Nike Kyrie 8

You clearly don't know what the word subgroup means, or just making up an argument to respond to as usual

But you have been chief goofball over the past couple weeks though

That’s cute. I’m not sure the site’s terms and conditions allow me to call you what you’re on here acting like rushing from thread to thread celebrating Kyrie and Kanye’s downfall

That’s cute. I’m not sure the terms and conditions allow me to call you what you’re on here acting like rushing from thread to thread celebrating Kyrie and Kanye’s downfall

:lol: Negro please, spare me

Are you on the same side of the argument as white nationalist. You are swimming in an ocean of Lando O'Lakes and AP flour

You are too lost in the Ye sauce to realize how stupid you have been looking
Except they both waited until after dude apologized and made donations :rofl:

Would be one thing if they did it Monday or Tuesday but they literally do it right after he apologizes (which was probably prompted by a convo with Nets/Nike :lol:)

This was about getting that ***** to be humble and stay in line/punishment for dragging his feet to apologize.

Will be a hell of a day when black people realize how powerful we are. Ain’t nobody watching a league with no ******.

Just to set the record straight: Kyrie didn't apologize until AFTER the Nets suspended him, despite being given multiple opportunities to do so. Indeed, it was worse than that - he explicitly refused to apologize.

In light of that fact, if one really wants to examine any potential correlation between one's actions and the timeline of events in this situation, then I'd argue that the only relevant discussion would be regarding the timing of Kyrie's apology...

All of that said, my guess is that this decision was almost certainly made internally at Nike before Kyrie's forced apology last night (with a corporation as large as Nike, there are a lot of t's that need to be crossed and i's that need to be dotted before a decision like this is formally announced). Given the circumstances surrounding Kyrie's apology, it likely wasn't enough to put the brakes on their decision to suspend his deal (just as it wasn't enough to change the Nets' position just yet either). That said, the Nets and Nike are in slightly different positions, and so the risk-reward calculation / cost-benefit analysis re: how to proceed with Kyrie is going to look different for each of them.

As an aside, it's profoundly bizarre to try to turn this situation into some sort of victimization of black people as a whole. Like, your general sentiment about how people in positions of power tend to take black people for granted is certainly worthwhile (and in my personal opinion, laudable) - **IF** taken completely out of this specific context. But to bring it up in this specific context? Downright baffling.
He apologized

What more do you want?

Yet again, you seem to be really, really confused.

We're not here discussing what any individual NBA fan or Nike consumer wants, or what hypothetical "demands" they have; we're discussing actions taken by two large consumer-facing businesses. As I discussed previously, while I'm sure the moral qualms of individuals AT those companies factored into their thinking to some degree, I have absolutely zero doubt that these decisions were made first and foremost in the best interest of each respective business.

As for what, if anything, it will take for each respective business to resume their previous relationship with Kyrie? As I said, I think the cost benefit analysis will differ for each company. I'd go into additional detail, but it's clear that you either don't want to have (or are simply incapable of having) a substantive / even remotely intelligent conversation on this matter.
What does that have to do with anything?

Nice double standard tho. If you wrote *insert any other race* man then it would be flagged.
Hey im just pointing out the irony. Are you a fan of lebron james? Were you this mad when they told him to "shut up and dribble"?
I was cut off by my childhood best friend for eating chick fil a. Y’all are weird af and care too much about what the next person is doing. worry about yourself
Says the guy telling others why “doing themselves” is essentially wrong because the opinion doesn’t match what you believe? LMAO
Aite Kyrie apologized. Going a little overboard now.

I just wanted the shoes. Can Nike just give them to Ja? Also does suspend mean it’s not permanent?
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Except they both waited until after dude apologized and made donations :rofl:

Would be one thing if they did it Monday or Tuesday but they literally do it right after he apologizes (which was probably prompted by a convo with Nets/Nike :lol:)

This was about getting that ***** to be humble and stay in line/punishment for dragging his feet to apologize.

Will be a hell of a day when black people realize how powerful we are. Ain’t nobody watching a league with no ******.

Do you know who Myers Leonard is?

and that apology came after two media sessions that dug the hole deeper.

and have you ever thought that apology was because of the suspension and because of Nike? He wasn't taking calls from the owner of the Nets or NBA office, he was having his step mom and dad deal with everything showing what a mature 30 year old man he was.
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