NFL Week 3 In Review...

Any word on Haynesworth's injury? I was comatose for a majority of the day yesterday so I may have missed it.
-Colts are back to their selves,

-Pats are good again.

-Farve always find a new way to piss me off (he always pulls something out of his %*% when he plays the niners).

-I wonder if the Vikings are really contenders, because we should have beat them at home.

-I see you B-more.

-Saints are gonna be a problem.

-I hope this is the game that puts confidence back in the Chargers.
Child please. Are you serious? Moss is one of the biggest physical freaks in the history of the NFL and he isnt in the same league as Calvin friggin Johson?Really? Not only are they both more athletically gifted, they're better receivers.
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Hold UP!!!! CJ is the most athletically gifted WR in the league?
Andre and Randy would like a word with you DoubleJs.....
CJ is more athletically gifted than both of those guys.
CJ is bigger than AJ and can do EVERYTHING AJ can do on the field. Speed, Strength, Jumping ability, hands, everything. CJ, like Dre, is thecomplete package. Yet bigger (pause). Hell, at this point, CJ might have a step on AJ.

CJ vs Moss. Moss has the edge in speed. Jumping ability is a wash. Moss has the advantage in hands. CJ has the advantage in strength and the ability to breaktackles. And CJ will run a slant

At the end of the day, it could go either way in both cases, but you have more of a right to get upset if you're a 'moss' guy rather than if youwere a AJ guy.

Moss has at least one clear unquestioned edge over CJ while AJ doesn't.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Child please. Are you serious? Moss is one of the biggest physical freaks in the history of the NFL and he isnt in the same league as Calvin friggin Johson? Really? Not only are they both more athletically gifted, they're better receivers.
Randy Moss is still a great athlete, but you're kidding yourself if you think this soon to be 33 year old is more athletic at this point thanCalvin Johnson. Calvin Johnson is bigger, stronger, and faster than Andre Johnson....not saying he's a better WR, but he IS the better athlete of're a miami homer, so I wouldn't expect you to type anything else.
Even at 33 Moss is still better than CJ. In a couple years no, and by then CJ will be the best WR in the game. And CJ is neither stronger, nor faster than AJ.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Belichek smartenedup!
got that tote game goin
Somewhat. Brady was still shotgunning out there in the red zone.

Fred T finally getting some carries
...I don't wanna seeMaroney's bum +#* out there anymore.

Patriots have no chance of beating the Ravens if Wilfork and Welker don't play.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

From what I watched yesterday with a raging hangover:

-Randy Moss made 2 HUGE grabs yesterday, MVP of the game

-Pats secondary isnt as pathetic as people predicted
-He also dropped an easy catch for a TD (a catch he routinely makes, but to be fair he wasn't positioned straight)...I'd give the MVP toFred, he showed he still has some left in the tank.

-I'd say the Pats overall defense isn't as pathetic as people predicted...the usual bend but don't break style. I believe I read they've givenup less than 300 yards in total offense in the 3 games.

That'll probably change this upcoming weekend.

I still say they go 11-5 though.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

top 5 teams in no order
saints(they can fall off anytime though because of their defense)

teams on the verge
g-men( cant put them in the top 5 until they score td's consistently in the redzone
vikes(percy harvin...i been saying to watch out for that kid)
How you gonna have the Jets over the Giants?

The Pats don't belong on that list yet...can't have them over the Giants, sorry.

- Brett Favre couldn't have made a more perfect throw yesterday. [Madden] He's just having fun out there. [/Madden]

- Manning
...too damn good.

- I'll be keeping an eye on Vikings/Packers next week. Favre with some extra motivation...

- ********
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Even at 33 Moss is still better than CJ. In a couple years no, and by then CJ will be the best WR in the game. And CJ is neither stronger, nor faster than AJ.
Where did I say that CJ was better than Moss or even AJ for that matter? All I said was that CJ is a better athlete than the two of them...andyes...CJ IS faster than AJ. His stride is ridiculous and he covers the most amount of ground of any WR in the NFL when in full stride...

Didn't CJ test better than AJ in just about every category at the combine and during their respective pro days?
DoubleJs07 wrote:

Didn't CJ test better than AJ in just about every category at the combine and during their respective pro days?

Maybe, I dunno, I don't follow that, but today, is CJ stronger then Andre Johnson? I say no way. Dre is a damn beast.

Not the Niketalk fairy Dre, Andre Johnson the reciever for the Texans, just to avoid any confusion ya'll mighta had.

Yoooo I just now seen T.O. give up on that deep ball with the safety (Sharper?) comin from the middle of the field...

It wasn't a great throw, but my dude glanced over and saw Sharper and quit runnin..
-McNabbs last year as an eagle
-The broncos might have a chance to knock off the chargers
-The winless fins will be lucky to have a win at the halfway mark
-I heard that AZ drafted a guy from Ohio to run the ball. . .

Y'all crazy callin for VY - what game were y'all watching?
Y'all just caught the highlights or the 4th Qtr admit it

Collins aint lose that game; the Jets had no Offense until that muffed punt. 17 unanswered points. That muffed punt put them right on the door step for 6 alongwith momentum. It took the life right out of the Titans. They had to answer that muff...Collins forced one in - game over. He was making some good throws thatgame, dudes were catching the rock until they had to answer back.

0-3 could easily be 2-1 or 3-0... The chips just aint fallin right
.Pass Coverage is the problem not Collins.
^indeed..Collins throws were ridic. for most of that game.

Thank god his receivers dropped all those passes that hit them right in the hands.
IMO CJ is the most athletically gifted too. Theres a reason his nickname is Megatron, his a dam machine

His first semester at Georgia Tech, Johnson vertical jumped 43 inches and had a standing long of 11-2. He has run consecutive 4.3 40-yard dashes at 235 pounds. He also power cleans over 330 pounds with ease. His strength, speed, and explosiveness are unmatched."
He did that his FIRST SEMESTER in GT. When he was 6'5 235 lbs.

Moss and Andre arent that big, not that fast, and not that strong.

Id say Andre has the best hands in the bunch though.
Hands wise its a toss up between Dre and Fitz.
Dre is still a dam beastt but athelitcaly no one is on CJ's level at WR

Best Hands

Most Athletic
Moss (simply because hes the oldest, and Fitz his just as tall and can jump just as high.)
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

- Has KLJ taken over the presidency of the Ced Benson Fan Club yet?
Element of surprise. Who's expecting a run with 3 minutes left from a team who is down by 11?


There is still room on the Ced Benson bandwagon. I've been saying this weekly since last year's Cowboy game. People are starting to come around I see.

The bandwagon is closed. Remember we were laughed at last year for picking him up? Let them go root for Reggie Bush or ADP.

76 rushing yards against the Steelers
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