link doesn't work anymore. . . 

fishy or nah?

30 pages overnight, and this link was the only post I was remotely interested in..

Anyone have the article?

WWD breaks all kinds of fashion news. I'd trust them as a source
Nike Air Mag > Nike Mag. 

in my opinion at least ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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In that case, it might be true - and if its a reliable resource, why would nike in any way hint to a release?
Perhaps the Burin was the 'Release'?
They didn't hint at all to a release.

All they said was Self Lacing shoes are a part of the future. 

It got lost in translation with everyone's assumptions
Nike probably made them pull it.

In that case, it might be true - and if its a reliable resource, why would nike in any way hint to a release?

Perhaps the Bruin was the 'Release'?

The article detailed exactly what Nike is going to do with a MAG release. Nike may have made them pull it because they want to unveil the news. Didn't have anything to do with the Bruins.
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