NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

McCoy's eating against the Bucs go figure...

Lol...he did literally nothing against us and was getting destroyed in the run game in their L at home. This week the whole right side of our OL is out and he got his first sack of the season.
Jameis is playing absolutely ******* terrible. My god. Dude is playing more scared than I’ve ever seen. Footwork is allll over the place.
Arians is def gonna look at drafting or getting a QB. he didn't come out of retirement on a beach for this foolishness at QB.

NO way they extend a contract for Winston.
I can’t wait to hear about how great Jameis Winston is in the offseason because he gets so many yards ignoring the fact that he only gets yards because his team is constantly playing from behind because he turns the ******* ball over ten times a game.

This guy literally just looks at one receiver all ******* game long then alternates between Evans and godwin

This dude has thrown it to mike Evans like 10 of his last 10 throws
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