NFL Predictions Vol. 2014

Funny thing is, I don't think a lot of what SneakerPro posted is all that far-fetched. :lol:

Probably not gonna happen in one season, but I can see them all on some level on a independent basis.
Funny thing is, I don't think a lot of what SneakerPro posted is all that far-fetched. :lol:

Probably not gonna happen in one season, but I can see them all on some level on a independent basis.
Nothing he predicted was incredibly outlandish. Although I don't identify with STL in the playoffs or Colts flailing, among other things.
49ers start slow then get hot around December, beat the pats in the Super Bowl.
Kap throws for 4k and 27 tds

Colts get homefield in the AFC

be back with more later
Dallas wins the NFC East

Bears finish last in the NFC North

The Colts don't make the playoffs and Andrew Luck is outplayed in every objective way by Alex Smith.

After that happens the entire NFL universe gives Andy Checksdown a free pass because he doesn't have "talent" around him.

Shaun Hill leads the Rams to the playoffs.

Justin Hunter breaks out

CJ Spiller re-breaks out

Titans win the AFC South

Geno Smith flourishes

9ers don't finish above .500

Tannehill flourishes

THE DISRESPECT TOWARD ANDREW LUCK AND THE COLTS IS REDONK... but then again your a lions fan so i understand the hate, it must be hard to see a team be so successful and yours not... especially when yall housed one of the greatest rbs of all time and now one of the greatest wrs of all time...
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Dallas wins the NFC East

Bears finish last in the NFC North

The Colts don't make the playoffs and Andrew Luck is outplayed in every objective way by Alex Smith.

After that happens the entire NFL universe gives Andy Checksdown a free pass because he doesn't have "talent" around him.

Shaun Hill leads the Rams to the playoffs.

Justin Hunter breaks out

CJ Spiller re-breaks out

Titans win the AFC South

Geno Smith flourishes

9ers don't finish above .500

Tannehill flourishes

THE DISRESPECT TOWARD ANDREW LUCK AND THE COLTS IS REDONK... but then again your a lions fan so i understand the hate, it must be hard to see a team be so successful and yours not... especially when yall housed one of the greatest rbs of all time and now one of the greatest wrs of all time...

The Colts won one Superbowl in my lifetime I wish the Lions had one but one Superbowl ain't exactly "so successful"
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Matthew Stafford is going to lead the league in interceptions.

Care to make a wager?

Man I'll even give you odds if Stafford leads the league in interpections I'll give you $299 all you have to give me is $20.

You said that Alex Smith will 'outplay in every objective way'' Andrew Luck, right?

Let's make this bet even better!

If Alex Smith surpasses Andrew Luck in passing yards, passing touchdowns, completion percentage, yards per completion, wins, and QB rating, I'll give you $299. All you have to give me is $20*

*Barring injury, of course.

Your bold prediction against mine. What do you say?
Matthew Stafford is going to lead the league in interceptions.

Care to make a wager?

Man I'll even give you odds if Stafford leads the league in interpections I'll give you $299 all you have to give me is $20.

You said that Alex Smith will 'outplay in every objective way'' Andrew Luck, right?

Let's make this bet even better!

If Alex Smith surpasses Andrew Luck in passing yards, passing touchdowns, completion percentage, yards per completion, wins, and QB rating, I'll give you $299. All you have to give me is $20*

*Barring injury, of course.

Your bold prediction against mine. What do you say?


The "Game Manager" damb near did it last year.
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The Colts won one Superbowl in my lifetime I wish the Lions had one but one Superbowl ain't exactly "so successful"

in my lifetime the COLTS have been to 2 superbowls won 1, won the afc south numerous times, 4 afc champioship games won 2, playoffs numerous times, housed 4 NFL mvp awards... for me that sounds like a pretty successful team to me during my lifetime so far... AS A LIONS FAN YOU SHOULDNT EVEN BE TALKING ABOUT OR WORRYING ABOUT SUPERBOWLS LOL WORRY ABOUT WINNING SOME PLAYOFF GAMES FIRST... BABY STEPS BRUH...
*The NFC East will have a back to back division winner for the first time since 2004.
*Desean Jackson will have under 800 yards Rec.
*Packers make the playoffs (As a wild card)
*The Lions will be top 5 in total offense
*Seattle will make it back to the NFCCG (At least)
*Brandin Cooks leads all rookie receivers in yards
*Cincy wins the AFC North
*KC misses the playoffs
*Denver makes it back to the SB.
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:lol: bold or just predictions in general? Let's make up our minds. Title just says "predictions", so that's what I rolled with.
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The Colts won one Superbowl in my lifetime I wish the Lions had one but one Superbowl ain't exactly "so successful"

in my lifetime the COLTS have been to 2 superbowls won 1, won the afc south numerous times, 4 afc champioship games won 2, playoffs numerous times, housed 4 NFL mvp awards... for me that sounds like a pretty successful team to me during my lifetime so far... AS A LIONS FAN YOU SHOULDNT EVEN BE TALKING ABOUT OR WORRYING ABOUT SUPERBOWLS LOL WORRY ABOUT WINNING SOME PLAYOFF GAMES FIRST... BABY STEPS BRUH...

Meh my basketball team won 50 games for a decade straight but only got one ring.

When it comes down to it championships are all that matter the rest of that **** is fluff
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