NFL Super Bowl & Season In Review....

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

.FO_ASchatz According to DVOA ratings, entire difference in his game was special teams. Ratings to run at FO later tonight.
FO_ASchatz For all the Manning-haters: Peyton has 3 of top 4 DYAR games in playoff history (incl. AFCC this year) and 5 of top 15
FO_ASchatz To further commenton special teams as the real difference in this game, I point out thatPeyton Manning does not play special teams.

Here's an easier stat. 9 and 9.

That's his record in the playoffs. Not that great IMO. He's a stat stuffer. Brady and Big Ben are better than Peyton. They have done more with less.

Give Manning those illegal cameras and an elite defense year after year and I'm sure he would have several rings by now too.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

.FO_ASchatz According to DVOA ratings, entire difference in his game was special teams. Ratings to run at FO later tonight.
FO_ASchatz For all the Manning-haters: Peyton has 3 of top 4 DYAR games in playoff history (incl. AFCC this year) and 5 of top 15
FO_ASchatz To further commenton special teams as the real difference in this game, I point out thatPeyton Manning does not play special teams.

Here's an easier stat. 9 and 9.

That's his record in the playoffs. Not that great IMO. He's a stat stuffer. Brady and Big Ben are better than Peyton. They have done more with less.

Ben is better than Peyton?
roll.gif is an awesome website, got stuff like individual in depth corner back statistics, offensive line stats, 2nd level offensive line blocking stats.

But hey whatever.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Teams go 9 and 9 indivudials don't.

DYAR, is yards adjusted for the quality of the defense, above a replacement level player.
So Peyton gets more credit for dissecting one of the best passingdefenses in the past 10 years (Jets) then Drew bres does forobliterating a weak defense like the cardinals.


Let's say, for example, that Anquan Boldin catches a pass on third-and-15 and goes 50 yards but gets tackled twoyards from the goal line, and then Tim Hightower takes the ball onfirst-and-goal from the two-yard line and plunges in for the score. Or,let's say that the Cardinals are playing the Falcons. The Falcons takea touchback on the opening kickoff, and the Carolina defense stuffs theFalcons running game twice, and on third-and-10 Matt Ryan throws theball into the arms of Adrian Wilson, who gets taken down by MichaelTurner at the two-yard line. Then on the ensuing first-and-goal,Hightower scores a touchdown.
Has Hightower done something special? Not really. When an offensegets the ball on first-and-goal at the two-yard line, they are going toscore a touchdown five out of six times. In the first situation,Hightower is getting the credit that primarily belongs to the passinggame. In the second situation, Hightower is getting the credit thatprimarily belongs to the defense.
In a nutshell? Basically it's performance, adjusted for the quality of opponents and measured against the average expectation of similar situations.

A positive DVOA represents that the offense is more likely toscore, and a negative DVOA represents that the defense is more likelyto stop them. This is why the best offenses have positive DVOA ratings and the best defenses have negative DVOA ratings.Ratings for teams generally follow that scale, with the bestbeing around 30% and the worst being around -30% (opposite for defense).
.. Forget all that hoopla about stats.. 9-9 is His record. "But, its a team game" I don't hear nobody giving credit to the Colts for Peyton Manning's success.  That's his record.  Point Blank.  Now the Regular Season.. O boy Peyton is that dude. Post Season.. Meh..
Oh and There is no way Ben is better than Peyton, Shut all that nonsense down
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Teams go 9 and 9 indivudials don't.

DYAR, is yards adjusted for the quality of the defense, above a replacement level player.
So Peyton gets more credit for dissecting one of the best passing defenses in the past 10 years (Jets) then Drew bres does for obliterating a weak defense like the cardinals.


Let's say, for example, that Anquan Boldin catches a pass on third-and-15 and goes 50 yards but gets tackled two yards from the goal line, and then Tim Hightower takes the ball on first-and-goal from the two-yard line and plunges in for the score. Or, let's say that the Cardinals are playing the Falcons. The Falcons take a touchback on the opening kickoff, and the Carolina defense stuffs the Falcons running game twice, and on third-and-10 Matt Ryan throws the ball into the arms of Adrian Wilson, who gets taken down by Michael Turner at the two-yard line. Then on the ensuing first-and-goal, Hightower scores a touchdown.
Has Hightower done something special? Not really. When an offense gets the ball on first-and-goal at the two-yard line, they are going to score a touchdown five out of six times. In the first situation, Hightower is getting the credit that primarily belongs to the passing game. In the second situation, Hightower is getting the credit that primarily belongs to the defense.
In a nutshell? Basically it's performance, adjusted for the quality of opponents and measured against the average expectation of similar situations.

A positive DVOA represents that the offense is more likely to score, and a negative DVOA represents that the defense is more likely to stop them. This is why the best offenses have positive DVOA ratings and the best defenses have negative DVOA ratings. Ratings for teams generally follow that scale, with the best being around 30% and the worst being around -30% (opposite for defense).

What do the stats say when you are up 10-0 in the second quarter, and get outscored 31-7 after that? 

Or about Brees throwing 3 imcompletions in the final 3 quarters, one of them being a spike, the other a drop, meaning he missed only one pass total in over 25 attempts in the super bowl? 

Manning damn near threw 3 interceptions during this same span.  But I guess that Jets game means a whole lot now doesn't it? 
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

.FO_ASchatz According to DVOA ratings, entire difference in his game was special teams. Ratings to run at FO later tonight.
FO_ASchatz For all the Manning-haters: Peyton has 3 of top 4 DYAR games in playoff history (incl. AFCC this year) and 5 of top 15
FO_ASchatz To further commenton special teams as the real difference in this game, I point out thatPeyton Manning does not play special teams.

