Nike Air Yeezy Red October 2 Thread Officially Released VIA NDC 2/9. No BUYING/SELLING/TRADING.

Nice pics 
This is how i see it, If you missed out and didnt have a chance at all because you didnt see the tweet you shouldnt be that mad. If you saw the tweet and still missed out then i feel your pain.

for the solars and plats i had the worst luck ever. Nike tweeted the link right after the boston vs heat game and right before the pacquiao fight. I was on it right away and added to cart without a problem. At that time nike had just added the saved in cart thing but you had to have made it to the checkout screen for it to save. Without thinking about it i clicked checkout with paypal and thats when nike crashed and i lost my pair. So i was literally 1 click away from having the solars and plats at retail. i relived that day 50+ times

This I would have to agree with, I'd rather miss out cuz of not seeing the tweet, then actually seeing it, attempting or even getting them in my cart and not able to checkout, that would hurt 200x more. I had a heartache the day the Solars dropped because I got them in my cart, but couldn't check out, until Nike tweeted they were saved in carts...I felt like the man lol
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The guys who have been here since the get, have every single right to be upset. So it's pointless to say that, it just proves how much you don't care about this shoe. And that's fine, but for us that really cared and were going to instantly rock because we don't need the resell money, yes. We're salty. Let us have our high cholesterol.
@thegatorviking  You don't even know me, don't know what I like, what i do or how my collection looks like. You also don't know how much I cared or not about this release or any other one. I don't post often because from work i can't reach Niketalk (blocked due to restrictions - no time). So lets stop there.

I remember most of your posts here and to be absolutely honest its really a shame that someone that wanted this one so bad, was not lucky. I mean this 100%. You can be salty and angry. I was often in the past about other releases. I just disagreed with the level of saltiness (I don't know if that even makes sense). Only that. I cross my fingers for you to get lucky through a trade or through a friend. 
Literally no point arguing about what people do with their pairs. Wear outside, inside, for a game of H-O-R-S-E with Kobe, or for a whole lot of people (and completely understandable) sell, they're theirs to do with what they want.

I just want to complete my set 
I still dont understand why normal releases are at 5am pst. Do it in the afternoon so west coast and east coast both have a fair shot....

I slept through the first tweet on these. If it was 1pm for me i woulda been on it.

For real. I can't even go out late on Fridays because every release 5am. Either I sleep 2hrs or end up not sleeping. To make it worst, Sunday u wake up at 10am which was already late for this shoe. If it's 1pm it would've been a done deal.
I'm honestly just more upset with Nike, and how they chose to release these. They know the cult following they have , and they knew what would happen with a silent release. It was a way to rid them, without hyping up Kanye's name, and it also appeased a lot of people who rarely cop limited shoes because of the difficulty in obtaining them these days.

I just wanted a damn chance. That's it. Not mad at anyone, just wanted to see the guys who were day dreaming about em like myself, come up more. Enjoy em.
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Literally no point arguing about what people do with their pairs. Wear outside, inside, for a game of H-O-R-S-E with Kobe, or for a whole lot of people (and completely understandable) sell, they're theirs to do with what they want.

I just want to complete my set :frown:  


Not sure why people are upset that people that didn't stalk the Yeezy thread got them, it only shows that you're just even more upset you didn't get them.

I'm sure if you got them, you wouldn't care.

Btw, this was the fairest release.
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I'm honestly just more upset with Nike, and how they chose to release these. They know the cult following they have , and they knew what would happen with a silent release. It was a way to rid them, without hyping up Kanye's name, and it also appeased a lot of people who rarely cop limited shoes because of the difficulty in obtaining them these days.

I just wanted a damn chance. That's it. Not mad at anyone, just wanted to see the guys who were day dreaming about em like myself, come up more. Enjoy em.
@thegatorviking  I agree with your post man and as I said, I feel you and a few other guys here. 

Not sure why people are upset that people that didn't stalk the Yeezy thread got them, it only shows that you're just even more upset you didn't get them.

I'm sure if you got them, you wouldn't care.

Btw, this was the fairest release.
@Jada2001Retro  I also think that this was the best way to release them. Random and lucky. No bots no nothing.
Gonna be so many fakes. Details aren't as crazy as the first 2 releases. Pretty easy to produce high quality fakes of these. That reason alone I think value will decrease. Happened with so many shoes.
you guise can put your yeezy's all on my sofa......

come on in, I was just making some tea.......

just make your self comfortable right there........

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