NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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I don't see why pats fans get worked up.. aint like this is college (or the Olympics) and they'll take championships away (or medals in the case of the Olympics)
Wut. You're the PETA guy, right?
as in "people for the ethical treatment of animals"?

I love my dogs, but ummm I wouldn't call myself the "peta guy".. I have said on numerous occasions that I felt dirty rooting for Michael vick and was glad he is no longer a member of the team

also cant wait until riley cooper is cut.. which will either happen this year or next
Nah homie, PETA as in "saving and protecting the lives of eagles and ducks". What you spent most of this offseason doing.

I actually agree with your larger point because I've always felt most of these intangible things are arbitrary as hell anyway. Which is why I don't engage in them often. Pointless discussions IMO, for the most part. 

But it just looks funny when you're the one telling another fanbase not to get worked up over trivial ****. 
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So, he’s used picks to work on the line, he hasn’t invested multiple first round picks in his Oline, ala Dallas, but he’s used 5 picks in three years. As well as surrounding Luck with as many weapons as possible. But Ali Marpet (or some other Olineman at that point) somehow changes the entire dynamic of this group? (sorry I said Marist over Hobart, I get confused which never heard of school he went to

Really, his only true egregious mistake is Trent Richardson. And at the time, we all thought Richardson playin with Luck would make for a devastating duo. We just didn’t know Trent was limited to 2 yards per carry for life.

(I didn’t have time to go back and see who they’ve pulled via Free Agency, outside of Andre and Gore.)
I was going go through and post all his draft picks.. since he has only done a couple draft (2012-now)

and I cant knock his 1st draft, it made sense.. you take two TEs right after luck to give him security blankets (and you had the pats example)

and even if you and people (I never got why the browns took him that high) thought he would be a devastating duo with luck, nothing about what he had done warrants a 1st round pick be trading for him (and also how easy it was to find RBs outside of the 1st)

I keep repeating the bjoern pick as another example of a head scratching move.. grigson traded away jerry hughes, who actually would have worked as a 3-4 OLB (and was being misplayed as a 4-3 end.. because they were trying find their next mathis or freeney)

then you have him actually trading something for Winston justice.. or basically taking ex eagles who aren't that great, old or broken

I get putting that WR with that QB.. but you have a line that is garbage that wont allow them to each do what they should be doing.. and a defense who aint doing much to stop anyone

for as weak as that division is, they were 18th in rush defense.. Malcolm brown would have made sense.. not adding to a WR core that already has ty Hilton, moncrief, andre Johnson and 2 pass catching TEs
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 I actually agree with your larger point because I've always felt most of these intangible things are arbitrary as hell anyway. Which is why I don't engage in them often. Pointless discussions IMO, for the most part. 

But it just looks funny when you're the one telling another fanbase not to get worked up over trivial ****. 
I never got overly worked up.. somehow me coming in and posting factual information turned into me being overly defensive (like literally posting stats and/or salary figures)

it was literally, people with weak points who jumped to "you're being overly defensive" instead of actually giving a rebuttal to the information being provided

like if someone says the eagles got rid of maclin (like Stephen a smith has said numerous times when talking about chip and/or the eagles).. well i simply would point out that maclin was a free agent and the chiefs offered him more money (made him the 7th highest paid WR in the league)
Pats least myself...are worked up about the draft pick being taken away. i want that first round pick, dammit!!! We're used to the * jokes and jabs. That **** doesn't bother me one bit. Give me that pick back though!!! :lol:
So, Chip needed to be workin on that secondary like hell, but instead he took a receiver, with a higher pick than Grigson, who will likely have a lesser impact than Dorsett.

You bangin on Chip like you are Grigson?
So, Chip needed to be workin on that secondary like hell, but instead he took a receiver, with a higher pick than Grigson, who will likely have a lesser impact than Dorsett.

You bangin on Chip like you are Grigson?

Chip went all defense in the draft besides the 1st pick though
So, Chip needed to be workin on that secondary like hell, but instead he took a receiver, with a higher pick than Grigson, who will likely have a lesser impact than Dorsett.

You bangin on Chip like you are Grigson?

Chip went all defense in the draft besides the 1st pick though

[COLOR=#red]So they pretty much did the exact same thing the Colts did then... that's essentially what you're saying...

Got it.[/COLOR]
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