NFL Week 12 In Review....

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

where that Robert Meachem hype train go?

Big Meach gets no burn as the 4th WR when Colston starts...Colston, Moore, and Henderson....
Originally Posted by NyRapisBack


-Won't declare the Boys as being back until we beat Pittsburgh....
- Titans are frauds.

- Giants looking like the 2007 Cowboys. Hope they end up like em too

Originally Posted by AirVandal180

Originally Posted by NyRapisBack


-Won't declare the Boys as being back until we beat Pittsburgh....
- Titans are frauds.

- Giants looking like the 2007 Cowboys. Hope they end up like em too

@ this same exact time last year, Cowboys were 10-1, Giants were 7-4 (might have been 7-3). Cowboys looked like the Patriots of the NFC @ thistime and were dominating, beating just about every team by @ least two possessions. Giants were looking like an avg-to above average team @ best. NY wascalling for Eli"s head (3 pick sixes in Vikings game). Everyone threw the Giants out the window and assumed the NFC belonged to Dallas, especially afterthey straight abused the Packers and their "top notch secondary."

Now the Giants are 10-1, dominating teams with their running game, and semi aerial attack (I say semi because your passing game is based on how affective yourrunning game is) as well as your pass rush. Everyone has put them on the pedestal to repeat, even hearing talks of a Jets and Giants SB.

Hopefully Karma rears its ugly head and you collapse @ the end of the year just as we did, and we get hot @ the end of the year just like yall did.

Do you finally understand or do I [KeyShawn] need to break it down to you in elementary terms[/KeyShawn]
salty? i didnt see any salt in any post lol ... you know what salty means? comparing two teams isnt being salty
Rodgers hits harder than Troy Polamalu...

Packers D-coordinator is balls... That possession after the half where he brought a 3(THREE!) man blitz on 3rd and 15... ended the game for us.
--In the short-term, the Packers made the biggest mistake by trading Farve away. If Farve is in Green Bay right now, I'm certain they would be winning thetheir division and in good position for the playoffs.
Originally Posted by doyung9

- IF this weekend (BIG IF) The Saints beat TB, SD beats Atlanta, and GB beats Carolina, (all legitimate scenarios) the NFC South becomes real interesting for the rest of the season, as well as the entire NFC Wild Card race in general.

Talk what u know its already interesting.
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by doyung9

- IF this weekend (BIG IF) The Saints beat TB, SD beats Atlanta, and GB beats Carolina, (all legitimate scenarios) the NFC South becomes real interesting for the rest of the season, as well as the entire NFC Wild Card race in general.

Talk what u know its already interesting.
Even more interesting
Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

Originally Posted by AirVandal180

Originally Posted by NyRapisBack


-Won't declare the Boys as being back until we beat Pittsburgh....
- Titans are frauds.

- Giants looking like the 2007 Cowboys. Hope they end up like em too

@ this same exact time last year, Cowboys were 10-1, Giants were 7-4 (might have been 7-3). Cowboys looked like the Patriots of the NFC @ this time and were dominating, beating just about every team by @ least two possessions. Giants were looking like an avg-to above average team @ best. NY was calling for Eli"s head (3 pick sixes in Vikings game). Everyone threw the Giants out the window and assumed the NFC belonged to Dallas, especially after they straight abused the Packers and their "top notch secondary."

Now the Giants are 10-1, dominating teams with their running game, and semi aerial attack (I say semi because your passing game is based on how affective your running game is) as well as your pass rush. Everyone has put them on the pedestal to repeat, even hearing talks of a Jets and Giants SB.

Hopefully Karma rears its ugly head and you collapse @ the end of the year just as we did, and we get hot @ the end of the year just like yall did.

Do you finally understand or do I [KeyShawn] need to break it down to you in elementary terms[/KeyShawn]
Wishful thinking.

Cowboys did not have one of the better defenses in the league, or the best rushing attack in the league. Eli has a higher IQ than Romo that's for sure andmakes big plays when needed. The Giants are so deep that injuries do not even matter, only injury that would significantly hurt the team is Eli and maybe theO-Line (knocks on wood).

Cowboys will only make the playoffs if they have 11 wins (10 wins = tie breaker situation which means no playoffs), that means winning 3 of 4 vs the Giants,Steelers, Ravens, @ PHI after this bye week that is the Seahawks. Good luck because that is BRUTAL.
^ Mez summed it up.

And I completely understood what you were saying, but it doesn't make sense. 2008 Giants =/= 2007 Cowboys in a LOT of ways.
Giants fans heads gettin thick as hell (no !@+@) with that 10-1 record.

Cowboys did not have one of the better defenses in the league, or the best rushing attack in the league. Eli has a higher IQ than Romo that's for sure and makes big plays when needed. The Giants are so deep that injuries do not even matter, only injury that would significantly hurt the team is Eli and maybe the O-Line (knocks on wood).

First off, I'm not comparing the teams in HOW they were dominant. I am comparing just their dominance. The Cowboys were the face of the NFC looking likethe Pats of that conference. As already stated, we nearly beat every team we faced by at least two possessions. When we got off that bye week, Romo was justhaving 300 yard games til the end of the season. Our aerial attack was ridiculous and even though our defense was average at best, it didn't matter becausewe could always outscore our opponents.

