NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

Concussion just a headache. Go home you’re drunk.

Has to rank up there with some of the dumbest takes on NT.
Troy Aikman had multiple concussions and finished games
Steve Young had multiple concussions and finished games
No....they really didn’t finish those games... was at a few of them. Concussions also pretty much ended Aikman’s career.
Troy Aikman had multiple concussions and finished games
Steve Young had multiple concussions and finished games

a) they didn't realize just how bad concussions were for you back then
b) that's why steve young be stuttering like a mofo on countdown
c) it's not even Wentz's call on if he can go back in or not...the league has an independent doctor checking that **** and reporting on it
wow, so you're telling me the morning after i put away 6 beers and 4 shots of jameson, that's a concussion that keeps me in bed till 11am? wild
Does it also effect your vision and thought process too? Those might be allergies mane
All of this recent concussion uproar doesn't change the fact plenty of players have played with headaches and much worse
Where's the official report Wentz had a concussion?
All of this recent concussion uproar doesn't change the fact plenty of players have played with headaches and much worse
Where's the official report Wentz had a concussion?

we watched him get speared in the helmet by an extremely large individual using his helmet

and then his head bounce off of the field

you still need the CT scan doc?
wow, so you're telling me the morning after i put away 6 beers and 4 shots of jameson, that's a concussion that keeps me in bed till 11am? wild
No slamming beers and liquor all day doesn't effect the brain or central nervous system
So when a person has lost all function of their body and completely passed out from drinking, then wake up the next day with short term memory loss, we'll just call that a hangover
But if you get hit in a football game and your head hits the ground real hard and you have headache, but you are able to walk without any assistance and have no memory loss, we're going to call that a concussion
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