Nike Air Foamposite One "Galaxy" 2/25/12: NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING! YOU WILL BE BANNED!

i did a search on twitter to see if anyone copped and theres only 2 dudes who "supposedly" got lucky and got em.
This is starting to remind me of the coppers, that was a bad release all the way around. Put Gentry in charge and its gets even worse.
Jimmy Jazz sold out

Was stupid crazy at pines so they cancelled the release. Funniest s&%t I've seen in a long time
we should all throw in some money together and take out an ad in the ny times saying what a disgrace this was....if everyone here would donate 1 dollar i bet we could
JJ didn't even have a FSR, maybe 8 pairs total.

Well, at least I had them in cart...
One of the most hyped and easily the worst handled release I've ever seen. House of Hoops and Foot Action in Atlanta at the Southlake Mall had no organization and it was evident.
Site is off line... Keeps showing that damn pic of dude who looks like Springs from And1
are all these "cancelled" releases just being shipped back to Nike? they'll probably drop them at NDC randomly or something
Originally Posted by jeff3424

are all these "cancelled" releases just being shipped back to Nike? they'll probably drop them at NDC randomly or something
Sold to Employees & Family/Friends.
But true..
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