Nike Air Foamposite One "Galaxy" 2/25/12: NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING! YOU WILL BE BANNED!

name of store? phone number?
Not surprised.

Not my style, but I foresee a lot of people snitching on these Mom & Pop joints as well as calling FootLocker corporate offices about House of Hoops.

You can only be shady for so long.
get set on w.37th and 8th....thats the store that was posted now price is $600, yesterday it was $700
Selling early is one thing but charging over the MSRP can't really be that big of a deal to Nike. At the end of the day the customer won't appreciate it but it's the suggested price.
but its not even just mom/pops...its retail locations....even a Nike retailer has been selling pairs out the "back door"....its nothing knows whats going on...they dont care...they still get their $ at the end of the day
a jays right next door is selling them for 700 they said their sold out as well meanwhile some dude was purchasing a pair in front of my face
Calling Nike on Mom & Pop's will get you nothing. Once they purchase the product from Nike and it's their property to do whatever they want with it. Only way you can make any noise is if a Nike Retail store is selling over retail. Check the archives from the Supreme what the dunk release.
What's the number to report these spots? I have one by my way that's been grimey for years on releases, is it Nike corporate? what info do I need?

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if people are really complaining about the recent nike/jordan releases limitedness then they should just boycott these brands. thats the only rational step you could take
Originally Posted by Fazar89

if people are really complaining about the recent nike/jordan releases limitedness then they should just boycott these brands. thats the only rational step you could take

Agreed. I don't know that there's any real argument to be made-- we're not entitled to anything... just wishing they would make enough to satisfy everybody-- but that's not a smart business model... 
A local spot by me was selling also!!

My boy went and copped for 600$ out the door ....I went up there to see them, "We arent getting that shoe" smh!!

THIS RELEASE IS A JOKE!!! Wont let it bother me tho....on to some other things I know I can get....
So you want them foams yo? You already know tho, LOyal Customers Only thats the motto +*+++ LOCO.
Originally Posted by Fazar89

if people are really complaining about the recent nike/jordan releases limitedness then they should just boycott these brands. thats the only rational step you could take
think im going to start an online petition and boycott. i posted it a buncha pages back. only thing is, most people cant control themselves enough in order to not cop and boycott therefore we will continue to be shammed and treated like nikes estranged stepchildren. they wil continue to raise the retail price and pull these types of releases if they feel people will bend over backwards.
i need these i will not miss out anyone in ny and willing to meet for the mercer release hit me up [email protected] my connects are acting selfish as a mofo all i need is my big bangs and theses lets unite lol
Originally Posted by krodriguez802

i just came backfrom the spot on 35th and 8th dudes are only selling to "loyal" customers

i could of told you that 3 days ago! i chuckle when clowns blow up spots.
Half their inventory was held down for those that hold the store down.

all you dudes complaining about price should be ashamed, the stores aren't calling anyone to buy the shoes, we are the ones calling the stores.

blowing up spots and posting phone numbers made it harder for a non regular to cop from get set, now all you get is fax machine!
I'm out in Pittsburgh and needless to say nowhere here is getting them. What would you guys recommend? Me and my boy are thinking about heading to Ohio, Philly or NY (if necessary). Any advice????? Thanks in advance
what about the other 5 get set locations? lol. are they going to get them?
Just came back from Shoe Gallery and there was a guy with a chair outside of the store. I thought he was there for the IV's, but he said he was out there for the Foams.
Originally Posted by weakheat

1 week wait for that guy

Glad you can count your days 
Got a feeling these may be a little less available than the red foams

But not limited like the prices are saying
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