NIKE Barkley Posite max

Easy cop on NDC
Snagged a pair off NDC. Went super quick. I wonder if NDC is pulling the "sold out" to hype them up while all other sites they will sit?
Originally Posted by John2st  

am I the only one that never gets a pair I want through these stupid twitter releases.

I've never had a problem.  If you got a slow computer or internet connection you aren't ever going to get through.
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am I the only one that never gets a pair I want through these stupid twitter releases.
nahh bruh alot of it is luck. ive missed out on **** i really wanted just to come on here and read endless "easy cop 
" and ive got **** that alot of people missed out on

it sucks but it is what it is i guess.
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I thought it was a lost cause but I JUST got through at 8:11. 2 for 2 this morning :pimp:.
I wish all releases were this easy, got my 2 without any stress.
So glad I'm In NJ. No tax and no shipping here. Just $235 flat. Easier to stomach than just under $250.
Dude i'm so used to it, Illinois has been taking their share from me all my life.
am I the only one that never gets a pair I want through these stupid twitter releases.
The thing is, it wasn't a twitter only release, they popped up on the site about 30 sec before twitter.  Made it that much easier to cop.
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had no clue I thought Nike and eastbay did all their releases like this exclusively through twitter link. usually get my kicks through a connect rarely mess with the online ordering
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had no clue I thought Nike and eastbay did all their releases like this exclusively through twitter link. usually get my kicks through a connect rarely mess with the online ordering
It is a good idea in general to just type a search for the product number anyway and refresh up until the time it releases on twitter. Gives you something to do for a second while you wait and stress.
had no clue I thought Nike and eastbay did all their releases like this exclusively through twitter link. usually get my kicks through a connect rarely mess with the online ordering

Nike store would notify if a release is TLO or not, if it says so and so is releasing on 6/1 and does not state TLO, just search for the item on the site.
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