NFL Week 12 In Review....

This was their let down game (see Ravens at Jags, Giants vs Seattle) so I'm just happy to get the win
Ben's dodge and throw for the TD was why Steeler fans love his play (usually)
Oline was getting murdered, worse than usual
Hines with some catches, trying to get a few milestones before hanging it up
Not enough consistent pressure on Palko
DBs played pretty well
Hope Troy is ok
Some odd turnovers and way too many holds
Bengals next week, should be close

Nice win by the Ravens, seems like they also play to their competition
Every AFC contender is vulnerable
Amazing ST by Oakland
Lions are undisciplined as a team, lost all momentum from beginning of year
Stevie's celebration was dumb and why 'mock' another WR like that if you have no beef
He has a habit of dropping game winning balls
Denver's D is playing awesome
Can't believe SD and their year
Any doubt Denver was going to win?
Dallas took advantage of their schedule (which they should), interesting to see if they keep this up
Packers will probably go 16-0 but have to finish with the trophy to matter
Colts probably going 0-16

Regarding Suh, he reminds me of a young Joe Greene. Joe was labeled dirty and frankly deserved the type his first couple years. However once the coaches calmed him down he went on to be the most dominant force on that Steel Curtain defense and the entire thing was built around him. Suh has similar potential for the Lions D to be built around him, but if he doesn't pull his head out of his a--, it won't happen. And he can't get away with stuff Joe did, fines and suspensions are much quicker so he better learn and learn quickly
Antonio Brown
Mike Wallace
Emmanuel Sanders

To add on with Suh, play smarter with the same mean streak. It can be done, you just have to be smart and know what you can get away with and when to hold back
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Eric Crouch? Every QB who was ever told to make the switch to another position is salty right now. That's how easy it is to replicate Tebow's role. Reggie Ball could do this!

and they have better mechanics ... but hey HE'S a winner right and a good guy
- Patrick Peterson ... beast 

- AJ Green ... one of my favorite players to watch ... 

- didn't see that coming from Beanie Wells 

- If matt moore were competent, the cowboys lose that game 

- Brandon Marshall playing superher0 was the highlight of the weekend ... terrance newman was given the piggy back of his ride ... 

- Broncos defense is the reason for denver's win streak 

- Great coaching in that denver / sd game ... no one wanted to win ... icing a kicker on a 53 yard kick ... really ??? How about norv just running it 3x around the 35 like a 53 yarder is automatic ...
... on a positive note ... u guys are right about von miller ... kid is a stud 

- Yes tom brady ripped that "great cornerback" and the eagles D to shreds but those zebras definitely helped ... that vince young int was clearly PI and there were a few others as well. 

- CJ.5k is still a bum ... talking about he saw his blocks today ... really? ... so the other 8 games u had subpar games u had bad vision?

- Feel bad for Chicago and Houston ... Leinart will never have that good of an opportunity ... 

Bum(s) of the week 

- D. Revis ... got cooked all day ... and the jets should have lost ... 

- S. Johnson ... hilarious celebration but G*D caused him to drop another pass ... clown 

- Suh ... clown

- Colts ... acting like they had a chance ... Freeney ... a sack ... big deal 

- Cromartie ... a fumble and then abused by Brad Smith ... really though

damn yuku

- but no one beats DJax ... my man just cost himself millions yesterday with his gator arms ... and deep td drop ... certified bum 
I need someone to explain to me what the hell Suh is doing? 
  He, like everyone else, knows he is under the microscope, soooooo, WHY KEEP DOING STUPID @#$%? 

Houston just keeps winning, but they are in some big trouble now. 

  But ya'll stall the Hester is eh stuff.  Hester does it year after year, and if it wasn't for the Bears tryin to make him a receiver for a while he would be in the 20's already.  Peterson is nice and all but lemme see him still doin it year after year.  Hall, Metcalf, Mitchell, etc etc all fell off after a while, Hester has not. 


Peyton Hillis is still alive huh?

How the Jets, with extra rest, at home, struggle with Buffalo, WITHOUT Fred Jackson? 
  1st quarter/4th quarter stuff away from a super bowl.  Must mean some super bowl you been smokin homie. 

D-Jax with the alligator arms, but Bowe was even worse. 

