel Snyder or any other members of Washington's team knew of his preference.

Contacted by the Post, neither an NFL official nor the team said they were informed of Carey's request. The official noted that scheduling for officiating crews works around "many factors."

The Post, citing research done on, reported that Carey officiated a total of seven games involving the ******** since 1999 -- when official logs were first kept. His last game involving the team was in the 2006 playoffs, when he ejected Sean Taylor for spitting in the face of a Tampa Bay Buccaneers player during a Washington victory.

Carey said no one knew about his desire not to work ******** games after that aside from his family, his work crew and the person in the league office who did the scheduling.

"There was no reason to tell anyone," he told the Post. "I made sure I didn't have anybody else involved."

The ******** nickname, seen by some as disparaging to Native Americans, has been a source of controversy for some time while escalating in recent months.

Snyder told ESPN's "Outside the Lines" earlier this month that he is adamant he doesn't have to bow to pressure to change the nickname, insisting it's a term of honor and respect.

Carey disagrees -- and is hopeful Snyder will see it his way one day, too.

"I think sometimes evolution is slow for some people," he said. "But where else in America do you see that, though, the refusal to change? From Stanford on down, most everybody has changed from a derogatory name to one that is acceptable."
It's times like these that I ask myself, 'what can I do to help facilitate the end of the Washington ********?'
I wish they would just change the ******* name already. It will happen. I just don't want to hear about this **** for the next 10 years until they finally do

Although I look forward to Snyder hiring more Native Americans to dress up in that gear and pretend to be pals. It's disgusting.
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Mike Ditka thinks differently...

Former Bears coach and current ESPN analyst Mike Ditka isn't one to pull punches often. He certainly didn't when asked about his opinion of the ******** name controversy.

Ditka, as transcribed by Seth Allen of the Washington Post, told ******* during an interview he thinks any debate about the name is "so stupid it's appalling."

“What's all the stink over the ******* name?” Ditka said. “It's so much [expletive] it's incredible. We're going to let the liberals of the world run this world. It was said out of reverence, out of pride to the American Indian. Even though it was called a *******, what are you going to call them, a Brownskin?

"This is so stupid it's appalling, and I hope that owner keeps fighting for it and never changes it, because the ******** are part of an American football history, and it should never be anything but the Washington ********. That's the way it is."

Ditka is a notorious conservative; he recently said he regrets not running for Senate because it would've prevented the President from being in office.

It's not surprising he doesn't want the name changed or that he doesn't want the name changed because it's been that way "since the beginning of football."

“Its been the name of the team since the beginning of football," Ditka said. "It has nothing to do with something that happened lately, or something that somebody dreamed up. This was the name, period. Leave it alone. These people are silly -- asinine, actually, in my opinion."

Ditka then took his boldest stance of all, saying he "I admire" Skins owner Dan Snyder.

“I admire him for it,” Ditka said. “Really, I think it's tradition, it's history, it's part of the National Football League. It was about Sammy Baugh and all the guys who were ******** way back then. I didn't think that Lombardi and Halas never had a problem with it, why would all these other idiots have a problem with the name? I'm sorry.

"I'm not very tolerant when it comes to the liberals who complain about everything.”
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