Nike Air Jordan 1 Retro "Storm Blue" - The Aftermath - NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING

Big reps to @Zyzz for his Xmas gifts to the NT fam with those Nike gift card codes
Just to clear things up, people were saying that these will sit long enough and go on sale like the metallic navys. The storm blues are not on sale yet, as they just dropped today.
Just got my order in from LMTD supply for 140 shipped. Satisfied with these but have absolutely nothing to go with them. It was sort of an impulse buy that turned out to be worth it in my opinion, but now begins the struggle to find a shirt to even remotely compliment these
Scooped up my pair while out shopping. Quality is definitely on the level of chicagos. Maybe even better. Very supple.
Just left the mall..they had a size 9 it felt so cheap and stiff..the back neck area is nothing like unc or even black toes. Hope my size 12 I ordered feels better
i thought the toe box white leather on these storm blues are pretty nice. i like how it looks and feels. the leather on the collar is cheap though.
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