Nike Greater Than Series (Cut/Run/Jump)

Heel cushion somewhat similar to the Air Max 2021

wild that we are just seeing more pics of the jump two's while never seeing a GT Run 2 and about to get the GT Cut 3
liking the lower cut. but that slab of react looks a bit off. shoe goes for funcrionality anyway

for jump owners how are the bags holding up?
Took forever for me to get these posted, sorry. Not super easy to tell in pics, but you get the gist. More or less solved my blistering problems.

Another point - the transparent rubber at the forefoot of both shoes absolutely MELTS. Nike's transparent rubber/patterns are so inconsistent, and I really wish they'd just still with solid.

GT Cut 2 1.jpg
GT Cut 2 2.jpg
Does anyone have a pair of GT Cuts size 8 that is looking to sell for not too much? VNDS would be fine. My daughter’s Sabrina pair needs to be replaced.

She has decided that she isn’t going to play in college so this is her last AAU and HS season coming up 😭 and she doesn’t like any other pairs.
thisismyvibe thisismyvibe was this pinky toe blistering? If so I’d love a more detailed description of what you did. My youngest daughters pair is destroying her right pinky toe. Oddly enough the other foot is fine and my oldest daughter has no issues at all with her pair.
thisismyvibe thisismyvibe was this pinky toe blistering? If so I’d love a more detailed description of what you did. My youngest daughters pair is destroying her right pinky toe. Oddly enough the other foot is fine and my oldest daughter has no issues at all with her pair.
Yeah, my pinky toes were getting shredded.

I just trimmed the lateral sidewall down with scissors – I tried to make it a smooth/curved cut instead of a jagged/angled mess, so that the foam wouldn't buckle when I flex my foot or push off. I still used a bit of tape around my pinkies for a few weeks to protect the sensitive skin, but now I can wear them as normal.
I think I wrote it in my original post, but the whole experience was odd for me because I have a super narrow foot. I think I've only ever had blistering on my pinky toes twice: these and the famously banana-shaped KD 4s :rofl: Good luck to your daughter!
so fire, damn.


This shoe looks different to me than first release. Unless it only fits low top of foot types.the tongue and even the eyelet shape look different?

so fire, damn.


This shoe looks different to me than first release. Unless it only fits low top of foot types.the tongue and even the eyelet shape look different?


I guess just big sz issue, big sz like PE (sz14+) has more eyelets, and the whole ratio of the shoe is larger than regular sz ( sz10 etc)
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