I'd hate it if they did but most of us ain't gonna cop these regardless of how they release. The best way to release a shoe like this or any hyped shoe in general is an unannounced, out the blue, random time, no warning etc. Just like with the Red Octobers, which I happened to get, but that was the fairest way to release them tbh.
how is that in any way fairer than a draw?
Definitely gonna be a raffle. At lest $100 to MJF org to get a raffle tic

No way sjw and the media would kill them. It would be gambling at that point. I expect $35 and a trendy Nike back to the future cancer shirt/hat or something and like 4 variations . Nike going have to give something back To justify the raffle cost. They can sell 100,000 shirts and give back more to charity instead of auctioning off 100 shoes.
No way sjw and the media would kill them. It would be gambling at that point. I expect $35 and a trendy Nike back to the future cancer shirt/hat or something and like 4 variations . Nike going have to give something back To justify the raffle cost. They can sell 100,000 shirts and give back more to charity instead of auctioning off 100 shoes.

If it's run by a non-profit (such as MJFs charity) with all donations reported then it's not gambling. raffle tickets can be high $ and limited to keep donations simple to track/report.
We'll see what they do but I think auction is truly the best option. Let the market set the price from day 1. If you give theses away they'll just get resold.
 yeah but in an auction they only get the winners money.... they want EVERY BODYS money whether you get the shoes or not.
No way sjw and the media would kill them. It would be gambling at that point. I expect $35 and a trendy Nike back to the future cancer shirt/hat or something and like 4 variations . Nike going have to give something back To justify the raffle cost. They can sell 100,000 shirts and give back more to charity instead of auctioning off 100 shoes.

If it's run by a non-profit (such as MJFs charity) with all donations reported then it's not gambling. raffle tickets can be high $ and limited to keep donations simple to track/report.

It works on cars, watches and art that's a different demographic, they understand it's for charity but it isn't going work on something like sneakers. Sneakers will treat this like a lottery . You know how many moms are going to tweet complaints and write angry emails about their kids spending -$100 on a raffle? You know how many chargebacks Nike will have from scumbag sneaker heads that lost? Attaching merch is going to prevent some of that
People need to understand that this is the only way that Nike will be ever to release the sneaker to the public. The major reason why is because they do not own the marketing rights to BACK TO THE FUTURE! They only own the design and tech of the shoe. It is the same reason why the Halloween Mag cannot have Nike branding on it and it looks off because they do not own the rights to the shoe. 

The reason why this works is because NIKE DOES NOT PROFIT FROM THE RELEASE OF THIS SHOE! Since they do not gain any profit from it they can get away from making the shoe without Universal butting in and trying to gain from the profit. 

It is also why they auctioned them off in 2011 because again, they did not profit anything from the shoes. 

Until both sides work a deal (which at this rate is never) we will never see a GR, the closest thing we get is EARL. 
I wonder if it will be like those recent charity donation pages that have been endorsed by celebs where certain levels of donations get different incentives and you get a certain amount of entries, I think Robert Downey Jr just recently did one, and there was one for Kobe before his last game. Wouldn't mind something like a Mag lapel pin, or I was always hoping they would have released those Nike t-shirts that said It's About Time, from the initial 2011 release.
We'll see what they do but I think auction is truly the best option. Let the market set the price from day 1. If you give theses away they'll just get resold.
Nah, I think the donation raffle is the best, for the benefit of the charity. Why limit the proceeds to what one person is willing to pay, when you can take as many "entries" as possible from people who want to enter.

Yeah it sucks that some people will resell them, but I'd rather see the Fox Foundation benefit as much as possible. It's for a cause bigger than a pair of shoes.
Nah, I think the donation raffle is the best, for the benefit of the charity. Why limit the proceeds to what one person is willing to pay, when you can take as many "entries" as possible from people who want to enter.

Yeah it sucks that some people will resell them, but I'd rather see the Fox Foundation benefit as much as possible. It's for a cause bigger than a pair of shoes.
Yeah and if they keep the entry cost low at least if you take the L the money is not wasted. 
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