Here's an easier stat. 9 and 9.

That's his record in the playoffs. Not that great IMO. He's a stat stuffer. Brady and Big Ben are better than Peyton. They have done more with less.

Give Manning those illegal cameras and an elite defense year after year and I'm sure he would have several rings by now too.

More with less 
.  Both those quarterbacks had the luxury of playing with great defenses pretty much their whole careers.  Football is a team sport.  Quarterbacks are NOT starting pitchers.
So you would not take Big Ben in the clutch? I know everyone lives in the here and now, but what about last year?
Peyton has never had any comebacks like that. Big Ben's 2 > Peyton's 1.

And Brady had bum recievers and journeymen RBs. Not to mention castoffs on defense.

Brady and Big Ben > Peyton
Ben is not better than Peyton but I will say that with that horrid Oline for Pitt, no other QB wins the SB with that team last year. He fits Pitt perfectly. And that is the key to football, being in the right system with the guys that are right for it, not necessarily the best talent
Give Peyton Manning the Steelers defense and Hines Ward, Santonio Holmes,Heath Miller and whoever else they have on offense and see what happens. Big Ben wouldn't have been in the position to win that Super Bowl had Harrison not returned the interception for the TD.
I cannot believe someone actually thinks Big Ben is a better QB than Peyton Manning... 
All those weapons mean squat with their oline. You have to be able to break sacks almost every play, Manning isn't that type of QB, he doesn't fit their system, much like Ben isn't most effective sitting in a pocket and not moving. I'm sure the person who said Ben > Peyton didn't really mean it
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Ben is not better than Peyton but I will say that with that horrid Oline for Pitt, no other QB wins the SB with that team last year. He fits Pitt perfectly. And that is the key to football, being in the right system with the guys that are right for it, not necessarily the best talent
pretty much, alot of people fail to realize that its not only the individuals but the systems in place.... the same reasons certain players blossom under differant coachs and so forth.....

at the Big ben > peyton....
--I'm not sure why everyone was sleeping on the Saints for the Super Bowl, overall they are just a better team than the Colts this year, and they proved it last night.

--The Niners will make the playoffs next year.

--As it looks like Favre will be leaving Minnesota, it will be good to see the Vikings and their fans going back to being mediocre again.
Quotes Of The NFL Season...
"I'll say this, Deion was the ultimate shutdown corner, but i'll still take Revis over him bc he is the more COMPLETE corner ala open field tackling, coverage, speed, seeing the football before the receiver does."-Jets fan
"we're 3.5 plays away from being undefeated this year."-Steelers fan after they just lost to the Chiefs
"Like I said, no disrespect to (Steve) Smith, but I don't think of him at all as a top WR. Isn't he basically a faster/quicker version of Hines?"-Clown
"Aaron Rodgers is Steve Young-lite."-Clown
"i dont just watch football, i know football ... the reason i flip out about romo is because i see things that an offensive coordinator sees ... im not tooting my own horn, i grew up around football ... i played quarterback and wide receiver ... i grew up in the game of football"-Kid who has better football career stats then all of us.

NT closing off the football season with a bang and some new QOTY
Originally Posted by TheCalculator

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Did anyone peep the announcers comparing Rodgers and Young during the the probowl?
You packer fans are hella lame.
1st you compare rodgers to favre, now y'all are comparing him to steve young?!
Stop comparing him to all of these other players, he's still a young player in the NFL, let him establish a unique legacy for gods sake.
Originally Posted by Statis22

The route was crappy. He let a DB beat him to the ball. No excuse for that.

It was as much Wayne's fault as it was Manning's.

I cannot believe someone actually thinks Big Ben is a better QB than Peyton Manning...

Seriously, makes no damn sense.

In the end the Colts D was nothing without Freeny out there, and Saints made plays when they had to (same way they did vs Kurt and Farve).

Lackluster game to say the least, no big plays 'cept that INT late.

But Peyton makes one bad pass and everyone says 8-8 playoff record (as if he was THE REASON they lost 8 playoff games, not one of the greats, and all this ridiculous nonsense just because they either a) dislike him b) threatened he is better than your favorite QB.

Oh, and Reggie Wayne picked the worst time to have one of his worst games.
^ I agree with everything you just said and have been trying to explain that to some foolio's inside and outside of this forum. To a further degree on this, the minute that that int was thrown fools that live in the now found it soooo easy to hate on Manning and proclaim him as a bum loser who can't win in the playoffs. Annoys the piss out of me that people have no real intellect in the game and extrapolate one play into summarizing a full career when the book is still wide open with Peyton.

He isn't Favre. That late int was highly uncharacteristic of Manning and in no way should blemish his career just yet. Nor should it ever really. He'll be back.
We saw a lot of this yesterday...


All the credit in the world goes to the Saints, but Darren Sharper stays giving up huge plays to the opposing offense on the ground.
How has Osh Kosh not taken the job of "Stat Man" away from Tony Reali on P.T.I. yet?  I'm sure Tony wouldn't mind ditching that gig with A.T.H. doing well...

+%!% outta here with all these worthless *#+ "statistics".
I'm going to miss these Week in Review threads.

- Congrats to the Saints
- I think Reggie was more at fault for that INT than Manning. He waited for the ball rather than going to get it, allowing Porter to beat him to the spot.That's why I don't like to run those types of play in Madden.
 Porter made a heal of a play though.

As for my Cowboys:

- We had a good season, we didn't collapse in December as usual, Miles established himself as our #1, Tony played well the majority of the season, and we got a W in the playoffs. Hopefully Tony continues to improve as does Miles and Felix and Roy actually contributes consistently next season.
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