I'm tired of Andy Reid, he needs to go.  How the @#$% you 4th and a foot and throw the damn ball with your backup QB, when the leagues leading rusher is in your backfield?  And to make it worse, I seen a play that was SIX in the box, 3 lineman, and 3 linebackers, and he THREW the ball. 
  5 lineman, a tight end, a QB and a RB, and you don't run with 6 in the box? 
  This dude is so stupid it hurts, and I'm not even an Eagle fan. 

Norv Turner, you should join Reid at the unemployment line.  Way to play for the 53 yard field goal you dumb @#$^

Stevie Johnson's day.  What a clown. 

Indy/NE next week........oh. 

Reggie Wayne gets a new streak started, I assume Graham will join him tonight. 
- stevie johnson...the anti-clutch. the TD celebration was A+ tho
- buffalo...just like most people thought...nothing special
- mark sanchez...4 TDs on 180 yards and sub 50% completion percentage...not sure if he played well or bad...good enough to win i suppose
- gutsy effort from the chiefs last night...dwayne bowe sealed the victory for the steelers tho
- how about the texans' luck...ouch
- reggie wayne...oh hi. waking up just in time to torch our secondary, i suppose
- tebow...just win baby
- oakland chugging right along...even without dmac
- green one stopping them from here on out. superbowl is the only place they may run into a buzz saw...
- suh...dumbest dude on the planet
- i still like the niners to win one playoff game
- dallas winning their division. win is a win...and miami is playing a lot better as of late.
- miami...see above
- desean jackson is one SOFT dude. ol' t-rex arm having dude
- feel for andy reid, even though maybe i shouldn't. dumb to take the ball out of mccoy's hand down inside the 5 though

- tom brady was damn near masterful yesterday. picked em apart. the play action pass to welker for a TD was a thing of beauty.
- wes this man, bobby kraft
- twin TEs did major work for us yesterday. hernandez was VERY effective even tho he didn't show up on the scoring sheet. dude fights for yards after the catch, and usually gets them.
- benny and woody ran it well when given the ball
- the defense...somehow they continue to limit points while yielding an insane amount of yards. [joker]it's magic...[/joker]
- all of that said and even given the recent convincing wins over the jets, chefs, and eagles...the team needs some luck and a good path to indy if we plan on playing in the superbowl.
Mez 0ne wrote:
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Cowboys are overrated

Serious question, what does that make the Giants then?
Cowboys are over-rated though especially their pass defense its pretty awful, the Giants however are over-achieving this year. If the Cowboys do not lock up the division with that cupcake schedule and the Giants difficult schedule, Jerry should blow up the team.
Giants have a depleted and injured pass rush which does not get pressure on a consistent basis, even though the calls of rushing 3 and playing zone all the time certainly does not help. Giants had to plug holes in the secondary and has not looked too bad, but the offensive line is pathetic. They'll look amazing one week (Niners/Pats) , and look like the worst in another (Eagles/******** game), add that with inconsistent WR play with all the dropped passes? 31st in the league in rushing and no Bradshaw back there either, linebackers all rookies which will be EXPOSED tonight.....they've over-achieved with what they got. Without Eli they'd have 2 wins tops.

Giants can easily lose the next two games.....@##! any team would lose the next two games Vs Saints and Packers. If they actually find a way to pull a W out of their rear ends over the next two games before playing Dallas, i'll take it.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Deuce King

--49ers will be fine.  They faced a top ranked defense, just gotta work on the issues with the O-Line.

--Revis was having problems with Stevie Johnson.

--Somehow someway Deangelo Hall finds a way to embarrass himself just about every week, and yesteday was no exception.

--Any team that loses to Tebow and Co. simply isn't a playoff team.

--The target is on Suh's back more than ever now, he can't sneeze without apologizing immediately afterwards from this point forward.

Not sure what he did....he actually had a great game. 
Just his antics with going back and worth with the Seahawk receivers and other players.  Dude just needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.  Remember champ, the loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room.

 Hall, Metcalf, Mitchell, etc etc all fell off after a while, Hester has not.

As far as scoring touchdowns go maybe, but Brian Mitchell was always a solid special teams player.  He was always consistent in that regard.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by Proshares

Serious question, what does that make the Giants then?
Cowboys are over-rated though especially their pass defense its pretty awful, the Giants however are over-achieving this year. If the Cowboys do not lock up the division with that cupcake schedule and the Giants difficult schedule, Jerry should blow up the team.
Giants have a depleted and injured pass rush which does not get pressure on a consistent basis, even though the calls of rushing 3 and playing zone all the time certainly does not help. Giants had to plug holes in the secondary and has not looked too bad, but the offensive line is pathetic. They'll look amazing one week (Niners/Pats) , and look like the worst in another (Eagles/******** game), add that with inconsistent WR play with all the dropped passes? 31st in the league in rushing and no Bradshaw back there either, linebackers all rookies which will be EXPOSED tonight.....they've over-achieved with what they got. Without Eli they'd have 2 wins tops.

