NFL Week 12 In Review....

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

nothing went right today in terms of the playoff situation for the cowboys ...
Im hoping we can get some help next week. Hopefully the Saints and Chargers will help us out

- ED Reed

-TO had a great game, now it's time to get Roy involved
- I start to dislike Tomlinson more and more every week
- Im still hoping the Lions will one game

- The Giants are unreal good
- The Cowboys go as Romo goes
- This may have been the week where it all comes down for the Eagles
- Brett has really made the Jets believe
i have sincere sympathy for the Lions and their fans. they were up 17-0, looking good, Daunte was getting his roll on and everything...and then they collapsedand showed why they are winless.
I only feel bad for Calvin on the lions... dude is a BEAST on a terrible team.

i hope he gets traded or something, the kitties can stay in the basement though, where they belong.
-Colts surging
they are looking great on both sides of the ball
-Titans - good run, it had to end sometime. i still think they won't make it to the afc championship game
-Cowboys - this shows you how much better romo is than brad johnson
-Patriots - Cassell is currently the 2nd best QB in his division, pretty remarkable
-AFC west - does anyone want to win it?

-NFC South shaping up to be a great finish - i just wish my saints were in the picture

and finally the Giants - they are the most complete team this year

1. Giants
2. Titans
3. Jets
4. Bucs
5. Colts
1) I think that the Cowboys are the only team that could beat the Giants in the playoffs, but I don't know if the cowboys can beat them and I dont know ifCowboys will even make the playoffs.
2) I don't think the Bucs, Panthers, Falcons, Saints, Bears, Packers, Cardinals are that good at all
3) Im starting to think the Partriots could very well end up in the Superbowl
4) Jamarcus Russel could be a damn good QB, the raiders have got to give him more chances. They are stunting his growth by limiting him so much. I know theirprotection is bad but they have to be more creative and see what he can do
-Ed Reed = best safety in the L

-Titans still good but they have been exploited
-Mcnabb was done dirty

-Matt Cassell can ball
-NFC is the Giants to lose
-Don't sleep on the Colts or Pats in the AFC playoffs
Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

2) Bush has more career total yards and more TDs than Norwood. And in less games. Fail.

Stop crying. WR Reggie Bush had his time to be the #1 runningback and couldn't do it. Norwood more RUSHING yards than Bush and it isn't even close. YOU FAIL.

this dude stays coming in here comparing reggie bush to jerious norwood.

"Who's the best WR in the L?

jetpac - "well I don't know, but norwood > bush"

"The Official Cowboys v. Giants Thread"

jetpac - "I tell you what, hypothetically, if the Giants had Reggie Bush and the Cowboys had Jerious Norwood, the Cowboys would win by 300 points"

"Whose a better PG, Williams or CP3"

jetpac - "Chris Paul can't shoot as well, but Jerious Norwood definitely has more YPC than Bush"

SERIOUSLY, GIVE IT A REST. You're the biggest stan for a nobody player NT has ever seen.
, agreed. this guy jetpac is beyond annoying
Who seen channing crowder get beat up yesterday?

Dolphins score looked bad but they were in the game til 2 mins, I dunno how anyone can say the fins are frauds.



Giants special teams won them that game. That's a complete team rite there

Hightower is buns

Braylon edwards sucks


Every play TO made was cus the db had to cover him for like 8 seconds, I'm not sold on his performance yesterday

Joey porter's interview wit keyshawn

Caddy on the field

Forte on OJ with the shake o my god

Joseph addai is an avg RB
Top 5:
1. Giants
2. Titans
3. Jets
4. Steelers
5. Tampa Bay

