I can tell from the try on alone. Only played in GT Cut 2, GT Cut 3 and the last Precision model.
The Academy is Precision level shoe. And less flexible and comfortable. I would even say the aesthetics are inferior. Only thing it has going for it is a small, oddly shaped and placed rectangular zoom unit that does virtually nothing except be able to put zoom on the shoebox as a technology in the shoe.
I’m moving to serious players only exclusively.
No wonder Kobe himself wanted to ditch Nike back in 2019 heading into 2020.
The game one and player one plus have very good interchangeable drop in midsoles, for different players games, allowing customization and continuing the concept that Nike presented back when they used to give a **** about their performance quality. They are a reverse engineered Kobe that play virtually very similar. And the rubber compound is more durable than what Nike has been putting out for the past five years. The game one is durable enough to also be an outdoor shoe.
I’m over all the big name brands that are riding on former reputation while they continue to increase price point yet the quality continues to dip. Sad part is none of these brands during this downtime and regression from Nike, put in requisite effort to catch up to them and make the market more competitive for the swoosh to actually have to try and work at it again and be innovative.
And I’m damn sure not going to support super ugly and hideously over designed, and overpriced especially with import fees communist Chinese brands like Li Ning and Anta.