Giants can easily lose the next two games.....@##! any team would lose the next two games Vs Saints and Packers. If they actually find a way to pull a W out of their rear ends over the next two games before playing Dallas, i'll take it.

Stopped reading right there
 Its the same damn schedule except for two games. Stop making exscuses.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Deuce King

--49ers will be fine.  They faced a top ranked defense, just gotta work on the issues with the O-Line.

--Revis was having problems with Stevie Johnson.

--Somehow someway Deangelo Hall finds a way to embarrass himself just about every week, and yesteday was no exception.

--Any team that loses to Tebow and Co. simply isn't a playoff team.

--The target is on Suh's back more than ever now, he can't sneeze without apologizing immediately afterwards from this point forward.

Not sure what he did....he actually had a great game. 
Just his antics with going back and worth with the Seahawk receivers and other players.  Dude just needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.  Remember champ, the loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room.

 Hall, Metcalf, Mitchell, etc etc all fell off after a while, Hester has not.

As far as scoring touchdowns go maybe, but Brian Mitchell was always a solid special teams player.  He was always consistent in that regard.
You're reaching, Deuce.  He was hardly the only one out there on BOTH teams who was yappin.  On top of it all, he had a damn good game in all facets of pass coverage.  Think of it this way (when discussing Hall)...if NO ONE in the post-game, ESPN, etc. are mentioning his "antics" and how it played a role in him getting cooked...then he probably did something right.  And he did.  He's an easy target (literally), but you're seriously reaching off of yesterday's game. 

I didn't even watch the game yesterday, can't remember the last time I did that when I wasn't working. Must have been back in the Bruce Gradkowski year.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by Proshares

Serious question, what does that make the Giants then?
Cowboys are over-rated though especially their pass defense its pretty awful, the Giants however are over-achieving this year. If the Cowboys do not lock up the division with that cupcake schedule and the Giants difficult schedule, Jerry should blow up the team.
Giants have a depleted and injured pass rush which does not get pressure on a consistent basis, even though the calls of rushing 3 and playing zone all the time certainly does not help. Giants had to plug holes in the secondary and has not looked too bad, but the offensive line is pathetic. They'll look amazing one week (Niners/Pats) , and look like the worst in another (Eagles/******** game), add that with inconsistent WR play with all the dropped passes? 31st in the league in rushing and no Bradshaw back there either, linebackers all rookies which will be EXPOSED tonight.....they've over-achieved with what they got. Without Eli they'd have 2 wins tops.

Giants can easily lose the next two games.....@##! any team would lose the next two games Vs Saints and Packers. If they actually find a way to pull a W out of their rear ends over the next two games before playing Dallas, i'll take it.

I'm gonna have to disagree with you here bud.  This isn't the Cowboys of previous years that have come into the season with a roster full of all pros.  This team came in with a very bad secondary, a LB core that lost players and an O-Line that is still terrible.  Not the injuries the Giants had but the Boys were already a badly made roster.  But, they did lose their #1 WR/RB to injuries plus kept starting a QB with a punctured lung.  I mean I understand the Giants had some pretty significant injuries to deal with coming into/during the season that depleted their roster but in that same light, Dallas had a good amount of pitiful options at a good amount of positions on both sides of the ball coming into the season.

I think you (and a lot of fans of both teams) are giving the Boys crap for the cupcake part of their schedule and giving the Giants "credit" for the tough part of their schedule that they haven't even played yet.  Almost like a built in excuse.  The Giants had (outside of NE) one of the easiest schedules through the first 8 games in the NFL.  Why does everyone bring that up when Dallas had a brutal opening schedule and had 3 of their losses in the palm of their hands to win?  Even with that they still struggled hard against teams like Washington, AZ, Seattle, Buffalo and Miami.  But when Dallas struggles with Miami, the entire NFL fan base wants to rant and rave that they're overrated or that they'll get torched by good teams if they make the playoffs.  Not to say that won't happen but to take away credit from Dallas for wins over Miami/Washington when the Giants team that they're fighting with had to come back from double digits down against one and lost to the other one?  IDK, that seems a little hypocritical to me.