Second, Eli has a higher "IQ" than Romo because he's under a completely different system. The Giants are a team that runs the ball; thats theirprimary weapon on offense. They use the run to setup the pass, albeit play action. Look at Eli's #'s when running the play action. Romo HAS to wingames for his team by outscoring the opposing team because unlike Eli, he doesn't have the running attack and defense to rely on. I'm not sayinghomeboy Manning aint a nice QB. But for you to sit here and try and say some dumb IQ $#!! about Eli and Romo is absurd. Your team runs for 200 yards a game.Any QB would highly benefit from that. Barber ran for 40 yards or so against the niners; our defense played well until 4th quarter and started given up pointsonce the game was over; Romo threw for 300+ yards with 3 TDs. Your D gets to the QB just sending four men. Our D can't get to the QB with 7

Cowboys will only make the playoffs if they have 11 wins (10 wins = tie breaker situation which means no playoffs), that means winning 3 of 4 vs the Giants, Steelers, Ravens, @ PHI after this bye week that is the Seahawks. Good luck because that is BRUTAL.

As I said, its too early to tell. But at this exact time last year, both the Giants and Cowboys had each other's records. Cowboys were 10-1 at this time,and were heading into a huge game against Greenbay. At the time, no one thought anyone was better than the Boys besides the Pats. Giants fans were worriedabout making the playoffs @ 7-4, dudes wanted Coughlin fired; people would crack jokes @ the "Unstoppable" watch commercials that Eli was in. Thenyall got hot and made a SB run.

I'm not saying the Cowboys will do the same thing. Mentally, its going to be difficult because we don't have an inspiring coach. Someone on the teamwill have to step up and be a leader. It seems to be T.O. but anything he does people look at it like hes "about to blow up" so the media and NTwon't see that
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

- Giants looking like the 2007 Cowboys. Hope they end up like em too

What in the %$** are you smoking?


word. just because they both had the same record at this point doesntmake them similar. giants have a legit D, and the 07 boys werent defending champs as the giants are right now

oh and jetpac please sign off of niketalk, permanently. all you do is come in everythread and turn into falcons vs ________ nfc south >_______, norwood> bush. you are the biggest homer on this board. and your permanent resignation of niketalk would be most appreciated
^ Pretty much. Nobody here has a "thick head" (nh) as you say its just the truth. Cowboys were dominant in 07' because they had the mostexplosive offense in the L last season and outscored EVERYONE. This Giants teams wins in a different manner every week, whether its running the balleffectively, playing great team defense, special teams, or Eli making clutch plays when needed and spreading the ball around. Eli makes this team go, hecommands this offense just like his older brother at this point (not as good, but then again nobody can command an offense like Peyton can). The only thingthat is similar between both teams are the records at this point in the season, which really means nothing in terms of this season.

...and damn nobody likes Jetpac, dude is cool in my book ya'll just taking him TOO seriously.
You need to hit me up so I can send some more tracksyour way.
Lmao @ "Eli makes this team go."

The Giants are a complete team. Their running game and front four are what stand out the most, resulting in every other position benefiting from it
Eli IS what makes the team go because he facilitates the offense and system to a T, his confidence and composure wears on the rest of theteam. It has nothing to do with what area the team is better in (we all know they are a strong team in other areas).

You're misinterpreting what I'm trying to say.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

Originally Posted by AirVandal180

Originally Posted by NyRapisBack


-Won't declare the Boys as being back until we beat Pittsburgh....
- Titans are frauds.

- Giants looking like the 2007 Cowboys. Hope they end up like em too

@ this same exact time last year, Cowboys were 10-1, Giants were 7-4 (might have been 7-3). Cowboys looked like the Patriots of the NFC @ this time and were dominating, beating just about every team by @ least two possessions. Giants were looking like an avg-to above average team @ best. NY was calling for Eli"s head (3 pick sixes in Vikings game). Everyone threw the Giants out the window and assumed the NFC belonged to Dallas, especially after they straight abused the Packers and their "top notch secondary."

Now the Giants are 10-1, dominating teams with their running game, and semi aerial attack (I say semi because your passing game is based on how affective your running game is) as well as your pass rush. Everyone has put them on the pedestal to repeat, even hearing talks of a Jets and Giants SB.

Hopefully Karma rears its ugly head and you collapse @ the end of the year just as we did, and we get hot @ the end of the year just like yall did.

Do you finally understand or do I [KeyShawn] need to break it down to you in elementary terms[/KeyShawn]
Wishful thinking.

Cowboys did not have one of the better defenses in the league, or the best rushing attack in the league. Eli has a higher IQ than Romo that's for sure and makes big plays when needed. The Giants are so deep that injuries do not even matter, only injury that would significantly hurt the team is Eli and maybe the O-Line (knocks on wood).

Cowboys will only make the playoffs if they have 11 wins (10 wins = tie breaker situation which means no playoffs), that means winning 3 of 4 vs the Giants, Steelers, Ravens, @ PHI after this bye week that is the Seahawks. Good luck because that is BRUTAL.

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