NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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have any of you guys actually looked into the claims about air pressure , etc. yourselves ?

i just spent the last 15 min looking at different things about what scientifically affects air pressure , the variables involved and such .

Air Pressure = density x Temp . holding density constant , a decrease in temperature (moving the balls from inside the refs locker room where they are measured to outside for the game) would result in a decrease in air pressure . i also found that moist air is less dense than dry air . again , that would mean that the density would slightly decrease moving the ball from inside a locker room to the rainy, damp conditions for the Colts game

we still dont have all the facts , and the Patriots may have intentionally decreased PSI after they were examined , but simply looking at this scientifically there is also the possibility that the decrease in PSI was a result of the elements

it just seems like people have all of a sudden become experts in an arena no one thought about before this scandal broke


That's why this whole thing is riduclous

People are so guillible to think this is cheating
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Add John Madden, Hines Ward, and Bill Nye the science guy to the long list of people that believe the patriots cheated and knowlingly deflated footballs...

Wonder if they'll get clowned for their opinions like Mark Brunnell did...

i love that bill nye debunked everything bellicheck said...

"What he said didn't make any sense," said Nye during an interview on Good Morning America. "Rubbing the football, I don't think you can change the pressure.
"To really change the pressure, you need one of these," he added, holding up an inflation needle.
-Bill Nye.

That's not debunking everything he said tho :lol:

The main thing he said was if the ball was inflated in a controlled environment like a locker room, when you go outside in cold temperatures after a while it will adjust to the conditions and potentially drop psi until it stabilizes.

I'm not saying that's what happened because at this point nobody knows but they've had a few physics professors go on record and basically say the same exact thing.
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it's temperature in Kelvin. so to get a 20% change in air pressure, you need a 20% change in absolute temperature. which, for a 50 degree day, would need the balls to be heated to 150 degrees. in some ways it's plausible and in other ways it's not.

what it really boils down to for me is how does an underinflated ball feel in your hand. I don't have a pressure guage but I want to find a way to try it. playing with a truly flat ball, even one that's not fully pumped, is pretty easy for anyone to notice. but how much psi is that?
Add John Madden, Hines Ward, and Bill Nye the science guy to the long list of people that believe the patriots cheated and knowlingly deflated footballs...

Wonder if they'll get clowned for their opinions like Mark Brunnell did...

i love that bill nye debunked everything bellicheck said...

"What he said didn't make any sense," said Nye during an interview on Good Morning America. "Rubbing the football, I don't think you can change the pressure.
"To really change the pressure, you need one of these," he added, holding up an inflation needle.
-Bill Nye.

Troy Aikman went it too. I guess he's a Pats hater too right? :lol:
i don't see how checking the footballs 2 hours before the game and then giving the balls to the team makes ANY sense at all..if anything they should be checked right before kick off isnt it debunking him??

He started by saying everything bellicheck said didnt make sense, and the only way to deflate a ball that much is with a sports needle, not temperature changes. hes a real life scientist, he doesnt just play one for TV.

whether people think its a big deal or not, a competitive advantage or not, bellicheck did it for a reason, he was sneaky in doing it, and got caught...people that get caught breaking rules usually get punished..

i wish people would just accept it for what it is, cheating, and stop trying to say; "its not a big deal",  "(insert former player here) doesnt like the patriots", "everybody does it"...

stop trying to justify it...its wrong..
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Did you even watch the video?

Look at this.

This is what people are gonna run with now?!

A fluff piece from Good Morning America in which Bill Nye (an admitted Seahawks fan) playfully ***** around on the subject. LOL.

You already knew once science & physics got involved we were gonna get wacky **** from all over the place. And just FTR, there's already been videos and articles from unbiased people in the professional & academic fields in which they conclude the Patriots official version of events is scientifically possible. (Even though I personally believe it went a different way...)

This **** really gets more bizarre by the day. The fact that dudes are willing to go along w/ this, but not any of the reasonable counter-arguments just proves they made their minds up as soon as the news leaked and there isn't anything anyone can do to change it.
Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias or myside bias) is a tendency for people to favor information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses regardless of whether the information is true.
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The fact that people are willing to go along w/ this, but not any of the reasonable counter-arguments just proves they made their minds up as soon as the news leaked and there isn't anything anyone can do to change it.
its funny that you said that because youve been going the HARDEST on one side of the argument since the news came out..all pro-patriots mind you...

Excuse me if my 'mind is made up' for not believing the story of a dude who has been caught cheating multiple times before.

If it doent add up, im not gonna just turn a blind eye and say "it is what it is" and move it doesnt add up im going to speak up and say somethings fishy..its pretty simple..

stop trying to justify it...stop trying to give reasons why peoples opinions are wrong or biased on the issue..take in EVERYTHING equally..

