NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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Patriots spent millions of dollars on top notch attorneys to validate the term deflator used once in an exchange of text messages between two goofballs.

The NFL spent millions of dollars on top notch investigators to conclude after 4 months that Brady was probably generally aware of deflation.

But the NFL got it right and the Patriots are just reaching.
Someone gets it. :pimp:

"The problems with relying on text messages to derive meaning are well known. They do not convey tone of voice. They are not well-suited for humor or sarcasm. Shorthand expressions or terms routinely used by those sending texts to each other may not be understood or appreciated."

Bruce Irvin clearly gives no damns
Absolutely none.

1. What was your first AIM screen name?

Gronk: ChickMagnet4Lyfe. [We cannot confirm spelling.]

OBJ: I can't remember, something with my initials at the beginning.

2. If you could have a dinner party and invite any three famous people (living or deceased), who would you invite?

Gronk: Pamela Anderson, Drake and Jay Z.

OBJ: Michael Jackson, Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali.

3. What is your spirit animal?

Gronk: A dinosaur.

OBJ: Lion.

4. Favorite ice cream flavor?

Gronk: Cookies and cream -- specifically of the milkshake variety.

OBJ: Butter pecan.

5. Who is your favorite member of the Kardashian family?

Gronk: Kourtney.

OBJ: Kim.

6. What is your favorite romantic movie?

Gronk: "50 First Dates."

OBJ: "Lady and the Tramp."

7. Who is your style icon?

Gronk: LMFAO.

OBJ: Myself.

8. Who is your favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?

Gronk: Donatello.

OBJ: Michelangelo.

9. If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?

Gronk: Insanity. I also do the Insanity workouts.

OBJ: Unique.

10. What song really gets you hyped right now?

Gronk: "Summer" by Calvin Harris.

OBJ: Anything by Future, he's killing it right now.

ChickMagnet4Lyfe :lol:
Pamela Anderson, Drake and Jay Z :lol:
Insanity workouts :pimp:
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Patriots spent millions of dollars on top notch attorneys to validate the term deflator used once in an exchange of text messages between two goofballs.

The NFL spent millions of dollars on top notch investigators to conclude after 4 months that Brady was probably generally aware of deflation.

But the NFL got it right and the Patriots are just reaching.

Racking up those billable hours :smokin
Someone gets it. :pimp:

"The problems with relying on text messages to derive meaning are well known. They do not convey tone of voice. They are not well-suited for humor or sarcasm. Shorthand expressions or terms routinely used by those sending texts to each other may not be understood or appreciated."


Damn, you really showed the world. Everyone should now know and understand that the term "The Deflator" is in regards to weight loss. I remember the first time I did P90X and they talked about deflating fat. Or when I went to the gym and my personal trainer put me on the DeflateDiet. This clearly isn't a case of deflection or stupidity but not understanding text messages!

Thank you for clearing that up. Which member of the New England Patriots legal team are you?
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:smh: Just take the fine already New England...damn. I'm cryin' reading these explanations :lol:

I mean the lawyer who wrote this really thinks we're idiots...If the NFL had reached any of these conclusions they'd have been destroyed. Give it up Pats...that hole only gets deeper
[COLOR=#red]*waits to see what jokes will be stolen and used "as their own" in here*

the excerpts are funny and ridiculous and all. the main point of the rebuttal though:

"There is no evidence that Tom Brady preferred footballs that were lower than 12.5 psi and no evidence anyone even thought that he did," the team said.

The rebuttal also states that the Wells report dismissed "scientific explanations for the natural loss of psi" in the footballs by rejecting referee Walt Anderson's memory of which air gauge he used to measure them. The Patriots included a "scientific conclusion" by former Nobel Prize winner Roderick MacKinnon that contested the report's findings.
People don't believe in global warming, evolution, or many other things that are proven by science, either. What makes you think they'll believe 'natural loss of PSI'?
Damn, you really showed the world. Everyone should now know and understand that the term "The Deflator" is in regards to weight loss. I remember the first time I did P90X and they talked about deflating fat. Or when I went to the gym and my personal trainer put me on the DeflateDiet. This clearly isn't a case of deflection or stupidity but not understanding text messages!

Thank you for clearing that up. Which member of the New England Patriots legal team are you?


Damb bruh, I wasn't even going at you like that :lol:
This is what I want to happen.

Goodell calls a press conference.

"I've seen the tapes Kraft, and I destroyed them"

*drops mic*

Patriots accept punishment and get ready for season. :lol:

That's the only conclusion I want.
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