NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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That Cowboys O-Line, bruh :x All of those guys younger than 25, I think.... :smh: Jones & Co. ain't messing around.

And as it was stated a while back Wins > character.

NFL will say one thing to the public, but behind closed doors...we all know the deal.
NT dad's club is growing :pimp:

You don't even have the vehicle anymore :lol: (mind blown)

Yeah :lol:

I bought it because my 370Z wasn't gonna cut it in the winter so I needed something for snow. Everything is gone except my A5, moving back to the city eventually and even having a car is a pain in the *** in Philly. Garage spot is like $350 minimum :x
@ProFootballTalk: Hold onto your watermelons, there's a report that DeflateGate punishments could come today

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4 games,$1M fine imo. Back in time for the Colts :nerd:.

Watch Jimmy G flourish :smokin
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@ProFootballTalk: Hold onto your watermelons, there's a report that DeflateGate punishments could come today

Thread is about to get poppin

I honestly think nothing will happen. I also think this is a really stupid thing... good timing by the NFL, NBA playoffs on... Hockey playoffs on... people are talking about deflated balls in the NFL. Well done.

If a team was better than the Patriots they would have beaten them, end of story. [/COLOR]
I'm curious to see how Brady handles this though. Does he own it, deny further, pin it on the equipment guys, release his own report :nerd:
I'm curious to see how Brady handles this though. Does he own it, deny further, pin it on the equipment guys, release his own report :nerd:

At this point,the damage to his rep has already been done in the public eye so he might as well own it if he was complicit but I'm fully expecting his team to go down swinging and fight it if he does get games.
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