NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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Thought Tom was better than this. I guess not. Just accept your punishment like a man, no reason to throw a tantrum and blame everyone else. Straight ***** move.
Thought Tom was better than this. I guess not. Just accept your punishment like a man, no reason to throw a tantrum and blame everyone else. Straight ***** move.

:lol: @ tantrum and blaming others. who is he blaming? they're clearly trying to say that they did not deflate balls under the limit. they're doing a poor job of it, but that's what they're saying. ain't no one blaming anyone :lol:
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Thought Tom was better than this. I guess not. Just accept your punishment like a man, no reason to throw a tantrum and blame everyone else. Straight ***** move.
@ tantrum and blaming others. who is he blaming? they're clearly trying to say that they did not deflate balls under the limit. they're doing a poor job of it, but that's what they're saying. ain't no one blaming anyone
This and I don't think I've ever seen a player just lay down and take his punishment when they have the option to appeal 
Thought Tom was better than this. I guess not. Just accept your punishment like a man, no reason to throw a tantrum and blame everyone else. Straight ***** move.

:lol: @ tantrum and blaming others. who is he blaming? they're clearly trying to say that they did not deflate balls under the limit. they're doing a poor job of it, but that's what they're saying. ain't no one blaming anyone :lol:
This and I don't think I've ever seen a player just lay down and take his punishment when they have the option to appeal :lol:  

No problem with him doing a normal appeal. Assembling OJ's team and having this bogus report written up. That report is insulting to anyone with common sense. Insulting to the fans, the equipment crew and Vincent and his people that handled the investigation.

The guy was trying to lose weight? Why is he talking about pumping up balls for Tom? Swapping gear? Texting with concern.

If you cheat, be prepared to accept the punishment if you get caught.
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No one gives a **** about anything else now.

When you make up some BS and use weight loss as the reason for the nickname "The Deflator"... the rest of the report is moot. :lol:
Thought Tom was better than this. I guess not. Just accept your punishment like a man, no reason to throw a tantrum and blame everyone else. Straight ***** move.

I actually expecting him to act this way... He's been pampered in the league since that first SB.
No one gives a **** about anything else now.

When you make up some BS and use weight loss as the reason for the nickname "The Deflator"... the rest of the report is moot. :lol:

let's be honest though. to 99% of people in this thread, anything we said would be moot before it's even read. it's why you have people in here claiming that brady is throwing tantrums and blaming others when that's nowhere near the case. people see excerpts that go up on twitter or this thread and think they have the whole picture.

i'm in NO WAY saying this deflator crap is legit, don't get me wrong. but it really never even mattered what we put in our side of the story. no one was believing it regardless. we could have a text message from Brady saying, "make sure the balls are right at the lower limit" and no one would believe it :lol:
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