I really hope there are cheap self lacing knock offs floating around for close to 6 months before nike sells theirs. Just to see what kind of a debacle it creates 
Man i could care less about reselling and  how much Nike stinks for making us wait or teasing us. 

I JUST WANT TO SEE THE MOVIE IN THEATERS & ENJOY THIS HISTORIC DAY. sorry for caps lock i got a little heated.

end of rant
So just outta curiosity that Jedi dude who told everyone this wasn't happening and then played that joke... Is he still gonna b banned?
I mean I'm pretty sure from what I've seen dude had solid info and got banned for basically shattering ppls hopes n dreams lol
So just outta curiosity that Jedi dude who told everyone this wasn't happening and then played that joke... Is he still gonna b banned?
I mean I'm pretty sure from what I've seen dude had solid info and got banned for basically shattering ppls hopes n dreams lol

he got banned for creating that fake email and providing false info. why would he get unbanned?
breaking news 
Thought the dude provided a bunch of legit info n then ran a test to see if everyone wood take fake info and spread it like wildfire.....
Which they did but wen he kept saying they won't release no one believed him?
Not sure if that's how it was just think I remember seeing it that way....
Once again this is not me arguing any thing just a thought that has been confusing me
He was banned for posting fake info.

I did note that it was strange he called them Air MAGs again after noting it was a mistake the first time. Would be surprised if they added air to them, but time will tell
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