Nike shoes with no mechanisms

Aug 1, 2021
Hiya, I'm looking for new shoes. In the past I've had Air Force 1s and I like those a lot, but they make a lot of noise when I walk. So, now I'm looking for quieter shoes.

I was recommended to find shoes with no mechanisms on the inside to minimize noise, and I ended up at Nike Blazers. What other Nike "Icons" have no mechanisms on the inside?
Lol, appropriate response ig.

So, originally I asked Nike support which shoes in their line-up were quiet. Eventually I got the response "Thank you for waiting, I found some shoes that have a simple clean look but also has no mechanism on the inside to minimise the noise.", and then they linked me a few Blazers.

But Nike has a lot of shoes besides Blazers, so I was wondering which other shoes have "no mechanisms" in the hopes that I could broaden my options a bit more. Never heard of mechanisms in shoes myself tho, so I was hoping people more knowledgable about Nike would know about it?
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