I just realized how dumb I am
chilling at work
Waiting for an announcement to cop some shoes
That I think are cool
But I honestly wouldn't wear
and just want for resell purposes

Im in the same boat, except i thought about selling alot of shoes i own just to get a pair. But upon further thought, id much rather keep my shoes and live with the L.
It's not even an L
Like real talk
U ain't gonna miss out if u don't get a pair
Sometimes we be to into material **** :smh:
Though I ain't gonna front
If news pops up about EM and they not over $1,001
I'm a get EM
And then resell :lol:
But man before yesterday
I've come inside this thread MAYBE 5 times since it was created
And now I'm subscribed :smh:
Not to mention
It's crazy how now this is everyone's fav movie/trilogy
When I always liked the first 2
Third one sucked
But never put them on my best list of anything
Folks will hype up whatever is in the news
Without even realizing it.
Not talking about u legit folks
who have absolutely no taste in movies
And actually think these movies are top 5
Just the hypebeast posers :lol:
Started reading this like some rap lyrics.
Started reading this like some rap lyrics.
I KNOW HUH! G.Lopez voice
How much did you pull in?

I dont have the money to invest to put in Ms or anything. But I pulled in 700ish from the 2k I invest.

36% isnt anything to scoff at. Better than putting it in a savings account earning less than half the cost of inflation. Havent pulled out either so I hope its a gift that keeps on giving
if nike does those dumb auctions again, they might be in for a ****storm they did not expect.....
People will be mad but still continue to buy all their hyped up release. The cycle continues, no one is gonna boycott Nike if they decide to auction these off. They'll go on Twitter and cry about it and whatnot then proceed to hand Nike their hard earned money during the next release.
I'll either : A) not be able to add to cart or B) not be able to afford the auction prices

I might have to just buy the costume version aka The Eric Stoltz'.
What they should do is have MJF get on air and say this is the link for the mags 5000 pairs first come first serve.. Then he goes letter by letter number by number what it is
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