Nike x stranger things

oh seems like i hit on the cortez the hoodie and the tailwinds. Which ones i keep or return depends on if i can score on the OG pack. If not ill keep everything.
Blazers and Tailwinds here.

I think I’m gonna pass on the clothing. Was considering the hat.
Grab the hoodie, blazers, and a tee.

Huge fan of the show. Also, the green shirt matches a couple of pairs of kicks I got.
I dont know htf damn near everyone scored on the blazers while I took an L (again) smh

So I settle for Cortez and TW. Need blazers to complete trifecta
Was able to cop the tailwinds and Cortez
I only went for those and got them, seems the blazers were the hardest to get but i cant really pull off full blazers (usually mids or lows) and they were white.
im DEF going for those blue ones though.
i really think Paypal is the way to go. anyone think the same?
I think youre right, everytime I eat on SNKRS I use paypal bc of the quickness, past few times Ive been using CC because its easier to return in stores if I change my mind but I seem to be getting kicked out of line, no notification of it being sold out or anything.
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