NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

I thought they’d have Tebow top 20. I saw the first few but then I watched the round tables. I’ll go back to the characters this week.
I’m meh on the XFL based on the people behind it and some of their own commentary on it, but people have to keep in mind that those salaries are still for 12-16 weeks of work. Imagine your current yearly pay over that amount of time vs a full year.
Hell of a reach by CMC. Took some strength to get that ball in a position to reach it across the goaline.
So where does Cam end up next year? Cause it kinda looks like he's gonna be out of a job in Carolina soon

Would love to see Chicago go after him if he's available
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