Nick Cannon goes White Face for an album...thoughts?

Nice, the typical we who had it worse rant. :lol: Black people in this country have been affected more by perceptions in the media, what' s you point? It makes stereotyping other groups ok? What's your point? Stop beating around the bush.

Stop using stereotyping against blacks as justification for dismissing stereotyping another group.

Nah bruh.

EVERYONE EXCEPT FOR WHITE ANGLO SAXON PROTESTANTS have been affected negatively by perceptions in the media.

Let's even that playing field a little. Or atleast show the absurdity of the standards by which we percieve.
Nice, the typical we who had it worse rant. :lol: Black people in this country have been affected more by perceptions in the media, what' s you point? It makes stereotyping other groups ok? What's your point? Stop beating around the bush.

Stop using stereotyping against blacks as justification for dismissing stereotyping another group.

Did you completely ignore the beginning of the post stating that stereotyping isn't okay... Or the several others who have said it.... Where are these post of people saying that they think their should be more whiteface and that we love when it happens to them?

Your clearly just not getting it....
Let's be serious here. My guy @LIONBLOOD understands exactly what we're saying. He's not stupid. All stereotyping is bad but it isn't equal. Just like all crimes a aren't equal.

I'm curious though, since you feel black face and white face are equally racist... Why is black face looked at so differently.?
I had somehow mistaken you for BLASTERCOMBO. My apologies. I'm glad you were able to get all that off your chest though.
I tried to frame my criticisms of the viewpoints and stances in some of your posts in as polite a manner as possible. I'm sorry you felt it was all some head game to show you up. I don't think my point is in need of any further emphasis. And I never referred to you or anyone as a white supremacist.

White people portrayed blacks as ugly stereotypes, with malicious intent, based on a supremacist mindset, against the backdrop of probably the most brutal, uncivilized time in the history of the country. At this point in time, to take a "if we can't do it, you can't either" mindset doesn't make you look racist, it just makes you look like a self-entitled prick.

Black people can't do it because it's mean to make fun of people and immature to offend and embarrass others. White people can't do it because they raped and murdered generations and generations of people based off their skin color and then used their ugly portrayals as justification for their unfathomable brutality. So I agree, it's not right for anyone to do it. K? Thanks guys! :wink:

you really just like to hear yourself talk; I think self absorbed is the one stroking his keyboard.

You did refer to me as a "white supremacist" then of backed off when you had no grounds to back that up by going on some self righteous rant to garner a couple reps from the peanut gallery in here. Not once did I ever say they were the same thing but you like to make up your own factual information and come off as this holy, wiser than art thou poster on this forum.

"Let me end my rant with a little smiley emoticon because then that makes me seem like I have no ill intent with my posts"; when your posts are made to blatantly attack which most likely stems from some other thread where you were butt hurt in.

That's all I have for you. :wink:
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Let's be serious here. My guy @LIONBLOOD understands exactly what we're saying. He's not stupid. All stereotyping is bad but it isn't equal. Just like all crimes a aren't equal.

I'm curious though, since you feel black face and white face are equally racist... Why is black face looked at so differently.?

Oh I completely understand what people are saying, I'm saying this isn't the venue to express that. It would be wrong if I went into a thread about discrimination against another group and started ranting about how I had it worse. I don't show up groups for people who want to quit smoking to talk about how I have had it worse cause I suck penis for crack.

Bruh you said absolutely NOTHING in this post.

You just typed a bunch of words and clicked "submit".

You're just refusing to see outside of your own opinion on the matter.
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Bro don't even do it to yourself... your gonna make points, he's gonna differ to something else, you will then restate the point and he will continue to type nothing while accusing others of trying to be too smart, and again and again and again. it's makes no sense trying to come to a resolution.
Oh I completely understand what people are saying, I'm saying this isn't the venue to express that. It would be wrong if I went into a thread about discrimination against another group and started ranting about how I had it worse. I don't show up groups for people who want to quit smoking to talk about how I have had it worse cause I suck penis for crack.

What I am having an issue with I guess is if I made a thread saying black face =/= white face and gave historical reasons I feel like you wouldn't disagree with my point REGARDLESS of whether or not they are both wrong. Which leads me to ask why disagree with it now because you feel like it's the wrong venue?

That's my understanding of your view anyway.
Bruh you said absolutely NOTHING in this post.

You just typed a bunch of words and clicked "submit".

You're just refusing to see outside of your own opinion on the matter.

View media item 880727

LOL you just don't get it. Let me try another analogy,  I wouldn't show up to your Aunt's funeral to give a speech about how it probably felt worse when my father died.

Ok, I'm gonna try to go with this completely unrelated metaphor.

Is death the concept of Blackface here?

Your Aunt's death = Nick Cannon doing Whiteface?

My Dad's death = the culture of White peole doing Blackface all the time and then being mad that Black people are offended by it?

The feeling when my father died = Being offended?

If so, then you have to realize that more people would probably feel bad about their father dying than their aunt.

The funeral = The larger social debate (maybe the venue of the funeral is social media)?

People at the funeral would not be coming up to me because my aunt has children of her own.

So my cousin = White People

and Me = Black people/Minorities in general

At my dad's funeral my cousin and my aunt just kept telling me and my mom and everyone there that we need to get over it and that I'm being way too sensitive for being so broken up about my dad's death. Death happens, and this is the very reason why my cousin and his mom are doing so much better than me and my dad.

