Nike Foamposites with Dyed Soles

^^^ that looks dope, especially on that pair.

i still need to order my sea glow, though. does anyone have any idea what a good amount to purchase is for 2 pairs of shoes (size 9)?
I tried to dye my electric blues and failed horribly. Thankfully only did one but the dye ran down through the tape I used and got on the foam. Dye didn't stay either. Any suggestions?
Pines are done... am not totally sure why but they finished with a bit of a reddish/purplish hue. I even did 3 coats. From what I read, Black Rit Dye uses purple as its base...Might have something to do with it.

In any case, they look fine from the sides...I may do it again later on after a few wears. I may also do my cough drops, I'm not sure yet.


Hey everyone ive been looking for help all over the place, Im trying to dye some jordan 6 oreos green but the solution doesnt stick? Any ideas? Also does anyone know of a way to make translucent soles glow in the dark? thanks.
Can you use retrobrite instead of seaglow? Eggplants & Royals look sick w/ colored soles.
^ you can't dye soles to make them icey again. You're gonna have to either Sea Glow or Retrobrite them. Check the JB forum's sneaker care thread for more info.
You can make your soles Icey again: RIT Royal Blue Powder dye X SeaGlow X Water. Apply then let dry in the Sun. You will see significant results immediately. But Clean your soles first with a good scrub. I Always use Oxi Clean and Water.
does this work with already yellowed soles? I wonder how a homemade light blue tint would last or a white dye
Just wanted to show you guys my dyed foamposite soles that I did today on my Royal Blues. All I did was mix a whole package of RIT powder dye, with a little bit of water, and did a little of sea glow to make sure the color stuck to the soles. turned out pretty good.
First Coat

End Result

Turned out pretty good for my first time.
can you do a tutorial on how to get them rubbery looking like that? I want to try it on the soles and netting of the black grape 5s
Ok, I've noticed after wearing them for one day, that some of the excess dye was coming off. I was walking on my friends floor in his house, it was hardwood, and there were black spots coming from my shoes. Yikes! So, I immediately took them off, and today i washed the remaining dye off and the soles look good now, especially since they are not leaving spots, lol. So here is my complete guide to dying foamposite soles:

this didnt work on my foams it cames out a black liquid i did all you steps can you help me.


1. Paintbrush (medium tip, no large tip brush. Small tip works if you want to put a lot of detail)

2. Two Old Towels (One Towel to lay the shoes on while dying them, another to do the cleaning process at the end)

3. Latex Gloves (not necessarily needed, but recommended. You may get dye on your hands, but it comes off nicely with soap)

4. Mixing Cup (I would use an old glass cup, plastic cups work fine)

5. A Plastic Spoon (Or other utensil to mix the solution. DONT RUIN YOUR NICE KITCHENWARE!)

6. 2 Plastic Bags (I know you guys have some walmart plastic bags lying around)

7. Sea Glow (You can purchase this on eBay. I bought 4 oz. for $22. You will only be using 1-2 teaspoons of it.)

8. RIT Powder Dye (Purchase online or at your local Walmart for $2.50. I never tried any other powder dyes, I may try to on another pair to see how it turns out).

9. Water (to mix with the powder dye and sea glow for your dying solution)

10. Soap + Water (This is for the cleaning process at the end, which I will explain.)

11. A Tire Brush (This is for the cleaning process. You can find one at walmart. It is generally used to clean the tires on a vehicle: )

Steps: (Two Processes)

Dying Process

1. Find a nice place to begin this. Outside on an old table, or on another flat surface. It is best to do it outside, because it is likely that you will make a mess.

2. First lay down your two plastic bags, and place one of your old towels on top. The plastic bags are just protection, in case the dye gets on the towel. Sometimes the dye can go through the towel, but the plastic bags will catch that.

3. Take your mixing cup and add a little more than a 1/4 cup of water. I don't think the temperature of the water makes a difference.

4. Take your RIT Powder dye, and dump the entire bag into the cup.

5. Mix the Powder Dye and water

6. Add 1-2 teaspoons of the seaglow into the mixture

7. Once again, mix the entire solution. I tend to want the mixture to be more thick then it is liquid. I recommend buying more than one pack of the RIT dye in case you add too much water, etc.

8. Take your paintbrush and start painting the sole. PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME! Do not rush on it! Avoid dying any other areas other than the rubber sole. On my shoe I did not paint the tread/track of the shoe. I've seen it done before, but I preferred not to.

9. Please allow at least 1 Hour for the soles to dry!!!

10. Once they have dried for a while, repeat steps (8 and 9)

Cleaning Process

1. Do this outside in the grass or somewhere else. This part gets a little messy.

2. Allow your shoes to dry completely for one day. Keep them on your old towel.

3. Now, you will need to make a soap and water mixture in an old bucket.

4. Takes your shoes and scrub them with the tire brush that you dipped in your soap bucket. You will only be scrubbing your soles to take off the excess dye that was on your soles. Doing 2 coats of the dye on your soles are crucial. It will ensure that, when you scrub off the excess dye, your soles will still be the intended color that you dyed them.

5. Rinse carefully with water. You may get some dye on the upper part of your shoes but it comes right off.

6. As soon as you do the first shoe, take your other old towel and wipe the soles and the entire shoe, getting rid of the excess dye.

7. Now do the same exact thing on your other shoe.


Thanks for reading my detailed guide.
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