NFL/NCAA Feet: '12-'13 Football Equipment/Cleats/etc. Vol. Nike is back in the NFL!

Official Nike Superbowl photos.








probably one of the worst nike cleats we have seen as of late

I wanna see the new vapors
Nice.^ Now all we need is the pics for the cleats releasing on Super Bowl Sunday and I'll be good!
Anyone have any thoughts on the Jordan Speed Jet TD? Thinking about purchasing from the 'Bay w/ some discounts. I seem to remember someone in this thread having a pair and liking them? Looks similar if not the same as two years ago Speed Jet TD, which I loved but wanted to see if anyone had any opinions....
Anyone have any thoughts on the Jordan Speed Jet TD? Thinking about purchasing from the 'Bay w/ some discounts. I seem to remember someone in this thread having a pair and liking them? Looks similar if not the same as two years ago Speed Jet TD, which I loved but wanted to see if anyone had any opinions....

from reviews and what I have seen its a solid cleat

I love the look of them and that says alot coming from JB (non Jordan Sig)
Anyone have any news ont the CJ81 Elite, not a big fan of the Alpha Pro TDs this year and I'm hoping they release the CJ81
Guess nike isn't coming out with a super bowl pack this year. Kinda sad about that
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