Nike Air Foamposite One "Galaxy" 2/25/12: NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING! YOU WILL BE BANNED!

literally felt them slip through my fingers. was typing info all jittery and !$%!. couldn't believe i had them in my cart and one click away....
i know this is going to sound bad in the eyes of the public but real talk, i can't wait until someone gets killed from one of these "limited" Nike releases. i have no ill intent for anyone to get hurt, god forbids everyone that camped out came back home with no scrapes; however, in order for Nike to change the way they produce/distribute their products a martyr has to go down. we all know Nike is a powerhouse, and in order for them to hear the outcries of people someone has to get hurt. Bad publicity is needed for a powerhouse like Nike to change their ways.

Nike don't give a flying %*%$ how or where people buy their products, BUT as a consumer don't you want a better way to get their stuff without going through all the bs just to get a limited pair of sneakers? i know people always say, "it's the nature of the game, !!%# if you can't handle it" sorry but i have to strongly disagree. as consumers we expect better from Nike especially the amount of $ we give them 24/7.

bottom line is, unless someone gets hurt or a real riot happens limited releases like this will never cease. the public media has to get involved in order for change to happen. if we bow down to Nike every time what's next? if fools are camping 5-7 days ahead of a release for a pair of sneakers, what then when another pair of sneakers are produced and this time they only make 100 pairs? sooner or later someone will get killed and when that happens cha..cha..changessss!
Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo

Originally Posted by DoubleD Productions

jimmy jazz crashed

not for me. but, the shoes never went up. 
They did, just not on the homepage. All sold out now it appears. Site is just getting HAMMERED. If you went to new releases they were there.

Perhaps some sizes are still available?
they were on jimmy jazz had them in the cart went to check out said they were sold out. Oh well
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I foresee a written statement from Nike. They need to take heed to the circumstance and change the method of purchase to online only. This is stupid.

nike loving this.  theres a big release like this all the time and nothing has changed.  in fact even made it more intense by not releasing online.  you would think its the stores like footlocker that get a clue
I was on Jimmy jazz at midnight....didnt see anything..but kept trying...still nothing....they are not popping up for me...good luck to everyone else
Originally Posted by SolexSup

Jimmyjazz crashed and theyre not even on the site. Ubiq isnt getting them either.

They crashed 45mins b4 midnight.  Just can't wait till all this hoopla is over and onto to the next sneaker.  craziness.
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