- Giants are the best team in the NFL, that is not even close to being debatable at this point. Nobody can run on the Giants, and they have the deepest roster in the league.
- Anyone who STILL disagrees with the "Eli is a Top 10 QB" talk is a tool (at this point he has moved up significantly).
- I knew the Jets would be good eventually after a slow expected start, but not THIS good.
- Jets just straight up DOMINATED the Titans yesterday (40 min of posession), they have some very winnable games the rest of the way: v. Denver, @ SF, v. Bills, @ SEA, and v. MIA; it would be a disappointment if they do not win 3-4 of those games. 4-1 all but locks up the 2 seed with a 12-4 record, 3-2 (more realistic) locks up the 3 seed. Regardless of what happens the Titans will lock up the 1 seed so the Jets (if all goes right) can possibly play them again on the road come playoff time.
- No way will the Steelers pose a threat for the 2 seed with that BRUTAL remaining schedule.
- I hope people stop sweatin' the Panthers, that team is good defensively but got exposed yesterday. They also have a DECENT offense, but vs GOOD DEFENSIVE TEAMS this season they have done nothing (especially the running game).
- I thought a healthy McNabb = lock for the division?
Eagles need to get rid of Andy Reid before they get rid of McNabb.
- Patriots over the Dolphins was the easiest bet I've won in a long time (it was surprisingly competative for the most part though, I thought it would be a blowout in favor of the Pats).
- Patriots have the best coaching staff in the league.
- An 8-8 record will win the AFC West.
Kolb isn't starting this week. I'd fire Reid before the game starts if he decides to go that route. Kolb starting = guaranteed L for us.

Reid should be gone before McNabb is, but we all know that won't happen. McNabb isn't playing well, but he isn't getting any help either; from hiscoaches or the rest of the offense. But I mostly blame that on Reid. It's hard to go from pass blocking to run blocking when you pass the ball 80% of thetime. It's disgusting how he never changes ANYTHING he does. He's the definition of stubborn.
Originally Posted by khoshabasfinest23

Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

2) Bush has more career total yards and more TDs than Norwood. And in less games. Fail.

Stop crying. WR Reggie Bush had his time to be the #1 runningback and couldn't do it. Norwood more RUSHING yards than Bush and it isn't even close. YOU FAIL.

this dude stays coming in here comparing reggie bush to jerious norwood.

"Who's the best WR in the L?

jetpac - "well I don't know, but norwood > bush"

"The Official Cowboys v. Giants Thread"

jetpac - "I tell you what, hypothetically, if the Giants had Reggie Bush and the Cowboys had Jerious Norwood, the Cowboys would win by 300 points"

"Whose a better PG, Williams or CP3"

jetpac - "Chris Paul can't shoot as well, but Jerious Norwood definitely has more YPC than Bush"

SERIOUSLY, GIVE IT A REST. You're the biggest stan for a nobody player NT has ever seen.
, agreed. this guy jetpac is beyond annoying

Both of yall mad. Norwood >Bush. AND Turner / Norwood >NO period. And thats that.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Kolb isn't starting this week. I'd fire Reid before the game starts if he decides to go that route. Kolb starting = guaranteed L for us.

Reid should be gone before McNabb is, but we all know that won't happen. McNabb isn't playing well, but he isn't getting any help either; from his coaches or the rest of the offense. But I mostly blame that on Reid. It's hard to go from pass blocking to run blocking when you pass the ball 80% of the time. It's disgusting how he never changes ANYTHING he does. He's the definition of stubborn.
I agree with everything you said. McNabb was done dirty yesterday, Reid should have been man enough to tell Donovan that he was benched instead ofthe quarterbacks coach. What kills me is it was a three point game when he benched McNabb, I don't care how bad your 10 year starting QB is doing, if thegame is that close against a great defense and a suspect offense why would you pull him for a second year QB that has done nothing and actually played worseonce he got in. There is no doubt in my mind that Donovan should start Thursday, he gives us the best chance to win. I'm sick of everyone blaming Donovanfor the horrible playcalling and the fact that they can't run. ANDY REID MUST GO!!!

No on to the rest of the week....

- Ed Reed won that game yesterday
for the Ravens
- I been saying it all along, The Titans haven't beat anyone worth a damn all season and you see what happened when they played a good team
, Lendale and Chris are on the back of the milk carton right now (MISSING)
- Brett Favre gets it done, surprised the media is slurping him yet like they did all off season
- Matt Cassel is impressive (kinda mad though because he finally started throwing to Randy when I benched him on my fantasy team), perhaps the new Eagles QBnext season
- what happened to that Dolphins defense?

- WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO THE CHEIFS DEFENSE (were they on the field yesterday)

- TO fried Nate Clements, nice win for Dallas (but it was the 9ers, what did yall expect?)
- ******** almost blew it, but Hasselbeck gave it right back. Gonna be a fight between Dallas and Washington to get in the playoffs
- Falcons finally beat a good team
, Panthers defense and special teamswas non-existent
- Jags are trash, Vikes are lucky
- Detroit should be giving out free tickets and turkey on Thursday. That team is
(Megatron is a beast though)
- Colts are quietly back on track and I think could beat the Jets or Steelers in the playoffs

- Ladainian Tomlinson is just bumming it right now, I don't know who has been worse this year him or Westbrook
- Does Nnamdi ever even register a stat each game, he basically is just running track out there, gets no action

- Cardinals are gonna be a tough out in the playoffs but the Giants are just too good right now, I don't see anyone stopping them from reaching the SuperBowl again (Ralph Brown should be cut from the team for blowing that onside kick recovery, that was awful
--In regards to the Jets defense........"Stop your run one of the reasons that they call us gang green"

--It's not that the Titans are FRAUDS, it's just that they weren't all that to begin with, so a loss like this is to be expected.

--Tough times in Philly as usual............

--Anybody still think Clinton Portis is MVP material. Real MVP's don't voluntarily take themselves off the field when the game is on the line only tohave the back up runningback come in and almost fumble the game away.

--It was bittersweet for me to see T.O. catch that 75 yard pass yesterday.

--Things are looking pretty tight in the NFC for that last playoff spot.

--How many final minute games have the Chargers lost this year??

--Ed Reed with another great play to add to his list.

The 49ers will not win another game.

You must not have seen the remaining schedule champ, check the dates of 12/21 and 12/28.
good win for the bears, great win for the boys. my teams. haha
that ravens defense is back from last weeks embarassment
denver sux
its over for the eagles
at the NY football teams.... impressive wins
im was never impressed with the titans
colts silently winning games
falcons are..... winning? wow
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Who seen channing crowder get beat up yesterday?
Dude got his helmet ripped off then straight @%%+@ slapped ... took the L and smiled like Hines Ward

Yall keep 'Zona outta your top 5 if you want to .. they still a tough team in the NFC and will be problems

AFC Worst

top 5
3. Pittsburgh
4. Jets
5. Cards
Dude got his helmet ripped off then straight @%%+@ slapped ... took the L and smiled like Hines Ward


Me and my boys was like "what the #$+* he smilin and laughin at???? !#*@@ got !@##%! up! "
I honestly didn't think Leodis had it in him. I wanted DRC even if it was a reach.

Also Trent Edwards is pretty quick for a QB...
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

The Chargers are a joke.


No, they just lost 4 close/heartbreaking games.
Naw bro, there's something wrong with this team seriously. Internally, there's something not right. Just witnessing Osgood's antics during the introductions at tonight's game has me questioning whether Norv Turner has control of that locker room. I'm leaning towards that he doesn't. There's no excuse for this team to find a way to lose close games and have a horrible record in the worst division in the NFL.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, well you know the rest.

I wish you guys kept Marty

I got an question for all the Chargers fanslthough...what/how do you guys think/feel about Philip Rivers?
I have no problem with Rivers. He's playing well this season. Although I'm not the biggest fan, he's a great qb for the Chargers rightnow.

Originally Posted by youngcheezy

what did osgood do?
I wrote this in the official game thread since I went to the game.
The whole defensive and special teams run out the inflatable Charger helmet down the lane and to line up and welcome the starting offensive unit to the field. Except for Kassim Osgood, who for some reason thought he was too good for that, so instead of running up the lane, this joke decides to waltz his way down the end zone towards the Great Friends section and leaps into the stands celebrating with the fans instead of being with the rest of the team welcoming their other teammates onto the field.
@ norv calling timeout ... peyton w/ 90 seconds left ... great 4th and 1 play ...

calvin johson

giants : big game eli does it again

jets: earning my respect ... can't front, this team is good

weekly washed list... andy reid, mcnabb, LT ,

ED reed is
... favorite defensive player

cassel is good ... pats coaches are on another level as much as i hate to admit it

watch out everyone ... the colts are coming ... it ain't pretty but in the 4th qrtr, is there anyone else you'd rather have leading you downfield
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