Nike 30th Anniversary “Just Do It” Campaign.

Meh, cops sign up to serve not be worshiped. So what if people don’t want to be around them. Do your job correctly or get another job

Yeah, but some sign up for the power. My buddy from college joined the NYPD, and while he was still in academy he told me a guy on the firing line during target training said - out loud - "I can't wait to shoot someone" as he was handed a magazine from the training officer. Needless to say, he got bounced out on the spot, but how many recruits think the same thing but aren't dumb enough to say it in front of a C-O. Meanwhile, before he even graduated academy my friend (who I haven't spoken to in years now) was already telling me that "everyone on the street is a 'perp.' You have to presume they're all perps and have done something wrong, or else you're putting yourself in danger." That is not community policing, that's warzone pacification, and has no business within our borders.

Similarly, I was at a wedding a couple of years ago and while waiting in line at the bar I was behind two upstate NY corrections officers who were lamenting the fact that increased media coverage of prisoner mistreatment (following Freddie Gray's death) meant they weren't able to just beat the **** outta inmates or prisoner transports anymore. These two middle-aged (mid/late-40s) white guys were talking like they were at a PBA bar, not out in public with regular citizens all around them.

And in my opinion, even worse than these types of law enforcement officers are the ones who see this **** happen, and hear this kinda talk and do nothing about it and put up the "blue wall of silence." I don't care if it's only "a few bad apples" - if the "good apples" don't make an effort to remove them from the system the whole damn orchard rots.
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Yeah, but some sign up for the power. My buddy from college joined the NYPD, and while he was still in academy he told me a guy on the firing line during target training said - out loud - "I can't wait to shoot someone" as he was handed a magazine from the training officer. Needless to say, he got bounced out on the spot, but how many recruits think the same thing but aren't dumb enough to say it in front of a C-O. Meanwhile, before he even graduated academy my friend (who I haven't spoken to in years now) was already telling me that "everyone on the street is a 'perp.' You have to presume they're all perps and have done something wrong, or else you're putting yourself in danger." That is not community policing, that's warzone pacification, and has no business within our borders.

Similarly, I was at a wedding a couple of years ago and while waiting in line at the bar I was behind two upstate NY corrections officers who were lamenting the fact that increased media coverage of prisoner mistreatment (following Freddie Gray's death) meant they weren't able to just beat the **** outta inmates or prisoner transports anymore. These two middle-aged (mid/late-40s) white guys were talking like they were at a PBA bar, not out in public with regular citizens all around them.

And in my opinion, even worse than these types of law enforcement officers are the ones who see this **** happen, and hear this kinda talk and do nothing about it and put up the "blue wall of silence." I don't care if it's only "a few bad apples" - if the "good apples" don't make an effort to remove them from the system the whole damn orcahrd rots.
You’re 100% correct. What I’m getting at is we as people don’t need to worship them as if they’re some protectors of rights and freedom. They’re not.
You’re 100% correct. What I’m getting at is we as people don’t need to worship them as if they’re some protectors of rights and freedom. They’re not.

Spot on! And the problem is that's exactly what they're supposed to do - "serve and protect." But instead there's arrest quotas, using fines and bail to fund municipal budgets and a "war on crime/drugs" mentality that has perverted policing since the 80s. Combine that with a fear of blackness (strength, savagery, anger, willingness to rape/kill/steal, etc.) that's been instilled in whites since the end of slavery through direct teaching and the perpetration of stereotypes, and it's created a vicious, dangerous situation for any person of color, male or female, anywhere in this country.
I can't believe there are so many NTers that are in the wrong side of history with this one.

It really is shocking.
in addition to his declining performance, his choice to maintain his social justice stance rather than shutting up and throwing a football seem to have cost him a job in the NFL; in simpler terms for you, he put his beliefs before his job and he lost his job.

