NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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I don't go to places with bouncers. Not sure what that says about me
Depending on where you live at, I don't think it says much about you except that you avoid downtown areas possibly
Right with you

If I can't get a seat at the bar and enjoy good brews and sports drama free then it's not for me
To watch sports, I usually avoid the public like the plague

Now if I'm looking to club, 9/10 times it's at a place with bouncers
You dont learn while sitting
How does this even make sense

There have been plenty of successful QB's who haven't started right away. Do you think they simply weren't "learning while sitting"
Mike Evans bought 6 bottles in that ****** club though!!!

Looks like his boy in the red threw the first punch at a bouncer which started the brawl. Evans needs to learn from this though, he was all running around and everything what happens if he gets hurt doing that kind of ****, could tear an ACL or break an ankle. Just straight up stupid.
It's kinda obvious at this point that he's the only rookie qb that DOESNT need to do that right now.

I agree but, no rush either. This season for them is about improving and learning to win for different parts of the team, not the final result.
Week 1 tix bought :pimp:

Looking for a repeat of last seasons game :nerd:

View media item 1147152
This will be my first time going with a big crew to properly tailgate. What's everyone favorite go-to move for tailgating?
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As long as the line is ok and he doesn't suffer from the David Carr effect, I have no problem with starting him
Tell me what QB that was drafted as the 1st QB in the draft and not start right away in the season aside from being hurt...
I'm not sure what that has to do with the topic, again, when you don't play do you think a QB just sits back and stays stagnant. You can learn every day in the film room, practices, meetings.. You don't have to play to learn

As for what you're asking now, this QB class really didn't have that prospect who popped out since day 1. Between Bortles, Teddy and J. Football, nobody was really clamoring. Don't think it would be such a shame for Bortles not to start right away, especially considering the situation he's in
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Tell me what QB that was drafted as the 1st QB in the draft and not start right away in the season aside from being hurt...

I'm not sure what that has to do with the topic, again, when you don't play do you think a QB just sits back and stays stagnant. You can learn every day in the film room, practices, meetings.. You don't have to play to learn

As for what you're asking now, this QB class really didn't have that prospect who popped out since day 1. Between Bortles, Teddy and J. Football, nobody was really clamoring. Don't think it would be such a shame for Bortles not to start right away, especially considering the situation he's in

My point exactly they not winning with chad henne so what difference does it make....Hes the most ready rook QB right now.
My point exactly they not winning with chad henne so what difference does it make....Hes the most ready rook QB right now.
What I was asking before, how is Jacksonville's line? The one thing that worries me is exposing Bortles to excessive hits, which IMO could have long lasting effects.

I'm not advocating one way or the other but I do believe not starting right away isn't so bad for his development.
My point exactly they not winning with chad henne so what difference does it make....Hes the most ready rook QB right now.

What I was asking before, how is Jacksonville's line? The one thing that worries me is exposing Bortles to excessive hits, which IMO could have long lasting effects.

I'm not advocating one way or the other but I do believe not starting right away isn't so bad for his development.

The Line seems fine with 1st string so far havent heard anything otherwise as well...Have yall been watching jags gms so far?
My point exactly they not winning with chad henne so what difference does it make....Hes the most ready rook QB right now.

What I was asking before, how is Jacksonville's line? The one thing that worries me is exposing Bortles to excessive hits, which IMO could have long lasting effects.

I'm not advocating one way or the other but I do believe not starting right away isn't so bad for his development.

The Line seems fine with 1st string so far havent heard anything otherwise as well...Have yall been watching jags gms so far?

i'm sure they'd like to test that line out with Henne in there for regular season games first. especially with the Texans defensive line in division :lol:

half srs
Just confirmed Raji tore his biceps from a league source. Fear is it's season-ending
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