NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face


Again? Dude hasn’t even stepped on a practice field let alone a game lol
Sports are such a high level of drama entertainment that it would be entirely too premature to consider AB a lock.
Dope! Where u staying by?

I’m out in Miami now. Been here 5 years now, but I grew up in Humboldt Park / Logan Square.

I might be moving back in 2020, weighing my options but might have some Career opportunities that would be a no brainer to go back home.

Dope stuff, was in Southloop but copped crib in Kenwood/Hydepark this year, I like it.
Who could legitimately trade for AB?

He'll get cut over a trade, but in terms of who should go after him, I would put the Chargers at #1 (hoping Gordon would want in on that offense)

Seattle and Dallas both make a lot of sense as well.
yea.. i could also see jerruh being willing to take the risk with dude

no clue on the chargers
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