Nike Lebron 17

not sarcastic = just visit getty images for more photos.

sarcastic = rinse and repeat for any player, hand a man a fish and he'll eat for the day, teach a man to fish and watch him complain you didn't give him a free fish .

it's okay brothers if you can't help it being an A.HOLE (or looking down on people) online, i understand LOL.
not sarcastic = just visit getty images for more photos.

sarcastic = rinse and repeat for any player, hand a man a fish and he'll eat for the day, teach a man to fish and watch him complain you didn't give him a free fish .

it's okay brothers if you can't help it being an A.HOLE (or looking down on people) online, i understand LOL.

The first dude was actually just helping you out. It was good advice; I didn't know you could do that either.

Everybody else though, well they're just making fun of you cause you got a lil sensitive.
not sarcastic = just visit getty images for more photos.

sarcastic = rinse and repeat for any player, hand a man a fish and he'll eat for the day, teach a man to fish and watch him complain you didn't give him a free fish .

it's okay brothers if you can't help it being an A.HOLE (or looking down on people) online, i understand LOL.

word of advice, tough skin isn't necessary here but it helps bcuz when you make a sarcastic comment to someone trying to help you then yeah you're gonna catch a couple more slick comments |l and i disagree that his rinse and repeat was sarcastic as it was informative imho

The first dude was actually just helping you out. It was good advice; I didn't know you could do that either.

Everybody else though, well they're just making fun of you cause you got a lil sensitive.

not sarcastic = just visit getty images for more photos.

sarcastic = rinse and repeat for any player, hand a man a fish and he'll eat for the day, teach a man to fish and watch him complain you didn't give him a free fish .

it's okay brothers if you can't help it being an A.HOLE (or looking down on people) online, i understand LOL.
Nothing sarcastic there at all. Dudes can't even spread wisdom here. I bet you're under 20.
Glad you guys can make use of Getty's images. I was genuinely just sharing a resource I find invaluable as a sneakerhead.

Some of you doubted my lace swap, some of you forgot that I'm not just the "lace king" I'm Redrum the "Matchy Matchy King" as well. Reflective/Shiny denim fit FWM :evil:

Thinking about lace swapping the ashes, what length are the 17 laces?
Glad you guys can make use of Getty's images. I was genuinely just sharing a resource I find invaluable as a sneakerhead.

Thinking about lace swapping the ashes, what length are the 17 laces?

those things are crazy long, like lebron X long, somewhere btwn 63 and 72 and if i had to guess i'd say prob 72, i put 54 in and they barely make it up to the final holes, i dont think 63 would give you the ability to tie properly so they have to be 72s
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