Nike Freak 5

Feel like the cut 2 is just a superior set up overall for a now discounted similar price
My Son got a pair

They look good imo
They may be decent performers (I wouldn't know), but from a try-on standpoint they're completely unremarkable. I would probably put them on par with the 2.
I keep hearing good things about this shoe..

Anyone on here ball in them?

I’ve been hoopin’ in the Made in Sephoria ones or whatever they’re called and I do really like them once they’re broken in. Academy Sports+ had had a bunch for only $80 this past week plus an additional 10% off if you signed up for their mailing list. So I decided to try to end gang violence with these two.

Saw these in my local DSG this weekend for $56 (BF sale) and was tempted, but after trying them on it was an easy pass.

Couldn't really feel the Zoom and I want to say I kinda noticed some heel slippage just walking around in them. Asked my son if he was interested in a pair and he said dad these look gross lol
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