He put his beliefs before his job because he had to. He has too much baggage. And I don't blame any nfl owner or team not wanting to pick him up. Nike made a poor business move. Tiger would of been a better choice if they were looking for the black athlete. But Nike is a bunch of hypocrites as they support a lot of stuff they say their against.
It’s kind of hard to take a knee for a great cause when most of the NFLs audience are well off white people who vote conservative and think they are entitled to everything in life. So now those people will send him death threats, and anytime he’s seen in public by white folks who are “patriotic” they will slander him. It’s not always about money.

Don't stereotype the white folk. People feel entitled on different sides white and black. He deserves to be slandered because the Damn guy went into hiding or quiet. If he really felt what he was believing he would say a word. It's about the money apparently for him since he will be out of a job with the nfl forever.
a lot of things in this thread are qwhite interesting ... they'll never understand us & i'm done explaining why my life is worth living, so i quit explaining a long time ago. i'm here for my people, the enlightenment, empowerment & education of my people ...end of story... looks like i'll stay buying nike & i purchased more nike stock today while it was down a little, i stand with kap.

ps, totally unrelated, but i just started copping a couple of nike jewelry pieces a couple weeks ago.
And just to check, but aren't we like the only country on earth that feels the need to have a jingoistic jerk-off before every gatdam sporting event from little league through the pros???

Yep, never seen it anywhere else. International events are different and it makes sense at those - but at everything from elementary school and up? - just bizarre.
And he was already benched when he started protesting. Funny how none of this protesting happened when he was starting the games.

This is a very bad move by Nike and i think they will regret this...... The Boss at Nike already got a letter from the National Association of Police Organizations saying 241.000 employees + their family members + friends will boycott Nike..... that is not chump change and Nike's image has taken a even bigger beating in a matter of hours.
Oh no, what will Nike do?! No more cops and their families buying Monarchs and clearance tees.
Literally this exact type of thinking is why kaep is kneeling in the first place
not really, you are supporting a person who hates the police, and suddenly you need police help when your home is being invaded or something...... How you gonna promote someone and stand by someone that wore pig Cop socks on the practice field? Who wore a Fidel Castro and Che shirt? NIKE thinks you are stupid, and ya'll proving them right.
Put your money where your mouth is and get rid of all your Nike product all together. Without getting any monetary gain
Why do that, that makes no sense, they already got that money. We are talking about the future.

And you all do know kaepernick only started his clown show after he was off the team right?
He and Nike are playing you like a fiddle.... getting your every paycheck.
I would rather wear my old NWA F the police t-shirt then this nike kaepernick crap...... why? Because it's fake!
It always felt really weird being forced to say the pledge of allegiance in 3rd grade every morning.

That’s one of those things that, as an outsider, always struck me as odd about the US - the obsession with being the land of the free and fighting communism, but then the flag thing, the pledge and the jingoism which doesn’t look that different from the USSR back then and North Korea now.
That’s one of those things that, as an outsider, always struck me as odd about the US - the obsession with being the land of the free and fighting communism, but then the flag thing, the pledge and the jingoism which doesn’t look that different from the USSR back then and North Korea now.

The difference is that in the US, you are free to leave. Not so with communist countries.
Why do that, that makes no sense, they already got that money. We are talking about the future.

And you all do know kaepernick only started his clown show after he was off the team right?
He and Nike are playing you like a fiddle.... getting your every paycheck.
I would rather wear my old NWA F the police t-shirt then this nike kaepernick crap...... why? Because it's fake!
Ahhh he was 100% on the team.... try again.
The difference is that in the US, you are free to leave. Not so with communist countries.

Yeah right. That’s the common misconception.

I vividly remember a kid getting sent home for refusing to put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance. He was later expelled for a related offense.

Struck me as odd because of the “liberty and justice for all” part.

Happened at a progressive private school in LA that employed a number of people from the LGBT community. The teacher turned beet-red and started screaming like someone had gotten stabbed at recess.

And now so many years later, seeing Jerry Jones talk about “toe on the line” and all that other sanctimonious BS... it’s upsetting but it makes SO MUCH sense to me now.
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