After taking EVERYTHING(both sides) in equally, it really looks like something fishy is going on in New England....again..
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Michael Naughton — the chair of Boston College’s physics department — has gone  on the record  to state that, “it’s not possible for weather NOT to have played a role,” in Ball-ghazi.
Say you inflate the ball to 12.5 PSI — the NFL minimum — in a room at 70 degrees, and then used the ball outside where it was 50 degrees. That 12.5 PSI would eventually become 11.5 PSI. If you inflate the ball to 12.5 PSI in an even warmer room where it was, say, 80 degrees, and then played outdoors at 40 degrees, that 12.5 PSI would become 10.5 PSI — a drop of two PSIs.

After the part with his dad (who's also confident about a Pats win after the Seahawk's GB performance)

Bill Nye a Seahawks fan 
Shocking that Simmons,who's probably the most well known Boston sports homer, and his friend would pick the Pats to win 

He is a Mariners fan so I wouldn't put it past him to also rep the Seahawks

Been on that bowtie swag for decades 
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VA757VA -- saying that illoquent has confirmation bias doesnt mean you also dont have it

you cant refute what i said about the relationship between air pressure , air density , and temperature . you cannot refute that a drop in temperature and a drop in air density has to result in a decrease in air pressure . that means that there is a possibility the under-deflation of the balls was a result of the elements

i havent seen any of the patriots fans in here definitively say "there is no way the patriots cheated" or guarantee that there was no foul play . if any have i missed it . but i have seen you and others definitively and absolutely say that this is cheating . you dont have all the facts , nor do you understand the intricacies of air pressure and PSI . all youve done is hold on to the statements of people who confirm the bias you already had against the patriots and that they are cheaters

this is the last ill say responding to any of your comments . you are entitled to your opinion , but know that your opinion reeks of bias
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The fact that people are willing to go along w/ this, but not any of the reasonable counter-arguments just proves they made their minds up as soon as the news leaked and there isn't anything anyone can do to change it.
its funny that you said that because youve been going the HARDEST on one side of the argument since the news came out..all pro-patriots mind you...

Excuse me if my 'mind is made up' for not believing the story of a dude who has been caught cheating multiple times before.

If it dont add up, im not gonna just turn a blind eye and say it is what it is and move it doesnt add up im going to speak up and say somethings fishy..

its pretty simple..

stop trying to justify it...stop trying to give reasons why peoples opinions are wrong or unbiased on the issue..take EVERYTHING in equally..

taking EVERYTHING (both sides) in equally, it really looks like something fishy is going on in New England....again..
You & I are biased on this issue. So are many others. That's pretty clear.

I'll say it again though, why is it that the loudest NT'ers on this subject who go hard and refute any reasonable explanations or counter-points are the same ones that had past beefs or agendas involving the Patriots? Let's call a spade a spade, man.

Look around you. A great majority of _'s in here who don't have a horse in the race and are TRUE neutral observers think this an overhyped, non-story, non-big deal, silly *** distraction that isn't worth any of this attention and does not matter because it has no real affect on the game. Does that not count for something?

Here's what I said from the start: my personal opinion is that Tom Brady lied in his presser and Bill *could* have told the truth. But regardless of intent, it's more than likely nothing out of the ordinary and not just exclusive to them. Why? Because the footballs are being doctored and tailored to Brady's preference for comfort.

It's inconclusive at BEST in regards to whether it even provides any real/significant advantage, and I listed examples of (unbiased) scientific segments backing up that claim.

It's an open secret around the league and in different levels of the sport that some QB's have their footballs doctored a certain way to their liking. I gave you different (unbiased) legitimate examples, including a painfully obvious one that you, I, and the entire country watching the same game A. mostly ignored B. didn't deem it important at the time. That same blatant example just so happens to have that QB liking his footballs doctored out of spec and hoping officials don't notice and "fix it".

It's gamesmanship.

Difference between any previous similar situations vs. this #deflategate nonsense is the boogeyman Patriots are involved and that always raises certain people's ***** right out of their pants.

That's what it is from my end. I think I've been reasonable.

You've given us an out-of-context Bill Nye quote and emotional conjecture from current members of the football media. AND you essentially admitted that this is your own way to cape for Peyton Manning, who has NOTHING to do w/ any of this...unless you want to include the little known fact that he AND Tom both went to the NFL in 2006 and pushed to let teams control their own footballs.

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Love the fact that bill nye **** on the hoodie, basically told him to sit down and ****! :lol: bill nye > bb
Bill nye THE science guy was filmed in Seattle, hes from up here I thought all Seattle folk knew this lol
I'm sure Nye is right and his Seattle connection doesn't skew what he said, but I just wish he would have elaborated.

I'm sure we'll see something tomorrow with him starting off by saying, "Some of you wished that I would've dug into the claims made by Bill Belichick a bit more, well I will do that now..."
Didnt read everything, there any mention on why 11 out of 12 balls on the Patriots side were deflated and none of the Colts balls were?
Didnt read everything, there any mention on why 11 out of 12 balls on the Patriots side were deflated and none of the Colts balls were?
Home team provides the balls. Therefore, Pats wouldn't give the Colts deflated balls as that may give them an edge
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