I think some fans (not being specific to you on this one) need to take off the silver and blue "hater" shades and give Dallas some kind of credit.
Originally Posted by GMSboy1

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Cowboys are over-rated though especially their pass defense its pretty awful, the Giants however are over-achieving this year. If the Cowboys do not lock up the division with that cupcake schedule and the Giants difficult schedule, Jerry should blow up the team.
Giants have a depleted and injured pass rush which does not get pressure on a consistent basis, even though the calls of rushing 3 and playing zone all the time certainly does not help. Giants had to plug holes in the secondary and has not looked too bad, but the offensive line is pathetic. They'll look amazing one week (Niners/Pats) , and look like the worst in another (Eagles/******** game), add that with inconsistent WR play with all the dropped passes? 31st in the league in rushing and no Bradshaw back there either, linebackers all rookies which will be EXPOSED tonight.....they've over-achieved with what they got. Without Eli they'd have 2 wins tops.

Giants can easily lose the next two games.....@##! any team would lose the next two games Vs Saints and Packers. If they actually find a way to pull a W out of their rear ends over the next two games before playing Dallas, i'll take it.

Stopped reading right there
 Its the same damn schedule except for two games. Stop making exscuses.

The schedules DOWN THE STRETCH is what makes the difference cool guy.

Cowboys: Rams, Seahawks, Bills (when their season is done),********, Dolphins, Cardinals, Gmen (2x), Bucs, Eagles

Giants: Pats (road), 49ers, Eagles, Saints, Packers, Cowboys (2x), ********, Jets.....most difficult schedule in the league

With the Giants issues the Boys already have an easier road the last few weeks, it aiin't an excuse you should be ashamed if ya team doesn't lock up the division especially with their division record (so far).

I think some fans (not being specific to you on this one) need to take off the silver and blue "hater" shades and give Dallas some kind of credit.

Cowboys have had an excellent November record, think they've only lost 3 games total with Romo. Dallas won't get respect unless they actually start winning meaningful games, its rinse and repeat with them. Same way dudes on here won't respect the 49ers unless they go far, it just is what it is.

...and like I said, the Giants have been OVER-ACHIEVING with that they have, not a great team, but not an awful one, very flawed. They can easily get blown out and embarrassed today and next week. Every game has come down to the wire with em on a final drive deciding games, that is not something a good team does.
- Niners were always gonna lose to a team with a good defense and decent O, especially on a short week, but 9 sacks 

- Ravens are a different team every week
- Pittsburgh doesn't look like a world beater either, gotta capitalize when Shane Palco makes mistakes
- Stevie giveth and Stevie taketh
- Did anybody even watch the Ohio bowl? I feel like that game is a bastard-child game twice every year.
- Tim T. clearly asked his dad to reach down to push that Novak kick wide even after Judas Fox tried to bungle it by icing a blocked kick
- Oakland has the best kicking game in the L, 6 FG's and an 80-yard punt
, keep movin it with no D-mac
- Chicago is screwed, Martz stays throwin the rock with backup Caleb, while only feeding Forte 12 runs?
- Either the Dolphins are actually decent or Dallas just squeaked by another bad team
- I remember when Josh Freeman was the next big thing
- Beanie with a nice game
- Helu doin his Blount impression

- Mike Ditka's "Stop It!" segment is incredibly lame
- Stevie Johnson

- Tebowwww

- SF = ATL last year
- Dallas keeps winning

- PP

- Leinart/Texans
^ wait did they actually flag the dude for that shove? or did they flag simpson for unsportsmanlike?
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Cowboys are overrated

Serious question, what does that make the Giants then?
I say overrated because at the beginning of the year all analysts had the Cowboys as a top 3 NFC team (GB and then Philly). Every year they are crowned for some reason. I like Romo, I think he's a good QB. He gets a lot of hate for some of his wild plays that causes them to lose but is also the reason they win a lot. He made some outrageous plays against Miami.

Giants at the beginning of the year were laughed at, said there's no way we even make the playoffs. Analysts said 7-9, 8-8 at best. Week 1 we were tied for having the most starters sidelined in the NFL. Then we go 5-2 or 6-2 and analysts are on the wagon. We have a lot of talent on both sides of the ball but we make unforgivable mistakes. Watching us give a win to Philly was disturbing. Offensively we looked the worst I've seen in years. Dropped passes, horrible run calls and so on.

Just MY opinion
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