Some guy on eBay is selling the OG Innevas In a size 11, the bid right now is at 255. You size 11 heads better move!
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Handmade in Italy...
This is false, none of the footwear is made in Italy. The clothing from Nike's White Label range is made in Italy and that is what has confused people who reported as such, which in turn lead people to believe it. If you own a pair of these you will know that they are indeed made in China.
anyone else have trouble getting these on?  after I get em on they fit fine theyre just a bit hard to get on.
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And here is my proof
Lets keep it that way. We don't need roshe hype attached with these beauties

And here is my proof

I thought it was weird that he said it was 225 shipped. The shipping was 14 and some change and my highest bid was 210 so it had to be higher than what I put. Great buy bro. If it wasn't you, it sure as hell was gonna be me.
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Any idea why I can't quote post #435 from overtokyo78?

Anyway, check the post! interesting info and very nice to see new people contribute to this thread. We don't need it to be like the roshe thread but a bit more activity and new info on releases doesn't hurt.
I thought it was weird that he said it was 225 shipped. The shipping was 14 and some change and my highest bid was 210 so it had to be higher than what I put. Great buy bro. If it wasn't you, it sure as hell was gonna be me.
The crazy thing was that on monday i was going to pay resell and then i saw the auction. That's the beauty of ebay
This isnt going to turn like the roshe thread, these are big boys shoes hahhaja they are kids over there
What I saw today
Retail with tax is $200 USD
I don't think they fit that well. There isn't enough space in the front for the foot to fully fit.
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