And at this funeral, it really seems like, though people are sad and everyone is wearing black and we all acknowledge that death is not a great thing, my cousin seems to not be as affected by his mom's death as I was about my father's. In fact, he's nonchalantly checking his cell phone, but when people point out that he must be sad he straightens up and drops a disingenuous tear. And when I'm sitting there trying not to fall asleep during all the speeches, I'm not even pointing out that you were such a **** at my funeral, by the way. It's just the way it is. I'm at the funeral, observing and remarking at how nice the funeral is and pointing out to the person next to me that my cousin's a jerk and he's sitting there on his phone at his own mom's funeral. Meanwhile, YOU are some random person sitting behind me at the funeral, who maybe was a coworker of my aunt, shushing everyone and going around saying "THIS IS A FUNERAL FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!" while everyone who knew the aunt are acting accordingly.

You see, my aunt in this instance was a jerk. She was very rude and mean to people and flaunted her wealth over the rest of the family in an effort to dominate everyone and put herself above the rest of the family. So when she died, nobody felt THAT bad.

Feel me?
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His jokes are so bad. He tried so hard with them too. Mariah Carey wants to be black so bad that she was willing to marry any black guy :lol:

Her father is Hispanic, not black (before anyone tells me she's half black)
Have you ever heard of a black Hispanic?
Oh so what I get out of this rant is that you would be ok with it if a white person came into a thread about slavery and talk about how other groups "Jews, Asians, Homosexuals" have had to suffer. Am I right or am I right. YOU will be ok with that? :nerd:

PLEASE tell me what your statement has to do with this thread.

Nick Cannon, a Black guy, is doing Whiteface, which is a commentary on Blackface.

I'm a Black guy in here saying I get what he's trying to do.

Where in this thread did anyone point out that Jews, Asians, and Homosexuals have had to suffer?

You're the one doing that. You're the one telling people that what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Not me.YOU'RE the one bringing in outside issues to downplay the issue at hand, which is the fact that Blackface is a thing you hear about White people doing damn near 3 times a month, and Whiteface is an isolated incident by one celebrity for the first time in almost ten years.
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Her father is hispanic from Venezuela and her mom is Irish. She's not black at all, grew up in Long Island which is also predominantly white.

This is for a Nick Cannon album coming out on 4/1? :lol:
Her father is Afro- Venezuelan
He's an idiot and I don't cosign this mess

Obviously white face DOES NOT have the history of black face but still don't open that can of worms
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I think the bottom line is most people might raise an eyebrow at what he is doing and even say it's wrong but we are not gonna throw him into the fire and boycott him over this. Same with Chapelle and Wayans brothers etc. This is not gonna have a long lasting effect on white america.
On behalf of the black community...I apologize for Nick Cannon.

He clearly forgot about the painful history of whiteface along with perpetuating those awful stereotypes about white people. I mean...good credit? farmers markets? 

That is absolutely unacceptable. 

But it's in the past now so you guys should just forget about it.
On behalf of the black community...I apologize for Nick Cannon.

He clearly forgot about the painful history of whiteface along with perpetuating those awful stereotypes about white people. I mean...good credit? farmers markets? 

That is absolutely unacceptable. 

But it's in the past now so you guys should just forget about it.

This kind of attitude doesn't really get us any closer to folks understanding why black face is offensive or help solve anything either
Let's get to chopping this fable.

1) Just because you believe something isn't  harmful, doesn't mean it isn't. Even "positive" stereotypes can be used to cause someone harm. Whether intentional or not.

2) It's good that you have a policy of not explaining racism to non-blacks. I wouldn't want someone who can't even comprehend that people of all races can experience racism explaining that **** to me.

3)Black face has a well established history of being offensive. You're right about that. But caricatures are by nature offensive, no matter who the target is. Just look at how easily I can apply some of your points on black face to white face:

White face:
-Used as a “Set up” to the joke

-Used to belittle and make fun of those that are white

-Originally done by black people for black people

-A degrading visual joke (Ha! Ha! Look at me, I’m one of THEM! I listen to rock music, can't dance and enjoy the taste of dog spit!)

-Makes white people into caricatures (not human, a symbol to belittle)

-A sign of racism

4a) "-If a white person’s feelings were hurt by white face, they wake up the next day and no one will judge THEM by what they saw. Black people were (and still are) BELIEVED to be these caricatures."
Let's say no one does judge them by what they saw; does that mean that the fact that their feelings were hurt is now irrelevant? Also, you and I both know a multitude of people that will attest that white people act exactly as characterized in movies like white girls. People believe those caricatures as well because if they weren't believable they wouldn't be good caricatures.

4b) "white ppl don't even believe this is racist or offensive, dude, never have."
You're not white. How do you know? Even if you were you can't speak for every white person.

4c) "whites just look for any little thing a Black person does to hang their hats on."
This right here is just blatant racism. If this sentence was reversed :smh: Oh wait I forget, there's no such thing as racism against whites. Nevermind.

4d) "no white person will be harmed by Nick's spoof. come on, sons :lol: "
See 4b

In conclusion, what you're arguing is, that when an action is done to one race, it is racism, but when done to another, it's not. That is just idiotic. You're a racist and you don't eem know it, which explains why you have such a skewed view on what does and does not qualify as racism.

I softened him up. You wanna come and handle the rest of this light work?

Edit - To whoever repped that drivel he wrote:
You're just as bad as he is. Even worse for for encouraging him. Ignorance is bad. Promotion of ignorance is even worse.

Thank You.

This is what needed to be said, top 3 most real post on NT ever
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if it were a white man he would get crucified with the swiftness.

Side note the only tme an african american person gets a free passs
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